
Sunday, 6 February 2011

I seem to have upset Alain de Botton

Swiss cheese-eating surrender monkey?

He has blocked me from following his tweets or even from retweeting them.

What a silly cowardly ugly little man, and he is meant to be a philosopher too, all because I tweeted him this morning about 40 responses to his tweets going back over a year.  That spooked him, I guess. 

Claire Khaw
@ Emotional experience can be transferred across the generations more easily if families stayed whole.

Claire Khaw
@ Thoughts are ideas that congeal coherently after settling in one's mind.

Claire Khaw
@ So many writers in Britain are alcoholics because so many people in this country are alcoholics.
Claire Khaw
@ "Power is sex for the old"? Power *acquires* sex for the old.

Claire Khaw
@ Unlike you, I do not dislike NE1 enough NOT to argue with them. That is why I am the better but unacknowledged philosopher.

Claire Khaw
@ Montaigne: "The greater part of the world's troubles are due to questions of grammar."

Claire Khaw
@ The goal of education should be to prevent the current generation from making the mistakes of the past. A hopeless task.

Claire Khaw
@ The youth of today is more disordered, ignorant and delinquent than previous generations: a sure sign of national decline.

Claire Khaw
@ The goal of parenting in 21st century Britain: to see to it that your daughter does not get knocked up by some scuzzy loser.

Claire Khaw
@ Militant atheists would have been religious fanatics in another age.

Claire Khaw
@ Most tragedies are caused by a lack of contentment and hatred of our own company.

Claire Khaw
@ On the question of critical reviews, abuse is preferable to indifference or lack of publicity.

Claire Khaw
@ It is possible to be a writer just because one feels one has a message to proclaim or a story to tell.

Claire Khaw
@ God, if He exists would operate through our conscience.

Claire Khaw
@ If we are to be a friend to ourselves, let us have a fully functioning conscience.

Claire Khaw
@ I sleep very well and hardly ever dream. Perhaps that is a sign of contentment, which is a more philosophical emotion.

Claire Khaw
@ The difference between hope and despair is a matter of interpretation.

Claire Khaw
@ The impregnation of a woman has life-changing implications for the participants, for better or for worse.

Claire Khaw
@ Our children are either a credit to us, or they are not, with all that that implies. Liberal parents are the worst parents.

Claire Khaw
@ Your book will only be a success if it is CONTROVERSIAL, Alain, and deeply rabidly POLITICAL. Dare you?

Claire Khaw
@ Rejection either kills you or makes you stronger.

Claire Khaw
@ Hell on earth would be if everyone who was ever born lives on forever.

Claire Khaw
@ Contentment is a more difficult emotion and concept than happiness.

Claire Khaw
@ Is one a loser or simply someone who has not yet succeeded? Is one a success or someone who has not yet failed?

Claire Khaw
@ Self-pity is the eighth deadly sin.

Claire Khaw
@ The quality of thoughts one has at our desk is quite different to the kind of thoughts we have when we are away from it.

Claire Khaw
@ A job is only meaningful if it is the kind of job that we would do for nothing if our finances permitted it.

Claire Khaw
@ Perhaps contentment is having no particular desire to go on holiday for long periods of time.

Claire Khaw
@ One should be rejected in love at least once in life so one can more kindly turn others down.

Claire Khaw
@ Very disappointing to put my name on Twitter Search and find nothing at all.

Claire Khaw
@ You should write about philosophy and politics and make it properly controversial this time. No more soothing blandness.

Claire Khaw
@ I need to be more actively disliked to get a readership of 50,000, but I believe I am well on my way.

Claire Khaw
@ While one can never get it right about parenting, one should TRY to get it right.

Claire Khaw
@ The desire to impress one's own wife is simply relationship management hand in hand with self-improvement.

Claire Khaw
@ I must intensify my self-hatred to attain a grander scale of success.

Claire Khaw
@ The most civilised way to keep a marriage whole is to have separate bedrooms and a good night's sleep.

Claire Khaw
@ Things are OK because one worried.

Claire Khaw
@ Do you envy the parents of well-behaved children, Alain, because yours is not? Sour grapes, then, rather than true wisdom.

Claire Khaw
@ A child's personality is formed by the it reaches 7. Still some time left to let Samuel know who's boss.

Claire Khaw
@ A silence with a beautiful person gives you the opportunity of looking into her eyes ...

Claire Khaw
@ For a long time, I've been so lonely.

Claire Khaw
@ That is why EVERYTHING is politics and politics ought to be wiser.

Claire Khaw
@ Your A, B and C list concerns about party hierarchy are amusingly petit bourgeois, and charming coming from a philosopher.

Claire Khaw
@ We are different people pre-parenthood and post-parenthood.

Claire Khaw
@ This atheist intends to create a new state religion of Anglican Islam based on the concept of Agnostic Indifference.

Claire Khaw
@ To be a liberal these days is to make a point of remaining in denial about the facts of life.

Claire Khaw
@ The licence fee is a tax on the propaganda the licence fee payer is compelled to pay for.

Claire Khaw
@ Good of you to say something controversial at last, Alain.
I thought they were pretty philosophical and lucid too, though some were perhaps a little challenging.  He must be terminally insecure or neurotically frightened.  He suffers from insomnia too, poor lamb, and from his tweets I rather suspect is in love with someone not his wife, and may be having trouble disciplining his son.

He is also pathetically obsessed by status:

The boundless terror of the B lister trapped by a C lister at an A list party.
18 Dec

Well, I can only forgive him and wish him greater wisdom to deal with the travails of his love life, family life as he is in the process of writing yet another tome that will beat around the bush and not address the issues courageously.  He is actually starting to say bolder things now that hint at questioning the established order.  

Actually, I was going to offer to liven things up at the School of Philosophy by offering to speak to them one evening or even suggest that both of us participate in a Philosophical X  Factor type show in a Big Brother House of Philosophers ...

I suppose one can't help being a little timorous if one is so small, ugly, terminally insecure and unwilling to engage in what any self-respecting philosopher would relish - a debate.

I own a number of his books and even bought one for a friend one Xmas.  It is all very very sad and disappointing.  He used to be my hero and it is bitter to discover that his feet have been made from the clay of dried cowpats.

What is the problem with these shit frit School of Life Philosophers like Alain de Botton and Mark Vernon?

Don't they know we live in a free society?  Or is it because they already know we don't and they cannot afford to upset the liberal authorities if they want to earn a living? Fuck them to hell and back then.

The School of Life is for Libtards then, I have concluded.  Have a look at
to see if you agree. 

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