
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Totalitarian thoughtcrime legislation from Michael Gove

Why don't they just ban the BNP and be done with it? Because they dare not. This is of course a species of totalitarian  THOUGHTCRIME legislation. The liberals are too scared to kill you outright and instead prefer to poison you slowly, like the cowards they are.

If the BNP are so evil and nasty they should be banned altogether, shouldn't they?

What are these despicable liberals so afraid of?

They are afraid that someone might question their right to discriminate against someone on grounds of their political beliefs, which is of course not what liberalism was about in its pre-dementia days, was it? 

So they prefer to pick off people one by one rather than kill the whole party in one fell swoop, because that might raise a few eyebrows in the international community who may have been under the impression that we live in a free society and are a model of freedom and democracy.  

Now, if only one brave BNP teacher would just out himself and dare his school to sack him.

When they do he could then sue them for unfair dismissal. 

That would be the way to play it.

Solidarity Trade Union

Posted By: Patrick Antony Harrington
To: Members in Solidarity Trade Union


The announcement by gaffe-prone Education Minister Michael Gove that 'extremist' teachers were to be banned from teaching was condemned by the nationalist Trade Union Solidarity.

General Secretary Patrick Harrington said "It is not clear who would fall foul of such legislation since although the BNP was mentioned by name Gove talks of those of an 'extremist tenor' (perhaps Socialist, Anarchist and Islamic?)

The last Government at least had the good sense to commission an independent inquiry into racism in schools. It decided that any ban would be unnecesary since there were so few incidents. The head of that enquiry, to whom Solidarity submitted evidence, even stated that any ban would be a political rather than professional act.

The fact that the Police and Prison Service apply a ban is a red-herring as it has yet to be tested in Court. Ultimately we believe that European legislation will overturn such bans."

He added "Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union, however let the cat out of the bag by stating 'the issue is one of making sure that a clear message goes out that membership of the BNP and other extremist groups is incompatible with being a teacher.' This makes it clear that the aim is bullying and political and not about individual conduct."

Michael Gove really needs to do his homework since the whole issue of banning citizens from teaching due to their political allegiances has already been thoroughly debated and no neutral professional or academic body would back such a ban. If Gove however intends to go down a PC route he will find himself frustrated at each turn as Solidarity, as a Libertarian Union, would fight tooth and nail against any political ban."

Earlier this year Solidarity successfully defended a teacher Adam Walker at the General Teaching Council from accusations of intolerance and a possible life-ban from teaching. Solidarity is the only Union actively defending freedom of expression, belief and association for teachers.

Here are some things you can do to oppose the ban:-

Contribute to Internet discussions opposing the ban
Post this bulletin on to five friends
Text your friends with a message 'I support freedom and oppose a ban on BNP teachers'
Put the above message as your Facebook status
Twitter and post links to articles opposing this attack on Freedom
Write to your local newspaper opposing the ban
Join the Nationalist Trade Union Solidarity

Solidarity Trade Union

Join for just £5 a month by clicking on this link:-
If you prefer to pay by Standing Order you can request a form from:- Solidarity, P O Box 93, Spennymoor, DL16 9AN, United Kingdom.


Anonymous said...

If they ban all extremists there will hardly any left. Most are outright Marxist idiots who shouldn't be allowed near our children.

Claire Khaw said...

I suppose it is whom they call "extremists" that is the point.

Extreme error requires extreme correction.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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