
Saturday, 29 December 2012

How many people think Jessica Thom the biscuit woman is putting it on to avoid her responsibilities of being a normal person?

Is Jessica Thom, a clearly intelligent woman, putting on her Tourette's syndrome on to avoid  the responsibilities of being a normal citizen with the usual responsibilities of life?  In a more sensible age she would have been shunned.  In our era of matriarchal dementia, she is being privileged.   I think she is using it to avoid having to find a husband and the horror of having sex with a series of frogs to find a decent one.   In a way, I understand.

Here she is at

Do you think you could do what she does without suffering from Tourette's?

How would she feel if she were suddenly "cured"?

Would she then become totally unremarkable and lose all her privileges?

Would you want to be "cured" if you were her?

Do you think if we could bribe her with something sufficiently enticing, such as a lot of money, or the car or the man or the holiday of her dreams, she would and could cure herself?

To discuss these and related issues, as well as to vote YES or NO, please join
Listen to Jessica Thom say "fuck" a lot to music.   Would you want your kid to be like that?   Would you tell your kid that it is OK to be like that?   Biscuit! is the Facebook page I have set up to so that this issue can be discussed without censorship.  Jessica Thom should know that it also advertises her book Welcome To Biscuit Land, and it is hoped that this knowledge will restrain her and her more censorious female friends from trying to get the page reported and deleted.

I only ask questions.  If it is really the case that we cannot even ask questions then we really might as well say goodbye to Western civilisation.

There are polls that should be of interest to Tourette's suffers and those who have views on Tourette's sufferers.

It has been crazy the number of people who have said to me "I have Tourette's and so does my partner and so do my children."

If Tourette's is something that isn't being faked, then it is genetic and neurological.   If it is genetic and neurological, then it can be passed on.  It is my opinion that people with Tourette's should neither get married nor have children.   Will I get another death threat for just saying that?

What kind of person marries someone with Tourette's?

Another person with Tourette's?

This means that their children will be very likely to get Tourette's.  Why does the government allow this?


I don't understand.


jo Colquhoun said...

absolute rubbish , ive met jess and she has a heart of gold and spends her life trying to raise awareness for other sufferers.She still holds down a job and has all the responsibilities of a "normal" person.Why anyone would want to pretend they had severe ts is a joke. Walk a day in her shoes then comment !!!

Anonymous said...

Not this person.
Why would she choose deliberately to make her life so very difficult?
And I bet you 'moderate' this comment.

Claire Khaw said...

I requested her friendship which was accepted and then withdrawn, sadly.

This was what Jessica Thom posted on her Facebook wall at:

I posted this on her wall at and this is what she said after unfriending me:

"I came back from an afternoon with friends to find this on my wall:

The post asks the following question: “How many people think Jessica Thoms the biscuit woman is putting it on to avoid her responsibilities of being a normal person?”

It goes on, “Is Jessica Thom, a clearly intelligent woman, putting on her Tourette's syndrome on to avoid the responsibilities of being a normal citizen with the usual responsibilities of life? In a more sensible age she would have been shunned...”

Naturally I found this quite upsetting and a bit depressing. Touretteshero’s all about raising awareness and dealing with prejudice and attitudes like this, however isolated, represent how much work there is still to be done.

So, the post’s author has asked the question. If you know me or have read Welcome to Biscuit Land, I’d encourage you to leave a comment on her page. Do you think I am putting on having Tourettes to avoid my responsibilities?"

I wonder if Jessica Thom is an only child. I wonder how her parents feel about having a daughter like her. Does she have a thought about them at all, I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Claire, I don't think you're worth a comment as you're trying to wind Jessica up - and her friends. This is not brave, this is not clever - I don't believe you read her book and as far as I'm concerned you're behaving like a troll, not like a thinking person...I pity you.

Pippa Silverlock said...

I think you're just being cruel to get attention. That, or you don't understand Tourrettes. I wonder how your parents feel about having a child like you?

Anonymous said...

I'll keep this short and sweet.... No.

Unknown said...

What a truly awful person you are, for someone who is trying to come off as very well educated you are nothing but stupid.

Anonymous said...

