
Thursday, 30 December 2010

'Claire Khaw is dead, long live Claire Khaw'

'Claire Khaw is dead, long live Claire Khaw'

they say of me on The Today Programme Facebook page from which I have been blocked ....!/thetodayprogramme/posts/139702862753499
Today's (28 December 2010) programme is guest edited by the actor Colin Firth - 0720, Actor Rupert Everett on gay men playing straight roles, and vice versa; 0810, Just how effective is UK development aid? 0821, John Humphrys and Dame Edna Everage look back at this year's big news stories; 0827, Is it possible to predict an individual's politics from the structure of their brains? 
Tuesday at 07:21

Bill Sykes Hah. I wonder what Claire Khaw's brain looks like!

Look, how far do I have to scroll back to find one single comment by her or has she been completely "disappeared" by the BBC Censor? 
Tuesday at 08:38

Lucas Jervasi I see the BBC's pravda-like censors are banning people for their non-leftist opinions.  Tuesday at 09:41

Christine-Marie Esteve Claire Khaw claims she has been removed from the FB friends for this page. I do not know why. I believe in free speech however it is entirely possible to leave a critical comment on the news of the day without insulting the subject of that comment. Perhaps she went too far once too often?  Tuesday at 09:44

Mike Stoten please tell us why Claire has been disappeared. Come clean!!!  Tuesday at 09:53

Daryl Stafford
Claire Khaw - I liked her and her comment - BUT - there was so much of it and it was sometimes so vitriolic that on a public website I'm surprised that they allowed it to be aired for so long. You used to look at some of the debates and th...ere was about half a page of her comments, virtually all ignored, and I used to think that in a way the volume of it actually stifled the discussion. Virtually every other public website I comment on is moderated maybe this one is going the same way. Maybe it's right that it should? What is the line you have to cross before public comment becomes too inflammatory to be acceptable?
Tuesday at 10:01    

John Kemp It would be a great waste if comment on this page were to degenerate into a predictable left/liberal schmooze. Airbrushing out Claire's Thoughts For the Day is a poor decision.  Tuesday at 10:16   

Anna Carlile I agree, Daryl. Plus our free speech laws do not extend to the incitement of hatred, and (if I understand it right) as a public entity the BBC has a duty under the Equality Act to promote equality on the basis of sex, ethnicity, disability, sexuality and age. I for one avoided reading the comments as her vitriol felt polemical rather than reasoned.  Tuesday at 10:21 ·

Mariabella Hollens Regarding Claire, I think the moderator should give an explanation as to exactly why she has been removed, and was she given a warning to moderate the amount she dominated the feeds sometimes? Other BBC FB pages give warnings in the feed and allow a second chance.  Tuesday at 10:33

Christine-Marie Esteve Well Ms Khaw tends to bash single parents - particularly unmarried mothers and blames them for all the ills in her world. However with the story of the virgin birth uppermost in the last few days, perhaps God was making a stand on behalf of unmarried mothers, of which for a time Mary was one?  Tuesday at 11:29

Lucas Jervasi
The virgin Mary was not actually unmarried. As far as I know she was already married to Joseph when she 'conceived'. The point is that mass single motherhood is extremely detrimental to society and the incubator of almost all our social ill...s. This is not a statement of opinion but of fact. It has been confirmed by mountains of social studies and is about as established as the orbit of the earth around the sun. To protect this group from criticism is not just an indefensible abridgement of free speech, it is to prevent the discussion of one of the most important issues that face our country.
Tuesday at 12:10

Bill Major Two contributors have said that they flagged up the controversialist Claire. Another victory for free speech?Yesterday at 11:51

Christine-Marie Esteve Actually Bill I think nearly everybody over the last few days has asked for the producers to respond - so far nothing.Yesterday at 12:43  

Caron Kendall  Ok so commentators like Claire and Lucus (and Daryl to a lesser extent) sit their wagging their fingers at single parents - a phenominum which is directly related to by inequality. They never have any humaine solutions to these problems...!  

In answer to your comment Bill - yes I flagged Claire - because I found her comments about my children, my lifestyle and my ethnic heritage personally offensive, I did it once months ago and I don't think that is why she has been banned. But I am not sorry that she has been - but I am not enjoying this villification! 4 hours ago

Bill Sykes

Who else agrees with me that we should be having a look at Claire Khaw's brain, as she is so sad, mad, bad and dangerous that she cannot be allowed to comment on these pages for fear of corrupting the minds of the impressionable members of the Liberal Left? 

I am sure we can persuade her to agree for a fee and a bit of publicity. I would be delighted to broker the deal. 

52 minutes ago  

Isobel Matheson Judging by some of the comments here, all I can say is 'Claire Khaw is dead, long live Claire Khaw'. Maybe it was OK for her to make comments that others agreed with but did not have the guts to say for themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Claire Khaw for PM I say. Enough of this bland poofter twaddle.

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