
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Red Rebecca Barnes trade unionist dedicates herself to getting Claire Khaw's Facebook groups banned

"Red pleb Rebbeca Barnes has spent this evening reporting all the groups connected to Claire Khaw. If we're not here tomorrow........Happy New Year. I'm sure we'll see you all somewhere if not here."

For this innocuous post I have been banned for posting on Facebook for 30 days. It wasn't even me, as it was posted by another admin on

Facebook "justice", eh?

I think I would be prepared to pay Facebook for a higher standard of justice and free speech. is the group this female trade unionist Rebecca Barnes set up dedicated to getting Facebook to remove my groups at is therefore the group that you could be reporting as subversive to free speech and rational debate.

After all, it does not exist to serve a constructive group but is really just a group dedicated to hating anyone who dares to assert their right to their opinion.

If you are a keyboard warrior you will know what to do.  


Heather said...

C'mon Klaire. You cannot reasonably call a post referring to any women as sluts, as innocuous.
I do find it disturbing though that someone else could post in your name.
Surely it is not too difficult for FB to trace an ISP address?

Claire Khaw said...

The comment in question does not mention sluts, does it, Heather?

I do not call all women sluts. I only call sluts sluts.

Would you ban even this when you get into power, Heather?

No one is posting in my name. Facebook has a policy whereby all admins of a page are deemed to take collective responsibility.

Heather said...

I'm generally not in favour of removing any FB groups unless they threaten violence to an individual or group. I would not ban the post. I would leave it up there and expect the poster to take the flak for it.
I was not aware of FB policies on collective responsibility though.
You are an articulate woman, so why call women sluts at all? Namecalling doesn't really serve any constructive purpose does it!
Teenage pregnancies are a huge cause for concern though and a subject that needs and deserves intelligent debate. The system needs to be overhauled.

Claire Khaw said...

If you want to criticise people who do things that you think are bad for society, you need to impress upon them that what they do is bad for society.

I am only calling a spade a spade and a slut a slut.

Fornication is forbidden by all the Abrahamic faiths to avoid the evil of widespread illegitimacy which will lead to national degeneracy and the end of your civilisation.

I think you will find that most people will find that the previous sentence has too many abstract ideas for them to completely comprehend my message.

That is why I need to use the S word.

Heather said...

Trying to impress upon people who do not have a moral conscience, is a bit like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. If conscience is not instilled by the age of 5 it becomes increasingly difficult to teach even the basics of right and wrong. In that sense, it can be cruel to label someone who already has low self esteem, as a slut. They have been deprived of their right of good parenting and good education.

Claire Khaw said...

So we cannot call a spade a spade nor a slut a slut. Do you have any solutions, Heather?

Heather said...

Unfortunately not Claire. My attempts at solutions would not be popular with the liberals.
Happy New Year to you!

Claire Khaw said...

I may not be able to do what I think needs to be done, Heather, but the least I can do is SAY what I think needs to be done, though the Reds and Liberals gnash their teeth, rend their garments and tear their hair!

That is the VERY LEAST I can do.

Imagine if we all said what we feel to be the truth using our real names and in public.

They sky would fall in on the Reds and Liberals because they have no other better solution that they could convincingly propose.

But bad government affects Reds too, and presumably even they have offspring that they love and whose well-being they are supposed to care about.

A Happy New Year to you too, Heather!

Heather said...

They do worse than gnash their teeth unfortunately. For instance, I would like to see a return of mother and baby homes with parenting classes available for the boyfriends too. The job vacancies would be instantly filled with liberals, creating similar scenarios to badly run children's homes.
What is the point of having solutions when a sick ideology would take control? Socialism sadly prevails.

Claire Khaw said...

Heather, I already have a plan.

Heather said...

Well do feel free to share it Claire

Claire Khaw said...

It is simply to start a revolution by proposing radical but effective solutions in a way that will make people listen in spite of themselves.

Democratic Nationalist said...

I cannot find Rebecca Barnes' Facebook profile

Unknown said...

Hello everyone who has had the unfortunate fate to actually be on this God-forsaken page. Me and a ton of fellow Facebook superheroes are attacking one of Claire's Facebook groups, if you want to join in the fun and mock everything she posts up, then please feel free to join us:

Well probably start getting bored at some point in the future but our party won't end until the page is down so feel free to arrive a bit late.

Unknown said...

Greetings to anyone who is unfortunate enough to have found this page. Me and some fellow Facebook superheroes are attacking one of Claire's Facebook pages:

Feel free to join us if you want to mock everything she posts up. We'll probably get bored at some point but don't worry, there's always some crap up on the page for you to take the piss out of!

Heather said...

Howard Byers. I'm curious. Why do you choose to advertise your obvious lack of intelligence?

Heather said...

Do you envision a bloodless revolution Claire? What about the possible side effect of a counter revolution?

Claire Khaw said...

It is all part of the circle of life.

Heather said...

Perhaps I'm just being nitpicking. What if there is no circle of life? Maybe there is something new that we (collectively) really haven't tried? I'd like to think so.

Claire Khaw said...

Not sure what you are asking me. If you effect a revolution, there is always the possibility of counter-revolution. That is not an argument for not bothering though.

Heather said...

I agree that it is not an argument for not bothering, but it is an argument for looking ahead at the possible consequences. Look at Egypt and Syria. They are both under worse regimes than before. At least from my perspective they are. The jihadists would of course not see it that way.
If I were in some way able to start a revolution, I'd have to consider how many lives were worth sacrificing for the cause. Jihadists for example are not troubled by such moral dilemmas.

Claire Khaw said...

Ah yes, the eternal question: do the ends justify the means. Just as well that I do not propose to sacrifice lives then, but merely to force the political establishment to discuss my ideas.

Heather said...

Well I am in 100% agreement with you there Claire. I think the only way to make them listen is to overthrow them!

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