What a horrid,mean spirited and bigoted person you are.I am a close friend of Jess Thom , and I have known her for over a decade,before the onset of the Tourettes. I think it is disgusting that you would attach your 'liberal' baiting agenda to someone who in spite of a medical condition actually does some good in the real world ( she is my boss,and helps to run a vibrant and successful play facility,providing play opps for kids that need them in Sth London)
Does that sound like someone "avoiding responsibility"?
I cant understand what you would get out of saying such a thing,other than some kind of boost to your sad , embittered persona......... Just what is your problem?

Hekate Papadaki said...

To be fair, it's probably not even worth responding but since it's the holiday season and I've got some extra time on my hands, I thought I might as well... I've met Jessica as we both work in the voluntary sector. She is most certainly not 'avoiding the responsibilities of life' as you imply (without having met her or knowing anything about her). In fact, she's still working despite suffering from a very extreme and limiting condition, and, on top of that, she campaigns non-stop to raise awareness of Tourette's and address the negative stereotypes that people like you propagate.

Unknown said...

For someone Whois trying to come off as well educated you are nothing but stupid and narrow minded. My son suffers from Tourette's and having to watch him struggle daily breaks my heart. What you have written disgusts me.

Claire Khaw said...

Uh oh.

Her friend JoJo Colquhoun at b is going to censor my free speech. She says:

"can we all report this page please its disgusting x"

It is just so typical of these vicious and malicious women who just don't get free speech at all.

Free speech is not safe under feminism!

I can't even ask a question.

Unknown said...

i wouldnt worry too much about the comment i have tourettes and the work that Jess and people like her do is an imspiration and my life would be impossible now without Jess and people like her i love you all.
i have worked all my life untill recently and now my condition is too much.
Everybody should be allowed to face their accusers face to face but they are obvious cowards and the world is full of cranks like them

Claire Khaw said...

Now her friend Keir Williams at is calling me racist!

"OK so I was about to write a lengthy and detailed comment to this dutty woman's blog, then realised that she is either a Troll of the worst kind or just a truly stupid woman. Either way the best bet is to not give her air.

If you check her blog she was chucked out of the freaking Conservative party (always a good sign)! My favourite part of the blog was the entry about LBC blocking those poor BNP members from discussing their views. And I quote:

"I know this is so because that was what a BNP mate told me. "

Fuck this woman Jess she says that 'there's nothing more important than free speech is there.' Yes Clare and we also reserve the right to ignore your twisted racist bleating.

The work you have done and continue to do is important, brilliant and clearly effective for many people. There are so many people that have been changed by your dedication and passion and there will always be weirdo's with access to a computer.

(PS. In my mind I imagine that she writes her blog using her own poo on a crisp piece of paper before typing it up.)"

fibi1 said...

I find the suggestion that Jessica Thom is putting on Tourette's offensive and very small minded

Unknown said...

You actually get worse and worse, Tourette's is a disability you sick and twisted idiot!!!!! Go on quote that!

Anonymous said...

This is a truly disgusting site. It's like a troll who has decided to set up their own page to promote their stupidity to piss off everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Who is this so called 'voice of reason'? it sounds like the voice of fascism.

Why would you say that someone with TS cant be intelligent, marry (if they chose to), work, hold responsibilities and is not 'normal'?

This is a disgusting thing to say and a waste of your time. The world has enough haters.... get over yourself and go find something helpful to do.

What a pity.

Anonymous said...

Having been a friend to Jess and her family for some time it is quite apparent to me that not only is her Tourettes very real, the way she has harnessed its power to create wonderful art, help others and live as a 'normal person' with 'normal responsibilities' should not just be an inspiration to any person with condition but to all of us.
With this diatribe are you trying to capture the thoughtless, vapid spirit of Liz Jones or Samantha Brick?

Anonymous said...

you are a nut. I left Britain because of people like you. you would have got on well in Germany in 1933 I suspect...

Anonymous said...

Having been a friend to Jess and her family for some time it is quite apparent to me that not only is her Tourettes very real, the way she has harnessed its power to create wonderful art, help others and live as a 'normal person' with 'normal responsibilities' should not just be an inspiration to any person with the condition but to all of us.
With this diatribe are you trying to capture the thoughtless, vapid spirit of Liz Jones or Samantha Brick?

fibi1 said...

