
Thursday, 27 November 2014

Is Shariah law fairer than English law? Muslims win this debate in a majority non-Muslim audience

A retired Judge & Adrienne Page, a Legal Barrister debates Abdullah al Andalusi and Zara Faris on the motion 'This House Believes that Shariah is Fairer than English Law'. The event is organised by Lord Strathcarron, held in the plush location of the Master Builder's Hotel in Hampshire, UK. The audience is exclusively English (Upper/Middle Class backgrounds).

Muslims win debate: IS SHARIA FAIRER than ENGLISH LAW?

"a former Judge, Tim J [he requested not to be fully named in our article]"

"The Debate was not filmed due to the request of the retired English Court judge who spoke"

Listen from the 53rd minute when the former judge who dared not say his name dared his audience in the following terms:

"If you share that belief [that one person's hand cut off and one woman stoned to death and the offences would cease and the job of the British police would be easier] then vote for the motion ... "

Secular Koranism the alternative to Shariah law and Libtard law and the antidote to Feminism and Liberalism

The most asinine comment during Q&A: "Islam is an ideology and ideologies do not work."

What is Liberalism but an asinine ideology?

What is feminism but an unsustainable and immoral ideology?

Supporters of the motion doubled after the debate.

54 for the motion, 46 against.

Nobody asked Adrienne Page any questions cos she was so boring. 


RR said...

Far fairer. I'd support it world wide and I'm Atheist.

Claire Khaw said...

Wow. Really? I thought I was the only atheist like that.

SG said...

Sharia doesn’t punish people for what they do while they are drunk – nor punishes people for ‘rape’ just because they couldn’t tell if their partner was ‘too drunk to consent to sex’ (which carries a potential LIFE SENTENCE )and can be extremely difficult to ascertain, not to mention problematic considering most casual sex occurs in the West after both parties have drunk alcohol. One case in England, was a young man had sex with a woman who approached him for sex repeatedly – the morning after, the woman believed she was too drunk to have consented, and he later turned up in court charged with rape of the woman. He was only saved when it turned out that he too was too drunk to consent! (effectively English law considers they raped each other!) leading to the dropping of the case. The political Sharia is fairer because it abolishes alcohol (and requires consent to sex to be required under a legal document establishing responsibility i.e. Marriage) therefore eliminating the problem of establishing consent full stop. Zara continued to iterate a long list of SHOCKINGLY unfair English laws [read her the full transcript of her opening presentation here ].

English law on rape is now so perverted and insane that shariah law is far more just

JP said...

Correct. The Sharia is in its pure form, is perfect justice.

OM said...

What a crock of shit. "Sharia is fairer because it abolishes alcohol", the most stupid, inane, thoughtless statement of the day so far. Explain to me what is fair about one person imposing his personal tastes on another. As I understand it, under Sharia a rape cannot be said to have happened unless there were six, make witnesses to the event. Well, what fucking genius! Clearly a criteria for taking sex without consent is that there be eight people in the room. Absence of these witnesses results in the victim being charged with fornication and often given the same sentence as her rapist. How very fair.

Claire Khaw said...

"Sharia is fairer because it abolishes alcohol"

That just means neither the alleged rapist can say he was so drunk he thought consent had been given nor can the complainant claim she was so drunk she was unable to give consent.

OM said...

So what is the more sensible solution? Change the law so rapists/complainants can't use alcohol as an excuse, or ban alcohol.

Claire Khaw said...

There is a law called khalwat, which is a "people will talk" restriction.

If a man and a woman spend the night together alone and the woman gets raped it could be argued that she should have known better and so should he.

Both get lashed 100 times.

Neat, huh?

OM said...

Absolute genius.

Claire Khaw said...

It will stop all these stupid accusations PRONTO.

OM said...

It would also stop legitimate victims coming forward and leave them with no legal recourse if they are raped under said circumstances.

Claire Khaw said...

So she should basically not put herself in that position and if something bad happens they BOTH get punished.

It would make people think twice.

OM said...


Claire Khaw said...

Why? Are you afraid women will be less prepared to spend the night with men who are not their husbands?

OM said...

