
Saturday, 17 December 2011

Asinine twitter debate between two lefties in the Church and the Tory Party

giles_fraser Giles Fraser
Dinner with @Phillip_Blond discussing worst criminals in English history. We agree. 1. Henry viii 2. Cromwell. Who is number 3?

Phillip_Blond Phillip Blond
@giles_fraser we have agreed the third worst criminal in english history who has done the most damage is John Stuart Mill

Phillip_Blond Phillip Blond
@giles_fraser Giles you received much Twitter protest from our designation of JS Mill as the third most damaging figure in English history?

giles_fraser Giles Fraser
@Phillip_Blond Of course. Most wanted Mrs Thatcher - who is JSM's love child, after all.

Phillip_Blond Phillip Blond
@giles_fraser yes Mill fathered all that was wrong in Thatcher but sired none of her good qualities and contributed nothing to her vision

giles_fraser Giles Fraser
@Phillip_Blond What our three villains have in common is their hostility to community and traditional patterns of social togetherness.

1party4all Claire Khaw
What would lefties know about "community and traditional patterns of social togetherness"?? #Cant and crap. @giles_fraser & @Philip_Blond

The Liberal Left, in case you hadn't noticed, have been directing all their efforts to desecrating the institutions of Marriage and Family, the very "community and traditional patterns of social togetherness" they so cantingly and cuntingly prate about.   

I really think Cameron could do with a Downing Street adviser like me.  To show he is drawing a line under the failures of the past he should publicly dissociate himself from the likes of Philip Blond, who makes it his business to say nothing very much, but is able to trick stupid gullible desperate Tory-liberals into believing he is wise and important when it is another huge heap of platitudes and fetid flaccidity.   

I am after all a one-woman think tank and I ain't no effete little lefty.   

Even if he doesn't think he is quite ready to have me as an adviser he should just sack Philip "Big Government Shite Society" Blond, just for the fun of seeing the expression on his face.   

It is time that Tories worked towards ideologically purity, and it should not just be someone talking leftist crap in a middle class accent.   

It would be also quite popular if  Cameron proposed disestablishing the Church to give the Commie Archbishop of Cant a nice little Xmas surprise.

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