I find the views of this blogger ignorant, unpleasant and vile - I don't believe Jessica Thom is "putting on" Tourettes.

Big Cheese said...

Surely the sensible thing to do if you really are interested is to ask to spend some time with her rather than put it to a public debate. I'm sure Jess would have obliged if she felt your motives were genuine.

I don't know her and have never met her, but from what I have read and heard I would certainly show her more respect than you have.

I'm a 49 year old stroke survivor of 9 months; would you like to question me as to whether the physical disabilities I am left with are real or put on for effect..?

Anonymous said...

the voice of absolutely no reason

sarah said...

completely narrow minded and cruel......

BifidusDigestivum said...

Claire, you have every right to your free speech, and you can ask a question, but you're completely wrong. If you spent five minutes with Jess, or someone like her, instead of speculating on the internet, you'd see what life really is like for people like her. You may still choose to believe that she should be shunned by society, and once again you are free to believe that if you wish. I, and most people, would disagree with you. What's more, your speculation that Jess may be feigning illness to avoid the difficulties of finding a husband, and your appeal to "think of the parents" when you clearly know nothing about her life is completely offensive...wait, you probably don't like the word "offensive", so I'll find some others: bizarre, retarded, misguided, incorrect, ill thought out, silly, wrong, pathetic.

sarah said...

get over yourself love.. stop quoting things her friends have posted on her wall. you need to shut up and grow up.....

BifidusDigestivum said...

Claire, you have every right to your free speech, and you can ask a question, but you're completely wrong. If you spent five minutes with Jess, or someone like her, instead of speculating on the internet, you'd see what life really is like for people like her. You may still choose to believe that she should be shunned by society, and once again you are free to believe that if you wish. I, and most people, would disagree with you. What's more, your speculation that Jess may be feigning illness to avoid the difficulties of finding a husband, and your appeal to "think of the parents" when you clearly know nothing about her life is completely offensive...wait, you probably don't like the word "offensive", so I'll find some others: bizarre, retarded, misguided, incorrect, ill thought out, silly, wrong, pathetic.

Jennifer Deland said...

Read the book - available from Amazon for Kindle, not yet out on paper.

Anonymous said...

wow what a weird thought. jess's tourettes is totally uncontrollable (part of the entire definition of the condition)and means that she makes all sorts of uncontrollable movements as well as noises and sounds, including fits of ticking where she looses all physical control and speech. What on earth would she have to gain from doing this? any benefit of having responsibility taken away is clearly a totally stupid swop and jess as an amazingly intelligent and self aware woman is blatently not choosing this condition. The whole suggestion shows such blindingly ignorance of the condition and of jess as a person that it is no surprise that she and her friends are annoyed at you. Besides which she has a very responsible job, close family relationships and friends and is quite capable of kissing frogs with the best of them, though hopefully she wont have to as i suspect a woman with her sound perspectives on life will eventually find a rare prince in the pond. I am writing as I work with Jess and am saddened to think that you are adding to the misunderstanding of her that already disables her in society, which is crazy particularly when she works so hard to get over the stupid stigmas and live as a "normal" person. Or actually as a ridiculously unusually fantastic person who not only keeps up her responsibilities in a demanding job but also on top of this makes time to campaign and explain about tourettes as a condition and also uses her tourettes as a cause to celebrate the creativity and wierdness it creates and to be very completely a fully functional and generous member of society.

Jack said...

Hi there, this is getting way out of control, my names Jack and I'm 17 years old and I too suffer with severe Tourette's Syndrome. Without trying to be offensive this post has horrified me.
I have met Jess myself at a 'Tourette's Gathering' in London, I travelled up there with my parents, we had an amazing time and met a lot of new friends. Back on point, Jess is one of the kindest and most inspiring people I've ever met in my life and reading this has made me feel sick as to how you, as a human being could be so ignorant and rude, you do not know Jess, I'm sure she has her reasons as to why she had declined your friend request on Facebook. Listen, having Tourette's is probably not the life you imagine, it's not fun and at a lot of times it can cause a lot of pain due to severe tics, please do understand where I am coming from as I'm not trying to cause an arguement I just want peace for all of this to blow over.
Thanks in advance for taking your time to read this.
- Jack 'Ticcy' Francis

Anonymous said...

