
Monday, 19 November 2012

Claire Khaw to be recognised for the achievement of challenging liberal and feminist orthodoxies in her own quiet way?

iPM New Year Honour

Is there someone in your life worthy of an honour?
While the great and the good will be rewarded in the Queen's New Year Honours, here at iPM we have our own award. 
Our honour is about recognising the achievements of people who are not normally in the limelight, Britain's unsung heroes if you like. And we'd like you to nominate them.
Who do YOU know that deserves some recognition?
Perhaps it's a member of your family, a neighbour or a colleague you work with? Is there someone who has done something extraordinary and perhaps gone about it in their own quiet way? 
There are no special rules about who qualifies or what kind of person it needs to be, it's up to you.
There is no prize, you won't be able to call yourself a knight or a dame, but we will make a fuss of the winner. 
Previous winners include Delma Hughes, the founder of a charity which helps siblings separated by the care system. Hilary Holdaway, who was described as a Supermum by her daughter Ruth. Penny Brace, who works with transgender people in North Wales. And last year, Kay Salter, who coaches national champions at a gymnastics club for people with disabilities, won the award.
If you have someone you'd like to nominate, please email, putting HONOUR in the subject line and tell us why you’d like to nominate them. You don’t need to write screeds - short and sweet is good.
You can also write to:
iPM New Year Honour,
Room G601,
BBC TV Centre,
London W12 7RJ.
Please send us your nomination before midday on 10 December 2012.

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