God if He exists must be very angry with gay Lord Smith, mustn't He?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560300/Why-did-floods-agency-spend-hundreds-equali-tea-gay-awareness-mugs-30-000-gay-pride-marches-As-Britain-counts-cost-shoddy-defences-reveal-bizarre-spending-quango-bosses.html#ixzz2tUzRTVmD
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83% of female MPs voted for gay marriage while only 48% of male MPs did. What does this mean for feminism?
How gay can Britain go? Is there a point of gayness beyond which Britain should not go without attracting more ruinously bad weather?
How shall the British atone for their gayness?
Is it a good idea to provoke God further with more overt displays of gayness?
Affluence over an extended period ->
Arrogance ->
Corruption among masses ->
Corrupt Leadership ->
the Social Laws abandoned -> eg gay marriage, SSMs, house-husbands, no-fault divorce the norm
Increase in Poverty ->
The Fall of the Civilization. A civilisation takes centuries to fall.
bizarre spending by quango bosses
- Investigation shows the Environment Agency, headed by Lord Chris Smith - Britain's first openly gay Cabinet Minister - spent £639 on gay rights mugs
- EA also spent £30,000 sponsoring Birmingham's Gay Pride festival in 2009
A Mail on Sunday investigation has established that the Environment Agency, headed by Lord Chris Smith – Britain’s first openly gay Cabinet Minister – spent £639 on mugs promoting gay rights.
The mugs, emblazoned with the slogan ‘Some people are gay. Get over it!’, are thought to have been handed out to staff at the organisation’s headquarters in London and Bristol. The cost of the mugs is enough to buy more than 250 sandbags to protect flood victims’ homes.
Teabreak slogan: The EA (chairman Lord Smith pictured right) spent £639 on these mugs, handed out to staff
It has also emerged that the agency spent £30,000 sponsoring Birmingham’s Gay Pride festival in 2009 and that staff were provided with ‘proud to be at Pride’ T-shirts and banners with the organisation’s logo on at Manchester Gay Pride marches in 2009 and 2007.
The agency even took out a costly half-page advert in the Independent newspaper’s Diversity section to boast about its sponsorship of the Birmingham Gay Pride event in 2009. Lord Smith became EA chairman in 2008.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560300/Why-did-floods-agency-spend-hundreds-equali-tea-gay-awareness-mugs-30-000-gay-pride-marches-As-Britain-counts-cost-shoddy-defences-reveal-bizarre-spending-quango-bosses.html#ixzz2tUzRTVmD
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
83% of female MPs voted for gay marriage while only 48% of male MPs did. What does this mean for feminism?
How gay can Britain go? Is there a point of gayness beyond which Britain should not go without attracting more ruinously bad weather?
How shall the British atone for their gayness?
Is it a good idea to provoke God further with more overt displays of gayness?
Affluence over an extended period ->
Arrogance ->
Corruption among masses ->
Corrupt Leadership ->
the Social Laws abandoned -> eg gay marriage, SSMs, house-husbands, no-fault divorce the norm
Increase in Poverty ->
The Fall of the Civilization. A civilisation takes centuries to fall.
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