Hello. What I'm more curious about is why you're such a flagrant bully? Do you have undiagnosed (or are you refusing your medication for a socially abusive) mental illness? You talk like a trashy spin artist, and would do well in American politics or as a tabloid Hollywood papparazi. If you're seeking a broadening of your professional profile to look into these two fields, this smut will surely rocket your career, for nothing says "class A scumbag" like writing material which targets ignorantly and inflammatorily a person who heads up disabled person's rights. I have tourettes syndrome also, am a mom, 30, 12 years of consecutive full time employment under my belt, and healthy relationships. I, too, am probably both a smarter and nicer a person to the world by my ways then you are in as much as Jessica is, and believe you may just be slightly dumb, a big mouth, a bully, and a trash talking idiot. I may write a blog to gather attention around my ego for such a thought, but would erase my higher denominator. I've lowered myself enough responding to you mostly out of anger. You suck.

Anonymous said...

Nobody else thinks this, clearly you are a retard.

As you can see I have reverted to your style of dealing with your shitty ideas ; by attacking people without even thinking.

You are a retard.

Anonymous said...

Tourettes IS a race, a known part of the HUMAN RACE. We don't "put on", we attempt to "put up" with the regrettably massive amount of "racists" like yourself on a minute by minute basis. Enjoy your life, but don't dare try and tell us ours isn't "real" enough for you, social comformity by your meaning of "reality" or "show" is pitiable. Tourettors are humans who love life and value the gifts in others and ourselves that make us all a part of the spectral human race. Get on board and get a life. Broaden yourself,and if you want to pick a hate speech, hate rapists murderers and child molestors, because this kind of hate speech simply means you're distasteful to Human kind. "Voice of Reason" - phuh! "Reasonable Doubt!"

Anonymous said...

So that's a 100% no so far. To be fare I think insulting Claire is unconstructive as they say don't feed the troll. I think Jack you put it succinctly and politely.

Jack said...
Hi there, this is getting way out of control, my names Jack and I'm 17 years old and I too suffer with severe Tourette's Syndrome. Without trying to be offensive this post has horrified me.
I have met Jess myself at a 'Tourette's Gathering' in London, I travelled up there with my parents, we had an amazing time and met a lot of new friends. Back on point, Jess is one of the kindest and most inspiring people I've ever met in my life and reading this has made me feel sick as to how you, as a human being could be so ignorant and rude, you do not know Jess, I'm sure she has her reasons as to why she had declined your friend request on Facebook. Listen, having Tourette's is probably not the life you imagine, it's not fun and at a lot of times it can cause a lot of pain due to severe tics, please do understand where I am coming from as I'm not trying to cause an arguement I just want peace for all of this to blow over.
Thanks in advance for taking your time to read this.
- Jack 'Ticcy' Francis

Also I'd like to add my No to everyone elses answer to the question Claire posed.

Kathleen Rout said...

my son has Tourettes and if you think it is clever to suggest someone puts it on, maybe you should spend a day with someone who has Tourettes before you make such a ridiculous comment - I have met Jess and she is one of the most inspirational lovely women I have ever met, my beautiful son is only 7 do you think he puts it on for attention!!! pathetic

Philip Worm Books said...

I was gutted to read this blog post. Jess is a friend of mine, I have TS also. In no way is Jess'TS put on for any reason. I can't blame Jess for withdrawing her FB friend request, I would too if someone made such a awful, ignorant claim. I would also seriously consider blocking them and reporting them. I admire Jess very much, her TS has thrown so many challenges at her yet she carries on similing and is still working hard at her day job and campaigning as Touretteshero. I guess not many people would realise how difficult living with TS is and what injuries can occour - imagine hitting yourself thousands of times a day, hard, with no let-up. Apart from the physical side of TS who in their right mind would "fake" a condition which is probably one of the most discriminated against?
I'm not against free speech but I am an advocate of the old addage "to walk a mile in somebody else's shoes" maybe Claire, before voicing your opinions you should do some research.
BTW I was really pleased, it made my week to find my name in her book.

Anonymous said...