There are plenty of circumstances where people end up sharing accommodation for the night in a non-sexual context. I've done it a hundred times. And it's not a question of being "afraid" it's a question of freedom of choice. Supposing I were a rapist, I could easily trick people into letting people sleep on their floor then rape them feeling confident that the 100 lashes would put them off reporting the crime.

Claire Khaw said...

If your victim were angry enough with you she would suffer 100 lashes just to see that you got your punishment, or she could decide to draw a line under it and take it on the chin like a man ...

DC said...

Anyone advocating the introduction of 'Sharia Law' is mad.

Claire Khaw said...

I think these rules will save a lot of police and court time.

OM said...

And "saving time" should be the iver riding concern of any legal system.

Claire Khaw said...

A woman who is a compromising situation with a man should know what she is letting herself into. The least her mum can do is warn her about getting into a compromising situation with a man not her husband.

If she decides to take the risk, so be it.

If she gets raped, the she can get him punished too, but she will herself also be punished for getting herself into that situation.

Obviously it will be different if it were stranger rape.

OM said...

You were born in the wrong century, or live in the wrong continent. In Europe, we are civilized. I swear, you'd be happier among the savages in the Middle East.

Claire Khaw said...

Do you know how much it costs the taxpayer every time there is a rape case, and the prosecution is successful?

The victim gets £11k.

Are you men not sort of hoping you could get raped too and get paid for that?

Even a prostitute doesn't earn as much in one act of intercourse.

A great money-making scheme would for slags is to sign up to gang bangs of up to 10 men and then accuse some of the smellier fatter uglier men of rape at £11k per pop.

SG said...

I used to be totally against the idea of sharia law but now I hope it continues to go from strength to strength. The Muslim population is growing and before long the UK government will not be able to hold back the demands for more sharia courts. The only problem is that one would be obliged to convert to Islam otherwise you would remain subject to unfair and anti-male UK law. I would have no problem with it, my conversion would probably be insincere, but escaping UK legal juristiction would be a good enough reason. i cant see most other white males doing so, they would rather suffer injustice under the corrupt British legal system out of a misplaced sense of patriotardism.

CY said...

We would rather wage war on all the scum traitors repsponsible for our predicament out of true patriotism and protect tomorrow's children from the evils of Talmudic Judaism and Islamism and the Coudenhove-Kalergi (white genocide) project.

SG said...

i dont see many of you waging war on the "scum traitors" . I see plenty of bored men pissing around and complaining on their keyboards. The broader question is how do men get radicalised if not through religion? There is an ongoing war on male sexuality, yet practically no white men get sufficiently radicalized to fight back against the repressive sex laws that are piling up. Muslims have less reason to insurrect than men in general (they are not particularly religiously oppressed, they are brought up in pro-male cultures and marry young (typically to 19 year olds with tight unbroken pussies) so they get easier access to sex than the average beta white male who often has to wait till he is in his mid twenties to lose his virginity. Plus, they remain a small minority (albeit a fast growing one) AND YET they manage to carry out some bona fide activism that guys like us can only dream of. Muslims are clearly the only group of men with any vitality in the world today, all other men aid and abet the oppression of their own sexuality.

RP said...

In my ideal country islam would be made illegal and practicing it a crime punishable by death

JB said...

Sorry, but Sharia is an usurpation of the laws of whatever lands it is attempting to subvert by allowing muslims to practice it, rather than the laws of the country. I note that westerners are not being given the privilege of having the English common law, or the US Constitution being practiced when they travel to areas such as Syria, or Iraq, or even safer places, such as Egypt or Saudi Arabia. If a citizen of the US can not exercise the US Constitution while in Arab (muslim) lands, then Sharia should not be allowed outside of muslim lands.

OM said...

Sharia is a sack of shit. That is why all countries with a muslim majority are shit. Nobody wants to live in any of them which is why they all beg to come to Europe where we are civilized.

They escape a place that their culture, religion and law have turned into a stinking, uncivilized armpit, arrive in a comfortable, civilized society and then complain that their new place is not a stinking, uncivilized armpit! Where is the fucking logic in that? Ridiculous cunts! No wonder they all believe in a magic sky wizard, such a glaring disregard for logic and critical thinking almost demand it!

