
Friday, 28 November 2014

If Andrew Mitchell had stuck to his principles he would be the first ex-Cabinet Minister about to defect UKIP

'Plebgate' row: Timeline

What should Andrew Mitchell not have done, apart from not ride his bike, and used his ministerial car instead?

What went wrong for Andrew Mitchell? For Hitler, it was invading Poland.


AK said...

I think his 'fatal error' was being an arrogant dickhead in the first place.

I cant see what 'principle' he was upholding. we can do without arseholes like him in governemnt

AB said...

Mitchell made one enormous mistake. How the fuck could he have agreed to a non-jury trial? A jury with two or three black men on it would have seen him awarded massive damages. Damn that cunt of a judge.

Claire Khaw said...

I was referring to the principle of not resigning if you don't think you have done anything worth resigning over.

The principle of not resigning if you don't think you have done anything worth resigning over.

Or Miliband when he sacked Thornberry?

Or don't you see that either?

I was invited to resign from the BNP for what I said on the Victoria Derbyshire Show. I declined to do so.

Claire Khaw said...

It was a FALSE ECONOMY agreeing to a judge-only trial, yes, indeed. Sally Bercow went wrong that way too.

AB said...

Expensive for him... yet the cost simply verifies the rule for all of us, independent of power and influence we may have: If the State's servant of power (police) give evidence within the State's Court, then that officer's version will be accepted whether truthful or not. There was a case in Scotland a decade or so ago where a policewoman's fingerprints were verified as being at the scene of a murder incident. It would have been virtually impossible for her to have been there ... yet the fingerprints "proved" otherwise. A very difficult position for the police, courts, forensic evidence, CPS. The result? - rather than having proven that fingerprint collection or police were wrong... easy... the young officer was retired from police service with an undisclosed taxpayer pay-off. Crisis over. No police compromised. Fingerprint "evidence" saved.

NM said...

Actually it has more to do with the evidential criteria being a lot less in civil cases.

The Judge ruled on the basis of probabilities and ruled in favour of The Sun.

AB said...

That Mitchell said "something like" Pleb... on probability. He never claimed he did not use bad language or that he never said anything like "pleb". He only claimed he didn't use "pleb" ... and one cops word saying he did was enough, huh? Even though a number of other cops have been sacked or sanctioned for colluding and conspiring against Mitchell... liars. every one of them.

JK said...

It is absurd to settle the case on the basis of probabilities. In fact the entire situation is absurd. Not since Michael Meacher sued someone for claiming he wasn't working class has there been a more ridiculous case. The right thing to do would have been to throw it out as vexatious and a waste of public funds and administer the appropriate number of lashes to both parties . But of course the bloodsucking legal community wouldn't have received its fat fees.

NM said...

Mitchell is cunt, he got what he deserved

AB said...

Was it an ego trip (as Meacher's may have been)? Mitchell lost his career and humiliated as a result. If he deserved it then let all police officers lie based on their individual beliefs on who deserves it. No change there then.

JK said...

Yes, we are now back in the situation where the police can lie and connive and back each other up with impunity. The question remains: if they can collude to destroy a member of the government, what can't they do to you and I?

RP said...

Cops are scum. So are politicians. This is a real confusing case. I hate all of them.

NM said...

It all boils down to who was the bigger cunt.

Claire Khaw said...

If Mitchell had not resigned Cameron would have sacked him in the end.

Members of the establishment no longer even stand up for each other.

They have lost all their marbles and their marbles are rolling all over the floor, but they are still in charge.

I actually find this scarier.

JK said...

The real worry is that an unholy alliance of Plod and the Sun can now expect to get away with stitching up anyone they please, selling us whatever lies are convenient for their own purposes: insinuations of paedophilia, sexual impropriety, pointing a finger at the police in a " threatening manner"...This has been somehow overlooked in the overall farce.

The Noahide laws or Secular Koranism - which gives us more liberty *and* God-given rights?

  Idolater who worships his own inconsistent opinions being questioned about his beliefs by a Muslim and me 2:00  He denies God and says hum...