You ignorant, disgusting moron, to suggest this is all put on makes my blood boil. My 12 yr old sons Tourette's got really severe 18 months ago, he was totally disabled by it and became wheelchair dependant for 15 months. As a family we went through hell. How dare you suggest this is all made up. You horrible horrible person.

Anonymous said...

No, but I do believe your putting this post on your shitty blog to get attention / subscribers. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never met Jess but I felt compelled to add my disgust to the stream here which is thoroughly deserved. I have no idea what 'social responsibility' looks like to you but if it is based on the violent, unthinking and stigmatising vitriol you have posted here it is not a society any thinking human being would want to take responsibility for.

Jo Mentum said...

Obviously, it's outrageous to suggest that someone with a severe disability is "faking it", as previous commenters have pointed out. However, even if Jess Thom was putting it all on, how exactly is she "avoid[ing] the responsibilities of being a normal citizen"? She works, she campaigns for disabled people's rights, she inspires people and she entertains us. I call that the definition of being not just a normal citizen but an extraordinary one!

Newmans said...

My son has Tourettes and I have learned much more about this disability. His shoulder shrugs may give way to throat clearing, but they are all compulsive behaviors for him. I do not believe Jessica is faking it, nor do I think she thinks having Tourettes is fun.

You did more than ask a question, you insulted thousands of struggling people and their families. And I believe you know it.

Unknown said...

You should rename your page "the voice of an absolute cunt". The fact that you are a supporter of the BNP, infanticide, public execution and the extermination of Disabled people speaks volumes about you. you are a despicable excuse for a human being. I myself have Tourettes Syndrome and, believe me, Jess Thom is more of a person than you will ever be. If I ever see you I will make sure that you go home in a body bag!

Oh by the support the BNP who are against immigration yet you come from Malaysia.....technically that means that you want yourself to get out of this country. We have no problem with fact I'm sure many people on here will have a whip round to buy your ticket. It's either that or I'll tie a cannon ball to your legs and boot you off the white cliffs of Dover.

Unknown said...

...that's like saying "do you think someone is diabetic to get attention? She stabs herself with needles all the time - would you want your daughter doing that?"

For the record, no I don't think Jessica Thom is putting it on to get attention. But I think a much more interesting question is:

What on earth made you want to pose these question? Do you have a grudge against Jessica? Do you think Tourettes isn't a medical condition? Or are you just doing it for attention? If you are still reading comments (I could understand why you may not want to - I haven't read many) I would be very interested in a response and will check back tomorrow (not keen on posting my email address).

Claire Khaw said...

Joel Whitaker at says:

"I have reported the facebook page but you should also report it to the Met Police Internet team for Libel."

Claire Khaw said...

Euan Dilston-Bayliss of

"I'm almost speechless about this page and website. I really don't understand what this woman is thinking. Facebook page duly reported."

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It doesn't sound like you've done much research on Jessica Thom, her contributions, and responsibilities at all. Your article borders on false accusation, really.

Speaking of "voices of reason", shouldn't they be based on facts rather than pure speculation? You have published proof that anyone with a computer can become a wanna-be journalist.

Thanks for the laugh and the reminder of what Tourettes activism needs to do most -- educate and minimize this kind of ignorance. Have a blessed day!

Claire Khaw said...


"What on earth made you want to pose these question?"

I asked the question because I wondered whether she is faking it or not.

"Do you have a grudge against Jessica?"

No, I don't. I think she is a smart cookie who has some unresolved emotional issues. I suspect she is the victim of liberal parenting.

If you have a look at the page you will find that I am actually advertising her book.

I actually found her very funny the first time but during that rather long interview, the joke wore rather thin.

"Do you think Tourettes isn't a medical condition?"

Lots of "syndromes" are medicalised, including degeneracy, immorality and stupidity.

"Or are you just doing it for attention?"

The attention I get is incidental to the question I asked, and I asked because I wondered what the answer was.

I did have an idea that people would get hysterical that such a question was even asked and that people would report me to the police FFS!

Claire Khaw said...

Joel Whitaker:

"I suggest every single one us talks to our MP about this vile woman. This is hate crime and should not be allowed to continue."

What do they want their MPs to do to me? String me up at the nearest lamp post just for ASKING QUESTIONS?

