
Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Actively inviting the Argies to invade the Falklands

Five senior military figures have written to the Times asking the Prime Minister to reverse the decision to scrap Britain's Harrier jets. One of the signatories, Lord West of Spithead, outlines his arguments for keeping the jets.

What a deliciously manly voice the Sea Lord has.  It is comforting indeed to know that there are such men as Lord West left in this country while I choose the best possible men to run the military dictatorship I have in mind.  That Colonel Richard Williams sounds like he's made of the right stuff too.

If only men like him were in charge of the ship of state, instead of the mewling contemptible cowards who toe the party line. 

It is something in their voice that indicates masculine virtue.  Abdal Hakim Murad also has a voice that is both manly and mellifluous.

I'll bet the Argies are preparing to take back the Malvinas now. Prepare therefore for national humiliation, coming to your country soon. 

I wonder if others share the ability to predict the political views of a man just by the spinelessness of his accent and timbre.  Perhaps that is why I so hate Cameron's voice.  He has the voice of an overly earnest conman. 

Together they can more than deal with flibby flabby LibDem scum like Nick Harvey MP.  No LibDem should be left in charge of this country's defences if we know what's good for us, which we don't of course.

Still don't quite get why Harriers are so essential though.  Would be grateful for an explanation if anyone knows.  


Adolfo said...

Just hand back the Falklands (we call them 'Islas Malvinas' in Latin America) to their legitimate owners (the Argies) and don't tell the World about your sorry ass condition.

Anonymous said...

Harriers can take off from through deck carriers and land in a jungle clearing when the pilot gets lost because his Sat Nav was made in China and is useless just like our armoured vehicles, our military radios and our leaders.

Claire Khaw said...

Ah yes, its manoeuverability. I thought so. That wasn't made ringingly clear in the reports I read though. Thank you, "Anonymous".

Claire Khaw said...

Hmmm. Lord West sounds just a bit dodgy though, according to this Wikipedia entry.,_Baron_West_of_Spithead

I did not know that he was a Labour peer when I posted the comment and it sounds like he has been got at by Gordon Brown.

Still, great voice.

Failures of communication and comprehension

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