
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Claire Khaw's aphorisms on Politics


  1. "Religion is for sheep, Politics is for shepherds, and wolves."
  2. "Politics is about imposing your view of what is right on those who disagree with you."
  3. "To be a social conservative in the 21st century is to be called a Far Right Extremist."  
  4. "In 21st century Britain, to be a moderate means to be the euphemism for being a coward."
  5. "All political enterprises end in failure, exhaustion and extinction. It is all about getting into power soonest and staying in power longest."
  6. "The eternal questions ought to be (1) What is necessary (2) What is practicable (3) What is true and       (4) What is right, and not, as in Western philosophy, centuries of asking the divisive question of whether God exists, and never even expecting to receive a proper answer."
  7. "Religion is for people who can't do politics."
  8. "Politics is all about finding out what it is necessary for you to do in order to do what you need to do. What is necessary is always moral."
  9. "Forgiving your enemies serves a very practical purpose.  All those who participate successfully in politics know the utility of having a forgiving nature, for it is this that disarms our enemies."
  10. "All political enterprises end in failure, exhaustion and extinction. It is all about getting into power soonest and staying in power longest."
  11. "In politics, it is better to be abused than to be ignored."
  12. "Judaism is a club while Islam is a political party."
  13. “Politics is applied philosophy.  Unfortunately for the West, Western philosophy is not very wise.”
  14. “If you there is no principle you are prepared to die for, then you have no principles.”
  15. “A principled politician would wish to influence the powerful and gullible monster that is public opinion with honest arguments and exhortation, rather than set out to be its slave from the beginning, because he fears to incur its wrath.”
  16. "Politicians are really the sewage workers of ideas, but modern Western politicians do not like getting their hands dirty with the ugly truth or unpopular ideas.  That is why the sewage is now lapping at our feet."
  17. "Politics is atheists trying to find a religion everyone can all agree on."

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