
Friday, 10 March 2017

Why aren't feminists interested in nationalism?

Because women don't care about national identity they way men don't worry about bad hair days.

Why don't women care about men's civilisation?

Because they didn't create it and know they will be OK whatever happens, in just the way a lion's harem never come to his assistance when they know if he loses the fight against his potential usurper he has to leave the pride and his cubs will be killed by the usurper. If their cubs are killed, that's just fine with the lionesses, because they will be impregnated again by the victor, who won't have a loser's genes.

The only way to support Western culture and keep it going is to have legitimate children.

If Western Man has a problem with Western Woman and is reluctant to marry her, he should really be asking himself questions on why that is.

It seems to me that Western Man would rather be exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims than accept the need to marry Western Woman and to have Legitimate Western Children with her.

Feminism is the elephant in the room that no nationalist, however rabidly anti-Semitic and Islamophobic, will discuss fully and frankly.


KC said...

Your account of lion behaviour certainly sounds the note of Darwinism, if not via Dawkins, then David Attenborough perhaps, Claire. Or somehow you know it unconsciously through an examination of human instincts, male and female, lol.

Claire Khaw said...

I have watched a few nature documentaries in my time. The behaviour of lionesses is the most rational and the most telling. They have got it exactly right about letting nature run its course.

This view of their fungibility is too cold and cruel for most men to contemplate, however.

KC said...

One way to be red pilled. Those feminist men need a good kick up the arse.

Claire Khaw said...

And so humans invented marriage: this gives us the hope and expectation of trust, affection and loyalty between a man and a woman.

KC said...

Would you say, the muslim /African lack of the European dyadic pairing - which I agree is the mark of our wonderful civilization (do you mean that?) - is closer to what lions do? They are certainly more savage in their ways.

Claire Khaw said...

What do you mean by dyadic pairing?

KC said...

Leastwise, to varying degrees feminist men/liberals/Marxists want to be mothered all their lives and create a nanny state to compensate for the loss of childhood nanny comforts. The predatory economic migrants especially from the muslimised third world see their chance to exploit the feminist west while sticking to their own efficient system of having lots of litters.

Claire Khaw said...

All they have to do is remember to go forth and multiply within wedlock to win in the end.

Only by having *legitimate* children will the father have any influence on the quality of his offspring.

And all that it takes for the West to keep losing is to keep sticking to feminism.

KC said...

By dyadic pairing I mean only marriage. Dyadic is a bit of a fancy word which I use sometimes but I think I'd better look it up in the dictionary in case I'm misusing it.

Certainly agree on feminism. There was a period in my silly existence when I thought feminism wasn't such a bad thing. I had no inkling of its destructive potential. Now I see it as the principal counter narrative to the grand narrative i.e. everything we value in Western civilization.

Claire Khaw said...

Feminism bribes men with fornicating women knowing full well that there will be enough men who can't and won't say no.

And so it makes perfect sense now when we are told that lust is one of the seven deadly sins ....

Sin is not really a heaven or hell thing but what you as a society and civilisation must *not* do if you are to hang on to it.

KC said...

I like your pragmatic take on sin and lust. Hollywood religious ethics creates a mystery about the 7 deadly sins ( as in Se7en with Brad Pitt) which tends keeps us in thrall to superstition.

Claire Khaw said...

I try to explain things by reference to undisputed facts and the use of logic. It seems easier that way!

CL said...

You really do need to have a sex-change operation.

CL said...

You clearly despise women, I don't know how you stand being one.

JF said...

Claire your blunt honesty was too much for CL too handle.

Claire Khaw said...

I don't despise women. It is true what I say about them though.

CL said...

How do you know what I can or cannot handle?

Claire Khaw said...

Because you are not dealing with the truth of what I say.

CL said...

Women make up 50% of the world's population - that's a hell of a lot of people, there are a hell of a lot of women that I have nothing in common with at all - for a start religious women are like aliens to me as indeed are religious men, any person male or female who likes "urban" music or does does not love animals is like an alien to me; people are first & foremost people regardless of gender (race is a far more significant factor than gender).

Claire Khaw said...

The beliefs of people dictate their actions.

Marriage is obviously a burden and sacrifice that many men and women are not up to these days.

PA said...

Why do western women want immigration? Because they want an influx of new men who are not scared to take care of them.

Claire Khaw said...

Having destroyed the masculinity of white men, white women now want to destroy the masculinity of the invading men.

AP said...

Mmm why are white women so open to sexual relations with the invaders? White women are getting raped en masse by the invaders bu they don't have a mass up rising against this. White women want a strong patriarchal society but they won't get it from the weak western white men.

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