
Thursday, 20 September 2012

The Tablet, hijacked by the left and feminists, now promotes gay marriage and recreational extramarital sex
Tina Beattie: 'Yes, society will benefit from same sex-marriage' 

Tina Beattie: Should this feminist who calls herself a Catholic and director of the leftist and feminist infested  Tablet be excommunicated?  Or perhaps beheaded or burnt at the stake?  This may be necessary for the protection of the morals of Catholics, which are now in a sorry state.

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
@ProtectthePope *jaw hits floor*
 10:27 PM - 19 Sep 12

Deacon Nick Donnelly ‏@ProtectthePope
@blondpidge Rome must act
 10:29 PM - 19 Sep 12

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
@ProtectthePope she has just spat on faithful practicing Catholic couples. This is NOT what is being taught in seminaries fortunately.
10:34 PM - 19 Sep 12

Deacon Nick Donnelly ‏@ProtectthePope
@blondpidge Just as she spits on the unborn, and popes, and the apostolic faith.
10:37 PM - 19 Sep 12

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
This is outrageous from Tina Beattie  h/t @ProtectthePope
10:39 PM - 19 Sep 12

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
@ProtectthePope that has to be the final straw, surely? Why does she pretend to be Catholic?
10:41 PM - 19 Sep 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@blondpidge @ProtectthePope Can't she be excommunicated, beheaded or burnt at the stake?
 10:43 PM - 19 Sep 12

Deacon Nick Donnelly ‏@ProtectthePope
@blondpidge I hope for her sake that her dissent isn't a sin against the Holy Spirit.
10:44 PM - 19 Sep 12

Deacon Nick Donnelly ‏@ProtectthePope
@1party4all @blondpidge I don't think we should joke about such things, they're too serious. Ultimately, this is about eternal destiny.
10:46 PM - 19 Sep 12

 Caroline Farrow @blondpidge
@ProtectthePope She is in grave danger of leading people astray, condoning and encouraging sin and dissent. Especially young people. Awful.
10:47 PM - 19 Sep 12

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
@ProtectthePope agreed. Perhaps we ought to have a fast day or do some extra penance?
 10:49 PM - 19 Sep 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@blondpidge @ProtectthePope Then you could call for this woman to be excommunicated. Come on, just a leetle excommunication?
11:02 PM - 19 Sep 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@blondpidge @ProtectthePope I know! You guys can threaten to convert to Islam if she is not excommunicated.
11:03 PM - 19 Sep 12

Claire Khaw ‏@1party4all
@blondpidge @ProtectthePope Remember, God helps those who help themselves by asking for things they won't get unless they ask.
 11:04 PM - 19 Sep 12

Caroline Farrow ‏@blondpidge
So cross, I had a chocolate eclair. Woe.
 11:16 PM - 19 Sep 12

I believe that to demand the excommunication of this woman you have to contact the Apostolic Nunciature of Great Britain.

Call 020 8944 7189 to have Tina Beattie excommunicated.  You never know, it might be upgraded to a something even more interesting.  An appropriate punishment could be to put her in stocks at St Peter's Square visible to the Pope when he peeks out from behind the curtain at his balcony. Tourists can be invited to throw used condoms at her, perhaps.

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