Oh, and did they call me a fascist??!

It's Not All Black and White said...

You are a troll.. you are an absolute scumbag. You obviously are not a well educated woman. My 11 year old daughter has tourettes syndrome and has many of the same tics that Jess Thom has... I will be reporting your comments as defamatory. What an UGLY person you are. Jess has been nothing but supportive to my child and helped us all cope with tourettes in our lives. JESS IS A NORMAL PERSON. I find you to be abnormal you ignorant scum sucking human being. HOW DARE YOU.... DO YOU LIKE THE FACT I AM ATTACKING YOU AS A PERSON NOW. How dare you attack someone with a disability... go get a life, an education about Tourette's syndrome and stop trying to take "fame" or "infamy" on back of someone who actually does a lot of good in her life.

It's Not All Black and White said...

You are a troll.. you are an absolute scumbag. You obviously are not a well educated woman. My 11 year old daughter has tourettes syndrome and has many of the same tics that Jess Thom has... I will be reporting your comments as defamatory. What an UGLY person you are. Jess has been nothing but supportive to my child and helped us all cope with tourettes in our lives. JESS IS A NORMAL PERSON. I find you to be abnormal you ignorant scum sucking human being. HOW DARE YOU.... DO YOU LIKE THE FACT I AM ATTACKING YOU AS A PERSON NOW. How dare you attack someone with a disability... go get a life, an education about Tourette's syndrome and stop trying to take "fame" or "infamy" on back of someone who actually does a lot of good in her life.

It's Not All Black and White said...

You are a troll.. you are an absolute scumbag. You obviously are not a well educated woman. My 11 year old daughter has tourettes syndrome and has many of the same tics that Jess Thom has... I will be reporting your comments as defamatory. What an UGLY person you are. Jess has been nothing but supportive to my child and helped us all cope with tourettes in our lives. JESS IS A NORMAL PERSON. I find you to be abnormal you ignorant scum sucking human being. HOW DARE YOU.... DO YOU LIKE THE FACT I AM ATTACKING YOU AS A PERSON NOW. How dare you attack someone with a disability... go get a life, an education about Tourette's syndrome and stop trying to take "fame" or "infamy" on back of someone who actually does a lot of good in her life.

Unknown said...

Why not celebrate the creative and imaginative approach of this interesting woman and her work to promote awareness of her condition? Our just ignore it if you don't like it?

Perhaps it is because your cold soul is so empty and bereft of love that you must court bile and hatred in a futile bid to fill the emptiness with something. Perhaps it is because you take pleasure from courting controversy as some sad sport?

Either way you've got two things very wrong:
1. What is going on with this woman
2. Your whole approach to life

Unsubtle and arbitrary liberal bashing and baiting is no way to live. Why not find something you actually believe in rather than defining yourself in negative opposition?

Unknown said...

Why not celebrate the creative and imaginative approach of this interesting woman and her work to promote awareness of her condition? Our just ignore it if you don't like it?

Perhaps it is because your cold soul is so empty and bereft of love that you must court bile and hatred in a futile bid to fill the emptiness with something. Perhaps it is because you take pleasure from courting controversy as some sad sport?

Either way you've got two things very wrong:
1. What is going on with this woman
2. Your whole approach to life

Unsubtle and arbitrary liberal bashing and baiting is no way to live. Why not find something you actually believe in rather than defining yourself in negative opposition?

Anonymous said...

My 5yo has TS, he can't put anything on. He doesn't do it to avoid jobs around the home, he doesnt tic to avoid potential future sex with anyone, he doesnt do it to be famous, or write a book or any other wierd reason you can come up with. People in our society are still shunned by having TS, people look, stare, tease and discriminate. Parenting, liberal or otherwise doesn't cause TS, most sufferers do seek treatment to relieve symptoms from ill suited pharmacology drugs that bring their own awful side effects to medical procedures like jaw realignment and deep brain stimulation. The thing is, none of these things come with a guarantee of cure. My 5yo didn't ready sware yet. Although he knows shit as a word. He spent literally months calling his big sister a shit. Every meal time, for months. No ammount if parenting (liberal or otherwise) could stop him saying it...just like we can't stop him saying wonder wonder wonder at the moment. Do some research, them you won't come accross as this odd woman with an axe to grind. You may want to look into areas such as Tourettes Syndrome, mysogyny, tall poppy syndrome, maybe even narcissism.

