
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Irreversible decline happens when your society no longer respects the institution of marriage

‎Daryll Christopher:

"The more a woman pays her bills, the more I will love her. Occidental males are too preoccupied or trained to act as gentlemen. We should see women as our enemies and competitors, this is who they are, we should never love our enemies, nor should we shower them with gifts."

Most black men think like Daryll. This is why blacks in America have an 80% illegitimacy rate.

That is why female promiscuity is so destructive to your society and civilisation in the long term.

Feminism and female promiscuity, having destroyed the attractiveness of women to men and vice versa, your women become rotten, and so do your men, and then your children.  The next generation is noticeably degenerate and worse, rotting rotting rotting away ....

While this process of putrefaction takes place, no one will say anything. The men who know about feminism will complain but that is all they will do.

Even if they said anything, no one would listen to them.  Have you noticed a single political party in the land supporting marriage?   Even the nationalist ones?  Of course not.

To make marriage attractive to men, you will have to make it attractive to selfish cautious suspicious men  like Daryll who don't really like women and don't really want to help others and will only look after Number One.

Daryll will not be marrying any woman because, under the system of no-fault divorce that we have, any wife of his can divorce him for any reason and take half his stuff.

Like any man who wishes to preserve his property, he understandably does not want to find a woman he hates and then give her his house.

Denouncing men like Daryll will not change their behaviour, however.

Daryll will tell any male offspring of his son noo get married and he will spread the cancer of SSMs in his own little way.  He thinks having one child is enough and it is in any case all he can afford.

Therefore the demographic time-bomb of the West will mirror the demographic time bomb of China, where they have a one-child policy.

The smarter men with money will behave like Daryll and only the stupid ones with no money will get married because they have nothing to lose. Or they are men who are happy with the idea of marrying an older woman for her money while forfeiting their opportunity to be a father and a husband.

And so racial and national degeneracy entrenches itself further.

Nothing short of a Cultural Revolution will change things. The die is cast and the spiral is downwards.

So now we know the importance of this thing so many people call "just a piece of paper" You won't miss it till it's gone and when it's gone your nation will just die of the slow poison of feminism.

Onwards, to barbarism. Onwards to decline. Onwards to becoming slut and bastard members of a Third World Third Rate nation.

With a bit of luck we can look forward to becoming a nation like Liberia or Sierra Leone or Haiti.


Anonymous said...

The only thing that I can conclude, is that Darryl is about to become extinct, since so sane woman would wish to reproduce with him.

I have a a number of male friends and they are not wet nor neutered.
They have children, and they manage to have relationships with women.

They are not handicapped by being a 'Darryl'

Claire Khaw said...

It is not only Daryll who will become extinct, but any race of men who think like him. More and more will if feminism as a respectable ideology is not successfully challenged.

Anonymous said...

You're not very consistent, Claire.

I'm not a feminist,I believe in marriage, and I have a very traditional view of the male/female
roles within it. i.e the Man is the head of the family and primarily responsible for putting a roof over
the family, food in their mouths and paying the bills, and women are primarily responsible for running the household and childcare.

That is not to say that I don't agree that women shouldn't go out to work to pay for holidays, clothing -'extras' in fact.
It it is obvious that sacrifices have to be made in careers to care for a family (for example having to be inflexible when it comes to working hours, and having to take time off when children are sick), and that won't get you up the career ladder. It shouldn't be the man who makes those sacrifices.

It is well known that it causes problems in marriages when the wife earns more than her husband anyway -he who pays the piper calls the tune, and the husband is no longer head of his family.
If Darryl wants a woman to pay the bills, he supposes that she is serious about her career, which means that she will have to meet it's demands and ask him to share the responsibility for household chores, childcare, and taking time off work, looking after the children at weekends and in the evening when she has extra work etc

For a woman to fullfill her potential in her career she will inevitably find herself in competition with men and fight them. I can't see her giving orders to subordinate men at work, and then coming home and deferring to her husband...can you ?
She would surely be more likely to have an affair -coming into contact
with all those male colleagues, and more likely to leave, being financially independant.

