
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Labour Party tries to prove that it is *not* anti-Semitic

It is apparently not up to Jews claiming anti-Semitism to prove anti-Semitism, but for the Labour Party to prove that it is not anti-Semitic. No one is even questioning this blatant reversal of the burden of proof. The goyim are too scared and stupid, clearly.  

Even if the Labour Party expelled all its Muslim members, would the Jews be satisfied?

But you know what I think? I think Sadiq Khan the Labour London Mayoral Candidate will be the beneficiary of all this, as Londoners react to this disgusting naked display of Jewish and neocon power by voting for a Muslim mayor. The Tory candidate is Zac Goldsmith - charming and handsome though he is, is a Jew. Again the Jews are hoist by their own petard.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN the Jewish Activist who first posted the blog and image of Israel moving to USA is doing a special interview which will be published on openDemocracy website. Let it be known and make sure it gets passed round.

I contacted him and asked him to intervene.

Norman Finkelstein
To Today at 5:35

A long interview with me on the subject will be posted tomorrow on openDemocracy web site. I hope you'll find it of some interest.

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 7:04 AM, XXXX XXXX wrote:
Page URL:

Dear Mr Finkelstein,

I may interest and amuse you that a huge political row has blown up in UK over a blog and image you posted.

A Labour Party MP, Naz Khan, before she became an MP shared your image of Israel being moved to US and Israel map in middle of USA, as well as your comments and blog about it.

Because of this she has been called anti-semitic and has been suspended and disciplined by the Labour Party about sharing your post and image.

On top of this a well known socialist politician Ken Livingston who was the Mayor of London for many years and is very well read and knows his stuff in supporting Ms Shah mentioned how people change their mind and mentioned that Hitler originally to solve the Jewish problem in 1933 sought to work with Jewish Zionists to deport tens of thousands of Jews back to Palestine. By mentioning in the same sentence Hitler and Zionism and saying Hitler originally supported Zionism he too has been called a racist and anti semitic,

Ken Livingson has spent his life supporting egalitarianism and equal rights and fighting racism, sexism and other diversity hate crimes. Ken too has been suspended from the Labour Party and had his membership cancelled.

The media and press are all over it like a rash. They are against Jeremy Corbyn and the new ethical socialist Labour and are screaming that Labour Party is anti-semitic.

The media is biased. so most people cannot see the truth or that stating historical fact is not a crime. We believe it is a way of attacking Labour and undermining Corbyn's leadership.

Some of us have found out that the original post and image was created by yourself a Jewish activist. Which we find ironically amusing.

But it is important that this gets out and the screams of anti semitic stop when known the image and ideas were put forward by a thinking Jew who questions Israel's elitism and destruction of Palestinian people.

Can you do something?

Get in touch with Labour Party or the UK press.

I am sure you can help and put things right.

We are in the middle of the most elite right wing politics throughout the world. we need a social humanitarian and ethical side. Corbyn and Labour Party are going back to their roots instead of supporting and following corporate blindly.

Please can you make you presence known and it was your image an blog, so it cannot be anti semitic as done and voiced by a Jew.

No one should be banned or suspended or disciplined for stating a fact or standing up against Israel's power and bullying.

Thank you.
Nobody Important, so please contact Labour Party/UK Press BBC, Newsnight, ITV, Channel 4. press such as Times, Guardian, Mirror, Independent.
Contacts - Norman G. Finkelstein

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