
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

BNP too cowardly and hypocritical to capitalise on Anders Breivik's gift of the Unanswerable Question

Below is what Nick Griffin could have said but was too gutless to do so:

A hooded man with a cigarette and a lighter in his hand cannot have posed that much of a threat to the leader of the BNP, but he looked really frightened.  Would you say that the attitude of the BNP towards discussing controversial subjects has been excessively timorous?  Do physical cowards tend to be moral cowards too?

It is sad that the BNP are such cowards. I would be making political hay out of this if I were Nick Griffin. Indeed, I would be saying the sort of thing Kevin Forts said, in his place.

Kevin Forts describes Breivik's act as "heroic" because it demonstrates "nationalism and a moral conscience. He is fighting Cultural Marxism and the Islamisisation of Norway. He found the most rational way to accomplish that was through terrorist actions in Oslo and Uttoya."

He was asked how someone living in Massachusetts, USA, could support the killing of little children.


"Because I believe he used it as an unprecedented attack and I don't believe it will occur again. I believe that it was atrocious but necessary in that there is now a raised awareness of this as a result of the executions in Uttoya and Oslo."

The journalist asked him if he thought that the sacrifice of little children [But they were adolescents in a political party, not "little children"!] was necessary.


"It was a sacrifice that is not necessary again. Militant activity is not necessary as a result of this unprecedented act. He said that he achieved and operation of extraordinary and unprecedented accomplishment so it is not necessary again, so now we can just look at his political platform rather than his atrocious actions. 

I believe that he is a nationalist and a patriot and not the terrorist Neo-Nazi that the media portray him to be. 

I believe that Breivik is a rational man who committed atrocious but necessary actions. 

Now, all you see is the shock, and all you see is the gore in Uttoya and Oslo, but you do not see the political ramifications that it will come to in the future. At that point it will become impossible to hate Breivik, and you will see that he was acting in a matter of a pre-emptive war."
Join the "What Else Was Anders Breivik Supposed To Have Done Instead?" Facebook group to discuss this.

Sadly, this has been reported and deleted.   


Achilles ... said...

Erm... I just don't get it!
Take good care, my friend.

Claire Khaw said...

Thanks, Achilles.

I think Robert Henderson at is saying better what I am saying here.

Is Trump Good?