It is right that if a wife sacrifices her potential earnings to a husband that she should get 50% of everything when they split. It should make a man think twice about thr risks of an affair himself, and not just be able to dump the wife when the kids are older (and she's menopausal), because he can start afresh, and she can't.

A feminist wouldn't want Darryl, but nor would a traditional woman looking for a good husband and father for her children.

Daryll Christopher said...

"The only thing that I can conclude, is that Darryl is about to become extinct, since so sane woman would wish to reproduce with him."

Typical female logic, I get this all the time, Women typically say, if you have those ideas, no wonder you are single, no wonder no one will marry you, you will become extinct.

How very immature, if a person wishes to be single, what can be gained by saying no one will marry that person?

People die, but ideas live on. It is this simple. How can an idea become extinct?

If a man does not wish to have kids and does his own cooking and cleaning, he is much better off without a woman, in this situation, what does a woman brings to the table anyway.

I always have a good laugh when these pro married men get divorced and get their asses kick by their loving wife.

Claire Khaw said...

I have been accused of being inconsistent but I am not quite sure on what grounds.

Daryll Christopher said...

A man only needs a woman if he wants kids, help with his bills, he is week, he needs a house person or he needs regular sex with the same person.

Anonymous said...

"A feminist wouldn't want Darryl, but nor would a traditional woman looking for a good husband and father for her children."

Lets not kid ourselves, women marry anybody, the quickest way to get many female admirers, is to become a mass murderer.

Finding a woman to marry and bear your child is not very difficult, as least be honest about this.

A woman who can fend for herself, does not need a man, the converse is also true, a man who can fend for himself does not need a woman.

All this talk that a man is somehow incomplete unless he has a girlfriend, or is married, it just total crap. I get offers of relationships from time to time. I also have female friends and get on very will with them, they are are career women, mostly nurses, I just don't wish to marry any of them or have a relationship with them.

I am happy to do their DIY for a plate of grub, or pop round to watch TV and have a drink. They are all career, single women, They cope very well without a man, I cope very well without a woman.

Anonymous said...

"The only thing that I can conclude, is that Darryl is about to become extinct, since so sane woman would wish to reproduce with him."

Wrong again, I do have kids.

Anonymous said...

All I see here are women overselling themselves, at the end of the day, everything a woman does can be done much cheaper by someone on the minimum wage, or by live in help. No arguments, no divorce, no nagging and no bullshit.

Anonymous said...

"It is right that if a wife sacrifices her potential earnings to a husband that she should get 50% of everything when they split. It should make a man think twice about thr risks of an affair himself, and not just be able to dump the wife when the kids are older (and she's menopausal), because he can start afresh, and she can't."

More female logic, what should the man get, when the woman/wife have an affair?

Anonymous said...

Fascinating ! No replies to this blog post this morning, and now, 10 replies.

So I am suddenly controversial for putting forward a Pro-Traditional opinion on the dynamics of Marriage, as opposed to a Feminist one ?

And that in reply to a blog post which professes to be anti-feminist and pro-marriage ?


I will reply to each reply in turn, because there is a lot of very confused thinking here...

Claire: " I have been accused of being inconsistent but I am not quite sure on what grounds."

I've just cited them, Claire. The institution of Marriage worked very well for centuries -it was based on Daddy being 'in charge' of the Household ( 'charge' meaning financial responsibility), and Mummy doing the practical things to run the Household.

So - a partnership that allowed Daddy to breed and have a support system that pushed him forward in his career and in the community, and allowed him to come home from work to a neat orderly home and a warm welcome from a 'cheerleader'.

That does not mean that Mummy is a dim servant. 'The Power Behind the Throne' expression, or 'Behind every good Man is a Good woman' are probably true.( Hilary Clinton no doubt sacrificed her very good chance of being the first female president of the USA to promoting Bill's career rather than being competition for him ).

'Partnership' for me, means 'interdependant'.

Who would want to be dependant on Darryl ? Darryl seems to refuse to be dependant on any other human being.

He's out on a limb like Neanderthal Man.

Well, apparently Neanderthal Man was bred out of the Human Race early on....Marry him to prove your point, Claire, if you must...he's doomed...

Anonymous said...

