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@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave JIM
Who ran away from his nurse
and was eaten by a lion.
Hillaire Belloc http://t.co/4aZuQDo1z6
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
The bravery of Breck Bednar's parents, policing the internet & http://t.co/fk2b80uplt @LorinLaFave http://t.co/EeHMNB12Xb
— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) January 15, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Perhaps the lesson most to be learned from all this is that children should obey their parents. #r4today
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave To be fair to @kvnbhrly1 the cuts imposed by @TheresaMay_MP must have affected operational efficiency. #r4today
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Much police time wasted investigating sluts complaining about regret rape. http://t.co/0zWREL7Qau #r4today
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave It must be borne in mind the police have no absolute responsibility to PREVENT any crime however foreseeable.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave This is more an issue of parental control. How to prevent this kind of crime: always listen to mum or else.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Blaming the police for not preventing badly parented psychopaths killing their kids is probably not way forward.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @janemerrick23 why waste tax payers money creating a database if they don't check it for psychopaths?#ceop
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 To assist the police in investigating a crime AFTER IT HAS BEEN COMMITTED.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 If only anyone can sue police for failing to prevent a crime! It is a legal principle, I seem to remember.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 I seem to remember a legal principle that a citizen cannot sue the police for failing to prevent a crime.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 http://t.co/B0w9cWJdbd is a US source reinforcing my point about the police having no duty to prevent crime.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 You can imagine how many similar complaints the police get about this sort of thing all the time.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave I know you think you thought you did everything possible when you told the police but they must have thought what they thought.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave The police must have thought you were an over-concerned helicopter mum who would do better to threaten your son directly.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 I hope I won't sound flippant to you, but the biggest psychopaths are the ones already in office.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 Psychopath - someone who holds no moral principles and is only moved by expediency and the mood of the moment.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave I bet Lewis Daynes was singly-parented by his single mother or was in care, or never knew his father. #r4today
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Most UK children illegitimate and brought up by by their Slut Single Mother. http://t.co/2PHKcYNikR
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Evil feminists will condemn any criticism of Slut Single Mothers and instead wilfully encourage them.#r4today
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 Do we really need more policing of the Internet just because some parents cannot control their children?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @janemerrick23 if only.
Not sure you understand the concept of grooming, control and manipulation#ceop#justiceforbreck
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 19, 2015
@lorinlafave @ntfem agree with you Lorin. Not sure whether you saw my piece last week, but wish you all the best with your foundation.
— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @janemerrick23 Aren't we all being groomed for sex if someone wants to have sex with us and begins a campaign of seduction?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave It is crazy to expect the police to look after our children if we won't tell them about the facts of life.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave Parents should start telling their children about the facts of life *well before adolescence*.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave FACTS OF LIFE: No such thing as a free lunch. Most infantilised adults these days don't know this either.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@janemerrick23 @LorinLaFave A verse from Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Verses: "Always keep a hold of nurse for fear of something worse.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem You are one dangerous individual!
— Pappageno (@dear_realms) January 19, 2015
@dear_realms Why do you say that?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @dear_realms I just read your blog.
— Pappageno (@dear_realms) January 19, 2015
@dear_realms What is so dangerous about my blog?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @dear_realms I personally think the @metpoliceuk should visit this tweeter they r irresponsible & so prejudiced against @LorinLaFave
— Kemosabe (@woteverchanges) January 19, 2015
@woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @LorinLaFave What law have I broken, please? I am standing up for the police, actually.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @LorinLaFave Have you suffered the trauma of losing a child, they failed this mother, stop pestering her!
— Kemosabe (@woteverchanges) January 19, 2015
@woteverchanges @dear_realms @LorinLaFave I don't want any more laws being imposed on the rest of us cos mothers can't control their kids.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@woteverchanges @dear_realms @LorinLaFave @metpoliceuk Why don't we have laws that allow the exercise of parental authority instead?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms my son was in control, evil psychotic groomer not #ceop#justiceforbreck#playvirtuallivereal
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 19, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms If he was in control he would not have disobeyed you.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 19, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms learn about grooming #ceop#justiceforbreck#playvirtuallivereal
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms Grooming is just old-fashioned seduction. What did you say to tell him not to go?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @LorinLaFave Please stop including me in this discussion, and really CK you should leave this lady alone, to grieve!
— Kemosabe (@woteverchanges) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms learn about grooming: psychological, controlling, manipulating effects, not always sexually based #ceop
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @surreypolice did nothing to protect a child from a Known rapist, you are happy with that?
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @SurreyPolice Police are not under a duty to prevent crime, only to investigate it.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @SurreyPolice I Really wish they Had investigated the previous rapes #ceop#justiceforbreck
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @SurreyPolice He was not convicted of rape nor charged, was he?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @dear_realms @metpoliceuk @SurreyPolice duh, pay attention, charged twice, got away with it #ceop#justiceforbreck
— Lorin LaFave (@LorinLaFave) January 20, 2015
@woteverchanges I am just helping @LorinLaFave towards closure. Ultimately, shit happens, and sometimes to us and our loved ones.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms I am familiar with sales techniques of very accomplished salespeople.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms What did you threaten your son with if he visited Daynes? Did you threaten him at all?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@LorinLaFave @woteverchanges @dear_realms @SurreyPolice It seems everyone is being charged with rape these days @MPritchardMP @benrsullivan
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave You are disgusting. Leave Lorin alone. She has lost a child have some respect! Absolutely unbelievable.
— Lewis Owen R (@Villaboy8) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave A mother whose child disobeys her is beyond criticism?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave This woman wants more laws to control the rest of us just because her son disobeyed her.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave Women never take responsibility for anything, do they? Remember Fiona McKeown?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@ntfem @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave You are just a troll looking for a reaction. I'm going to ignore such a vile person as yourself now. Bye
— Lewis Owen R (@Villaboy8) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave Nobody BUT NOBODY is capable of debating the issue of PARENTAL AUTHORITY at all, are they?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave If we can't discuss parental authority now, when can we? When would be a good time to do so?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave Mothers don't like talking about parental authority because they cannot exercise it, can they?
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave Men so pussy-whipped these days they allow their wives to stop them exercising parental authority.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
@Villaboy8 @woteverchanges @LorinLaFave ANOTHER LESSON TO BE LEARNT: Don't give your kids too much pocket money even if you are rich.
— Claire Khaw (@ntfem) January 20, 2015
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