
Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Ain't no way to treat a dictator no way

Only the stupid and vindictive liberal thinks this is a good way of getting dictators to step down.  From now on dictators will know to cling to power for dear life or be put before a kangaroo court the moment they give up power.

Well, that's liberalism for you.     

1 comment:

Adolfo said...

I am very dissapointed. What happened to the old fashioned practice of beheading or executing an overthrown dictator? Robespierre must be laughing at the Egyptians and their softened political practices.

Failing to explain the harm of idolatry to someone who clearly doesn't care

A failed attempt to explain why it is necessary to conceive of God correctly to derive the full benefits of a self-correcting moral system. ...