
Saturday, 24 June 2017

Grenfell Tower aftermath: a warning to the men and women of all races in Britain

Were there any white people living in #GrenfellTower? I got the impression there were none at all.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France What colour is white?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw
of a suspect. Originating in the late 1970s, the codes are based on a police officer's perceived view of an individual's ethnicity based on a visual assessment, as opposed to that individual's self-definition.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw It was only IC3 and IC4 people who got any media attention at Grenfell Tower, wasn't it? I wasn't watching it with much attention, but I don't remember any white people being featured either indigenous or East European.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France You didn't watch, but you claim to know.

If you had watched, then you'd know.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Mahad Egal and Jamie Murray at 1:51. The white woman is sitting on the sofa with a black man, talking about the children.

I am not sure whether Mahad is the man or the woman.

Jamie is such a pukey name.
The London Tower Fire in detail doc
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw One indigenous white man in the 6th minute. They must have had to look hard to find him.

It has been suggested that it was an act of arson by a white racist by some.
...See more
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The most raucous and aggressive voices came from members of the black community.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France You lie with effortless ease.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw What am I lying about?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw White couple at the 27th minute.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw But it does look like black people are being very very aggressive towards white people though, especially the people who worked in the council offices of Kensington.

We don't know their race because they were obviously too scared to come out of the b
uilding for fear of being torn from limb by angry black people.

Does anyone remember PC Keith Blakelock during the Blackwater Farm rriots when a black man tried to behead a policeman?
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis I certainly do remember him, I find the case very distressing even all these years later.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Do you remember when white racist rats would hunt and kill non whites in the 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's?
Colisha T. Harris
Colisha T. Harris Claire, who gives a shit about some pig almost losing his filthy head decades ago? Stop caping for whites when these same assholes would send you on the first plane smoking back to Malaysia, and bar your re-entry.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Then I go back. I ain't bothered.

What I care about is The Principle of the Thing. The indigenous whites are angry at how their own government treats them ie worse than foreigners.

Not only that, their own representatives have also utterly failed them.

They have been so completely abandoned that there is actually no one to speak for them.

The BNP and UKIP are silent and mute, are they not?

I can't even find any reference to the UKIP leadership election.

Nationalism appears to be a headless corpse.

Anyway, I have stepped into the breach and I can do so without being racist, antisemitic or Islamophobic. It is high time my genius is finally acknowledged.
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis The only one I'm aware of is a 79 year old man called Tony Disson.
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· Reply · Yesterday at 11:10
Jonathan France
Jonathan France You're an ignorant rat though.
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· Reply · Yesterday at 12:57
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Only one white person lived in Grenfell Tower?
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· Reply ·
· 23 hrs
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall The march on the Kensington council offices had a lot of aggressive blacks - especially black women, some of whom seemed quite insane to me - though there quite a few Muslims there as well.

Definitely there were some white elements, but they seemed t
o be mainly middle-class Socialist Worker shit-stirrers.

For all I know, nobody causing a riot outside the council offices was actually from Grenfell Tower, but they were simply a typical West London left-wing rentamob.
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· Reply ·
· Yesterday at 11:13
Jonathan France
Jonathan France For all you know?

Exactly what do you know?

Be specific and accurate.
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall How the fuck should I know who exactly who was smashing up the council offices? They claimed to represent the residents of Grenfell, but whether or not they were actually residents of Grenfell themselves (or whether they lived nearby, or nowhere near) is not something I am in a position to judge.

I am sure film of last Friday's riot is all online. Have a look yourself and see if you recognise any of them. Maybe they're friends of yours.

You're constantly trying to justify the behaviour of scum, who this society would be a lot better off without. Shame such a lot of them happen to be black (in this case) and you're taking it all personally.

You should distance yourself from rubbish like this.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Ah I see.
So you have no idea what you're talking about.
You just made up random waffle.

