
Sunday, 20 March 2011

Islam the Religion of Politics, Philosophy and Economics

My email today to the Sunday Programme:

Just heard your special edition from Cairo and wonder if SUNDAY would like to discuss how a modern state could inject Koranic principles into its legal system and constitution.

It makes me impatient when people talk about the separation of Church and State in their muddle-headed way.

Religion is for people who do not think they are interested in politics.

Anyone interested in politics is always interested in religion whether or not they believe in God.

God is a creation of Man to assist him in his politics, morality and spirituality.

The Muslim credo is "Forbid what is evil and enjoin what is good" - a universal duty for any moral and political being, I would have thought.

Secular Koranism invites you to agree that the Koran is a good enough guide to humanity.

Secular Koranism does not require any converts to Islam.

Secular Koranism only requires that all law graduates pass an exam in Koranic knowledge.

Secular Koranism would promote a one-party state that would protect the rights of its members. ("Do not divide yourselves into sects and rejoice in your own doctrines."

Secular Koranism would promote direct democracy AKA government by referendum. (Shura)

Secular Koranism would repeal all anti-discrimination legislation. ("There is no compulsion in belief, for truth stands clear from error.")

Secular Koranism would be economically libertarian for it supports the interpretation that a 20% flat rate income tax is the right rate of taxation for all times. (Khums)

Secular Koranism would promote charity and dismantle the welfare state which promotes and encourages female promiscuity, family breakdown and ever-lowering standards of education and behaviour.

Secular Koranism would challenge the demented matriarchy that is destroying Reason and Rational Government in this country and in the West.

I am happy to be challenged on all of the above because I have thought it all through and would welcome a forensic scrutiny of my ideas.

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