
Saturday, 16 July 2016

BREXIT BETRAYED: When did you first realise Brexit had been cancelled?

PCR: "I don't think they can get out without violence. If the people are not prepared to use violence, they might as well surrender now."

Fight? These emasculated cunts would rather vote for a woman whose legs they find shapely than stand up for the right of a fellow male Tory MP to stand for leadership instead of punishing him, like they did Michael Gove. Even if these men knew what a principle was, they have no capacity to fight for it, being infantilised and effeminate.

You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave

For me, it was when I heard yesterday evening that May had allowed Northern Ireland and Nicola Sturgeon to veto Brexit.

In a master stroke of obfuscation, Theresa and Nicola agreed that Article 50 of the EU treaty would not be invoked until full agreement had been reached between Westminster and Edinburgh over a satisfactory approach to exiting the EU. In other words we won’t leave until Nicola gives her permission. The Daily Telegraph reported; ’Theresa May has indicated that Brexit could be delayed as she said she will not trigger the formal process for leaving the EU until there is an agreed “UK approach” backed by Scotland.’

legal obligations prevent Britain from signing deals while still an EU member, Ms May said

Sturgeon: I can block UK exit from Europe


LG said...

I have my doubts that Scotland can veto Brexit anyway. The giving of notice under Article 50(2) is an act in relation to the operation of the Treaty on an international plane. As such, it is a prerogative power vested in the Crown, and this power may be exercised by government ministers without the need for authorisation from Parliament.

R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ex parte Rees-Mogg [1994] confirms per Lord Lloyd that “[w]hen Parliament wishes to fetter the Crown's treaty-making power in relation to Community law, it does so in express terms”, which it has not done in relation to Article 50.

But the fact that Sturgeon is saying that May has GIVEN her a powerful hand in this is bad enough, even if she is mistaken.

Claire Khaw said...

I am prepared become Theresa May's political adviser in the national interest even as I rail at the national tragedy of Gove not becoming our Brexit PM who is not a woman.

I feel sure Gove would have completely ignored the silly woman as I would have done.

LG said...

The press has told us to keep an eye on her advisers, Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy, who will be wielding a lot of power behind the scenes. Mr Timothy backed Brexit and I believe he advised Vote Leave.