
Sunday, 14 April 2013

A Roman Catholic priest in the Armed Forces calls Claire Khaw a "horrible horrible nut job"

Below are exchanges I had with him on subject of whether he as a Catholic priest has ever condemn extramarital sex, and if not, why not.

He had to confirm with me whether by fornication I meant extramarital sex.

I only asked him if he ever condemned extramarital sex in his sermons, and he wouldn't give me a straight answer.

If the Catholic Church is not for maintaining morality, then what is it for?  Does it exist only to provide priests who do not do the job of maintaining morality, and who are otherwise known for being paedo, with a source of income?

Do standards of priestly conduct in the Armed Forces need to be raised just a little?

Has this man ever condemned extramarital sex in any of his sermons?

Probably not, eh?

No Christian clergyman does this sort of thing any more, don't you know!


Elsie said...

He didn't give you a straight answer because there isn't a straight answer.
I can only imagine the moral dilemmas thrown at a priest in the armed forces.
I do not believe that you are a " horrible horrible nut job" for an instant, but why must you always try to be so contentious and dogmatic for the sake of notoriety ?
Your ostensible lack of empathy with human beings becomes boring..

Claire Khaw said...

It was a simple yes or no question. The question I repeatedly asked was "Have you ever in a sermon condemned extramarital sex?"

I was just making the point that a priest who does not dare preach against extramarital sex is not fit for the purpose of maintaining morality.

I was also making the point that the Catholic Church, who longer expect their priests to maintain morality, is no longer fit for purpose either.

The Anglican and Catholic Church are not fit for the purpose of maintaining morality and are a fraud on its adherents.

Elsie said...

It is obviously a very unworkable idea to condemn all extra marital sex.

Sexual relations outside of the main
relationship are nearly always painful to the people concerned ( and a piece of paper makes no difference whatsoever).

However, there are many different reasons why people enter into an extra marital relationship, and not all of them are immoral.

A priest that had any humanity would know that.

I am very pro-marriage, and pro-fidelity, but if you wish to promote marriage then you can't portray it as a sort of prison where people are 'condemned' not to give nor receive comfort elsewhere for some masochistic reason, if that would be the best thing.

Surely, if you believe that priests
should adhere to the Bible to the letter without practical considerations, then how can you
explain a religious man ( Priest, Chaplain, or even a Soldier with Christian beliefs ) having anything to do with the Army in the first place ?

Remember " thou shalt not kill " ?

Various phrases like " the meek shall inherit the earth " or " turn the other cheek " spring to mind...

So, is an Army Priest allowed to ignore those when faced with common sense ? Or should he be preaching those in his sermons ?

Claire Khaw said...

You can have extramarital sex if you don't get knocked up. If you get knocked up, you shouldn't have the baby with no criticism being said about you at all.

Clearly, the Church does not have the courage of its convictions, and neither do you.

Achilles ... said...

INTERESTING Tweeter Exchange ...

" You can have extramarital sex if you don't get knocked up. If you get knocked up, you shouldn't have the baby with no criticism being said about you at all...

Clearly, the Church does not have the courage of its convictions, and neither do you... The Anglican and Catholic Church are not fit for the purpose of maintaining morality and are a fraud on its adherents... "

Absolutely Correct, Claire.

Take care, my friend ... and


' the enemy within' and 'wolves in sheeps clothing'


Claire Khaw said...

Thank you for the warning, Achilles. I already know that, in politics, the people you should fear most are the people supposedly on your side!

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