
Saturday, 19 February 2011

Instead of Burying the Dead we can Recycle the Dead

The UK's death rate is projected to rise over the next 20 years as the baby boomers begin to leave us. With around 30% of people choosing to be buried it has led to concerns about where they are going to go. Burial space in London has been at critical point for some time; cemeteries in Hackney and Tower Hamlets are full to capacity. It is also a problem in most cities, towns and villages across the country. Our reporter Tom Bateman's been to a part of south-east London where it getting harder to find a burial space.

Solution: SOYLENT GREEN or turning corpses into fertiliser or brickettes.  I propose a large tank in every locality for corpses to be converted into another form of energy or a burial pits to be used like landfill.

Near these Energy Conversion Centres, there will be Centres for Remembering the Dead which would be cyber cafes and meeting halls with restaurant facilities and halls so that those who wish to do so can gather as and when to visit and click on the electronic tomb of the deceased, check for comments, leave their comments, purchase electronic flowers to put on electronic tombs etc.

Facebook for the living, Deathbook for the dead..  

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