
Tuesday, 19 January 2016

How much compensation should the UK taxpayer pay sluts fucked by undercover cops?


DH said...

Should have kept her legs closed

Claire Khaw said...

How much do these sluts fucked by coppers want? How much should they get?

AB said...


Claire Khaw said...

I think these sluts should get 100 lashes.

AB said...

How were they tricked into sex? Because someone gave an inaccurate description of his employment? Why should the taxpayer be held responsible in any case Even if valid deceit , the cost of court case and any compensation to be met by guilty cop. Use his pension fund.

Why do sluts and public servant workers have no personal responsibilities and taxpayer always has to pay for their actions?

JF said...

Their lack of shame is astonishing.

Al B said...

These women were gullible but gullibility is not a crime. What the pigs did was, including inciting crimes not to mention identity theft.

Claire Khaw said...

They should get 100 lashes.

Al B said...

And the men who tricked them?

Claire Khaw said...

The same.

Al B said...

We are in half agreement then.

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