Darryl said " I get this all the time, Women typically say, if you have those ideas, no wonder you are single, no wonder no one will marry you, you will become extinct.

How very immature, if a person wishes to be single, what can be gained by saying no one will marry that person?"

It's only a constation. The institution of Marriage will be continued without Darryls.

Darryls may feel better off 'single' -good luck to them-

Other people might think more in terms of 'what do I have to give ?' or 'how can I make this work ?' , rather than denigrate and flee.

I mean, Darryl, how can you be a 'real man' and be so afraid that you couldn't rule your own roost by the force of your charisma, intelligence, and by your ability to give your woman what she needed to be satisfied ?

I think that you're basically 'a drip'.

It's easier to run away and sneer, eh ?

Anonymous said...

"A man only needs a woman if he wants kids, help with his bills, he is week, he needs a house person or he needs regular sex with the same person."

Fine, Darryl. I hope that you are happy with your prostitute...

...what's with your 'house person', by the way ? swing both ways do you ?

Move to the the Phillipines, or Thailand, why don't you ?

Face it -you are a daft Dodo.

Anonymous said...

"A woman who can fend for herself, does not need a man, the converse is also true, a man who can fend for himself does not need a woman.

All this talk that a man is somehow incomplete unless he has a girlfriend, or is married, it just total crap. I get offers of relationships from time to time. I also have female friends and get on very will with them, they are are career women, mostly nurses, I just don't wish to marry any of them or have a relationship with them.

I am happy to do their DIY for a plate of grub, or pop round to watch TV and have a drink. They are all career, single women, They cope very well without a man, I cope very well without a woman."

I thought Claire was looking to support The Institution of Marriage ???????

And now we have dysfunctional perennial batchelors ( don't tell me that you ring Mum every day), into 'nurses' fantasies (nurses as nurturing 'dominatrices').

So you're another one that won't breed.

Claire -Do you get any normal ballsy, well balanced men that read your blog ??

Anonymous said...

"All I see here are women overselling themselves, at the end of the day, everything a woman does can be done much cheaper by someone on the minimum wage, or by live in help. No arguments, no divorce, no nagging and no bullshit."

Fine. Hire a maid.

I imagine that you just want a 'hole' to ejaculate into, so -hire a prostitute too.

with your attitude, you won't get anyone just loving you, for yourself, unconditionally, despite your faults..well, if you don't value those things, then you will always be poor and unsatisfied, despite the leather sofa or spare bedroom that you've got.

Anonymous said...

50% It's a partnership.

Anonymous said...

Claire -it's not men that feminism has traduced (to my mind).

It's women.

The great majority of my female friends are intelligent, career orientated, financially independant women.

I am the only one who has made sacrifices and had children.

None of my friends have had children. They were far more into enjoying the 'benefits' of their careers when they were young -designer accessories. One can say 'lifestyle' in a nutshell.

It was a lie perpertrated on them by Society ( and Feminism), that one can somehow 'have it all'.

Now they're over 40, the prospect of having kids is virtually nil.

They are reduced to cats, cars, botox, and men ten years older than themselves.

They will never have known the deepest satisfactions of Life. And you can't buy them.

Claire , I'm the one again that spoke to you about Bron. I understand because I've lived that. It's not about 'Darryls' -is it ?

Claire Khaw said...

"Claire -Do you get any normal ballsy, well balanced men that read your blog??"

Most of the men I meet these days are damaged goods, sadly. Why do you think I started all this?

Anonymous said...

I haven't bothered to even read the whole lot. I started the first few lines and was subjected to barrage of female logic and insults.

Just before I depart, I do my own cooking, washing and cleaning, I am a very good cook actually. My mum is in another country, I have no need to call her.

Yes, I would rather get a foreigner as a live in help, an oriental would do nicely.

I have shown how women can be easily replaced and how a man can go a long way to protect his wealth and health.

You are not making any points, you have no points to make, just insults and abuse, all so typical.

There is no magic to running a home, doing a bit of shopping, heating up food in a microwave or doing a bit of dusting and cleaning, I have been managing very nicely for 13 years, I have loads of free time, there is nothing to it, it is certainly not worth half of my assets.

You all had preconceived ideas about me, you were all wrong.

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