
Monday, 10 February 2014

Justice for Lord Rennard and party activists of all parties who have been used and abused by their party leaders

Allegations regarding the conduct of Lord Rennard: the Party’s response

Mon, 25 Feb 2013
Liberal Democrat Chief Executive Tim Gordon sets out the Party's investigation process. Full contact details are provided for anyone wishing to come forward with further information.

Internal investigation into the conduct of Lord Rennard
Thu, 26 Sep 2013
In February 2013 the Regional Parties Committee (RPC) of the English Party initiated a case against Lord Rennard under the disciplinary process in the English Membership Rules, for bringing the party into disrepute in connection with the Channel 4 news broadcast.
The RPC appointed a panel of five members to investigate the charge to be chaired by Alistair Webster QC.
The process was temporarily suspended while the police investigated whether to bring criminal charges. 
Following the decision by the police today not to prosecute Lord Rennard with a criminal offence, the Party’s disciplinary process will now resume.
The Party considers the allegations made against Lord Rennard, which he strenuously denies, to be extremely serious.
We would encourage anyone who has information that could be relevant to the inquiry to get in touch via Jeanne Tarrant <> or through our independent whistle-blower hotline, run by Public Concern at Work, on 020 7404 6609.
Related documents: 

Suspension of Lord Rennard

The Liberal Democrats have just issued this statement:
Nick Clegg made clear last week, and again this morning, that it would be inappropriate for Lord Rennard to resume the Liberal Democrat whip unless he apologises. Lord Rennard has refused to do so.
The Regional Parties Committee, which oversees disciplinary procedures under the English Party membership rules, today decided to suspend Lord Rennard’s membership of the party pending a disciplinary procedure. As such, he cannot return to the Liberal Democrat group in the House of Lords.
Lord Rennard will now be investigated for bringing the party into disrepute on the grounds of his failure to apologise as recommended by Alistair Webster QC.

No date has been given in this announcement.  It is clearly the intention of Nick Clegg to sweep Lord Rennard under the carpet after putting him on the back burner, and Lord Rennard is having none of it.  How long have these investigations been going on?  Around a year.  Doubtless Clegg would delay the "investigation" and its predictable "findings" for as long as it takes to break his spirit, till next year, probably, and beyond.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: the treatment meted out to Lord Rennard by his Party is so outrageous and so disgraceful that it would probably have been kinder to assassinate him with an ice pick.

I was talking to a friend who really ought to know better about these things, being legally-trained and all, but I suppose his view echoes what the majority of Britons think: that they do not care if Lord Rennard is really guilty or not.  It is enough that he is a politician.  For that he deserves to be punished.  They are not interested in truth or principle, only indulging in schadenfreude.

He even went so far as to say that the principle of treating someone as innocent till proven guilty should be suspended where politicians are concerned.

So there you are, boys and girls of the political establishment.  This is how hated you are.  If you would like an improvement in your status and working conditions, you should get in touch with me, your unofficial Career Adviser and Shop Steward.

Only by doing something interesting and courageous will the voting public relent and consider the possibility that you might not be a complete parasite who is a total and utter waste of space.  

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