
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

I have annoyed Anne McElvoy the non-Conservative BBC presenter of a series on Conservatism

Ahead of her Radio 4 series on the events that have shaped this country’s dominant political movement, Anne McElvoy argues that Britain’s centre-Right ideas were forged in the mills and factories of the industrial North

What are these "centre-Right" ideas then?

She does not define them and has blocked me on Twitter.

Why is the centre assumed to be the best place to be?  You could be in the centre of chaos and confusion, could you not?  If that is the case, then it would be better to retreat to the fringes, I would have thought.

Below are the questions I asked her that has caused her to block me on Twitter:

  1. Would you call yourself a Conservative?
  2. Why make so much of Carlyle's preference for a strong leader?  Is there any point to having a *weak* leader?
  3. Is there a danger that Conservatives confuse preserving the status quo - whatever it is - with Conservatism?
  4. Did you know that the Conservative Party confuses its manifesto with its principles?
  5. Did you know that the Conservative Party confuses principles with policies?  Policies should follow principles.
  6. What do you think would be Cameron's answer to the question "What are Conservative principles?"
  7. How very interesting that you studied philosophy.  Do you have a favourite philosopher?
  8. Would you say indiscriminate universal suffrage is a grave and continuing error?
  9. Would you agree that good government and democracy are not necessarily related?
  10. Is promoting gay marriage consistent with Conservative principles as you understand them?
  11. What is Lord Mandelson up to these days?
  12. Have you considered opening an account?  Mine is at 
  13. Would you agree that feminism is incompatible with Conservatism?
  14. "Britain’s centre-Right ideas were forged in the mills and factories of the industrial North"  Really, @annemcelvoy?
  15. What would you say are Britain's "centre right ideas that were forged in the mills and factories of the industrial north?

I would have thought the BBC expert presenter on Conservatism would be able to answer my questions but NO, she has blocked me on Twitter instead.  

Anne McElvoy - upside down


Anonymous said...

To be perfectly honest, Claire, I don't blame her for blocking you. Your post is neither courteous nor very British.

How is question 3, even a question?

Claire Khaw said...

So, according to you, difficult questions are rude questions?

To be British is not to ask difficult questions?


I have reworded question 3 so it has a question-mark at the end of it. Happy now?

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