Anonymous said...

Having to watch my 13 yr old daughter fight prejudices and ignorance like yours every day as a result of her Tourette's Syndrome I know the fOllowing three facts: fact 1 - NO-ONE who lives with this condition wants the attention it gives them as it is embarrassing and very upsetting for the sufferer; fact 2 - NO-ONE with Tourette 's wants the condition and we all pray for a miracle cure; fact 3 - you are a vile, nasty, ignorant bully. An extra fact for the list: you have made a total idiot of yourself for speaking about a condition that you obviously know nothing about. Call yourself educated? To be educated you need to be well may well have read Jessica's book but had you bothered to read any other stories if other TS sufferers or any information on the condition itself you would have realised the answer to your own ridiculous question without upsetting so many of us who have to fight the inadequate and uneducated people of your kind every single day!

Unknown said...

Just because you can ask a question it doesn't mean you have to, or in other words, you are either an idiot or your ignorance is astonishing.

Anonymous said...

So Clare what's your argument in light of the comments (ignoring those that are a personal attack) about the work that tourettes hero does with the wider community and the assertion by those that know her that her condition isn't made up? Are they all wrong? Is she too good an actor and thus can fool so many people, friends, medical professionals? Also what about the fact that she already contributes massively to not only her local community but also the wider economy? Is this a sign of removing herself from society deliberately? Finally what exactly is the contribution that you make that would stop the same criticism of you using feigned insanity, extremism as a means to remove yourself from society?

Anonymous said...

You are a disgusting individual. I hope you know that.

Claire Khaw said...

I have not really made a study of the condition. All I am saying that is not beyond the bounds of possibility that it could be a case of attention-seeking, unresolved emotional issues exacerbated by liberal parenting.

Obviously, I would have to meet Jessica parents to form a view on whether they are liberals guilty of liberal parenting.

I cannot imagine them agreeing to meet me ever, so I guess this will never be resolved.

The other thing I would like to do is assure myself that Jessica genuinely wants to be cured.

I suspect not since the older she gets the worse her condition has become and the more attention she gets as a result.

She would hardly give up all the attention she is now receiving to be ordinary again, would she?

If I were her I would hesitate a little.

Anonymous said...

I suspect it is you who would have trouble giving up attention seeking. There is no reason to post the question when you clearly have your own answer predetermined in your narrow, bigotted and ill-educated mind. I hope you get better soon, fool.

Anonymous said...

Like I said above, there is no fecking cure! There are many options to reduce symptoms, most come with awful side effects or involve either realigning your jaw or deep brain stimulation, and they are NOT guaranteed to work. Many with TS also realise it makes them who they are. It is like those with Aspergers, even if a cure was offered, most wouldn't want to change the essence of who they are. My TS son says his brain goes really fast sometimes, the thought and reasoning potential there is enormous. Curing TS may also cure all the other wonderful, funny, expansive things that also go to making up TS.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right. This reminds me of the time I pretended to have cancer... /EYE ROLL

Anonymous said...

Claire Khaw says "All I am saying that is not beyond the bounds of possibility that it could be a case of attention-seeking, unresolved emotional issues "

The statement above would also apply to yourself Claire Khaw. Just a cursory glance around your "blog" and it is evident that you too are suffering from a huge case of attention-seeking and unresolved emotional issues. I'd hazard a guess that there is a level of envy.

Older and wiserthan you said...

''What a horrid,mean spirited and bigoted person you are''
unfortunatly concur ...with this addendum.. you certainly are an attention seeker,and looking to gain fame of the back of one who actually is bringing the syndrome forwards into view
You muat be Bipolar and perhaps not taken your meds today so
go pick on one of your own kind

Claire Khaw said...


Chrisleen Haggerty at said:

"Just five minutes alone in a room with you is all i would need, you wouldnt come out alive you evil silly little girl"

Unknown said...

I don't think "sufferers" of any genetic disorders should get help from the government.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and @RealVinBruno #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 6, 2025 [Re...