RP said...

Ship them out. They are a disease

Claire Khaw said...

Is it the duty of any race not to exploit the stupidity and weakness of any other race?

RP said...

The ones about decapitating kuffars. Let the truth about islam be known

NM said...

The Anglican Church is dead might as well try Islam

YR said...

According to Harvard University, the greatest expression of justice in history comes from the Quran:

O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. -Verse 135 of Surah An Nisa

I believe it is appropriate.

KC said...

Islam is to Justice what Fish are to Bicycles.

YR said...

More educated people say otherwise.

KC said...

I fucking doubt that. Only fruckwits like Claire think of the Qur-an as anything but ass wipe.

YR said...

Your language is quite sophisticated. I'm impressed.

RP said...

My ass has noble blood and is too good for the koran

KC said...

Your religion is shit. I'm not impressed.

YR said...

I must say...the intellectual challenge here is quite intimidating.

That's the thing with you people, you can only hold a little piece of information at a time in you head so context is impossible for you to comprehend.

AT said...


Claire Khaw said...

9:5 And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.

***************But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.***********************

Sounds fair enough to me.

YR said...

Your both a couple of retards. I'm done here.

RP said...

Fuck allah

KC said...

The two retards here are you and that repugnant cunt Claire.

YR said...

That she lets shit stains like you sully her threads, I must agree, is repugnant.

KC said...

We just serve to ventilate the stench of her and her minions vile lies.

RP said...

Oh do fuck off. Your dog allah can come do his own dirty work instead of sending vile shits in his stead

NM said...

Didn't muhammad marry and fuck a 14 year old?

RP said...

He did

Claire Khaw said...

Nothing in the Koran about having sex with under-aged girls. If you disagree, please cite the verse that says Muslims should have sex with under-aged girls.

RP said...

You cant look at a muslim and seriously say thats what a properly evolved human should look like. Even the whites who convert look retarded and degenerate

NM said...

Indeed, aisha was 6!

And 9 when she was fucked by him

RP said...

Was aisha groomed then?

DC said...

The 'ideal' man of Islam, Muhammad, was himself a paedophile. This is who Muslims today consider to be the perfect man. So it follows suit that these Third World savages will also find nothing wrong with having sex with children. If they do, then they aren't true Muslims.

RP said...

He was a pirate and had zero honor. They have cerainly emulated him

KC said...

While I don't discount that there are some decent an pious Muslims, the average however is a subhuman piece of shit.

DC said...

Nobody is ever going to embrace your promotion of any form of Islam, Claire. All this serves to do is increase your ever-growing number of enemies. You know this.

Claire Khaw said...

"Nobody is ever going to embrace your promotion of any form of Islam, Claire. All this serves to do is increase your ever-growing number of enemies. You know this."

Nothing less would work though.

Whatever the problem is, the answer is Islam.

DC said...

Muslims have some good ideas, for example how they deal with homosexuality and usury, etc. They have some morals. But this is basic common sense and not limited to religion.

We don't need religion.

RP said...

If they have morals its despite their shit religion

AT said...

Islam was a great improvement over the cults who were defacing Medina and Mecca during the life of Mohammad.

DC said...

"If you made Islam up from scratch today, you would be locked away for your own good." - Pat Condell


AT said...

Pat Condell is an ignorant prick.

That's why I recommend Tahia Al-Ismail's 'Life of Mohammad'. It's the best biography in English.

KC said...

Islam is the diarrhea of religion.

AT said...

No, that's the Wiccans.

AT said...

The 'embrace' of Islam includes the schools of the sunnah ['custom' & 'direct path']. The Bukhari collection is generally considered to be the strongest collection of hadiths by a majority of sunni scholars. One of the main reasons being that the Quran is written in a very archaic form of Arabic. So even the vast majority of Arabic-born and Arabic- speaking Muslims rely on inter-textual philological & linguistic translations. For instance, Mohammad is only mentioned 4 or 5 times in the Quran. The life of Mohammad is largely explicated via the ahadiths, both strong and weak. Which explains : " Ask those who recall, if you know not " (Qur'an 16:43)

Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X