Well done, my boy.
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall Pretty stupid reply, Jonathan. Try reading the comment properly and thinking.

Tell me why you think I should know who the individuals in the march were.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France In your first comment you made bold claims as to who was there.

Are you no longer sure?
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall What bold claims? All any of us know for sure is they were there representing the residents of Grenfell.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I said I *got the impression* there were no white people at Grenfell Tower. I didn't say there were no white people. It would have been a very bad case of racial segregation if there were no white indigenous people there at all.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Why not just admit that the overwhelming number of the former residents of Grenfell Tower were BME?

Or is it racist to even talk about it?
· Reply · 22 hrs
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Which means I am not supposed to talk about it?

Without being called "KKKlaire"?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Again, these tactics don't work.

It's like when a slag has been caught cheating and she cries to try and reduce the anger towards her.

Most decent humans are disgusted that innocent people were killed in the Grenfell Tower fire.

But you and your KKK friends are celebrating the death of darker skinned people.

Then you ask what you have done wrong?

And you actually think your feigned innocence works! 😂
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell Some of the rioters were identified as Corbynista trouble makers e.g. Tina Buckley in various Press stories. There were people carrying SWP placards and banners.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw With what words did I celebrate anyone's death at all?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Please find evidence that I celebrated the deaths of anyone in Grenfell Tower or have the grace to withdraw your accusation, Jonathan.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France What rioters?

A few people went to and Chelsea council offices, rightfully demanding answers.

A window and door got damaged.

The anger is entirely just, apt and understandable.

You cretins call it a riot?
It was nowt more than a kerfuffle.

The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Looked like a mob to me
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell A contractor was beaten up because they thought he was a Tory councillor. I guess that's just peaceful demonstration in your book.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Didn't some white man get attacked?
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell "The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun." Which swines would they be? All of them? Anyone voting for Corbyn and his Momentum thugs should be very careful what they wish for.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I think Jonathan should get out of the sun and calm down before he makes another gratuitous accusation he cannot substantiate.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Jonathan sent me a video of a black woman clearly trying to rouse the crowd into a rage.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Suddenly, I am a member of the KKK. Suddenly, I have turned white. Suddenly, I have become someone called Claire Mandelson, all because I discussed the race of the former occupants of Grenfell Tower whose deaths I have been accused of celebrating, on no evidence at all.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Trying to claim that I am not calm because, when a black person challenges someone's nonsense, this automatically means they are angry.

This is also an obvious KKK tactic.

You all are very predictable with your behaviour trends.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw What have I said that is nonsense?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw What are my "behaviour trends"?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw "The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun."

I think it is fair to assume that someone who says this is not calm.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Repeatedly and gratuitously accusing me of being a member of the KKK is more evidence that you are not calm enough to discuss this without inflaming racial tensions further, Jonathan.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Do you think this new tactic you're trying to use, focussing on my temperament, is going to work KKKlaire? 😂

What will you try next?
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell If you say stuff like that when you are calm Jonathan then I suggest you need to go to anger management.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France I've no interest in your suggestions boy.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Jonathan, you are obviously angry and have lost your sense of proportion. Perhaps you know someone who lost their home or who died in Grenfell Tower? Then you should declare yourself.

If not, you are clearly indulging in the Deadly Sin of Anger.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France There's zero anger.

The, "you're angry" tactic is exactly what the KKK minded have been using for years.

It simply doesn't work anymore.
You're wasting your time with it. 😂
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I think we can be forgiven for thinking you are angry if you say things like

"The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun."
Jonathan France
Jonathan France I certainly stand by my comment that those members of K&C council, KCTMO, Rydon, Harley Facades and Parliament who are responsible for this fire, deserve to be strung up and swing from a noose.

I'm comfortable with my stance.

They murdered at least 300 innocent civilians.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Such emotive and inaccurate language. I hardly think their intention was to cause the deaths of anyone at all.

Murder is the intentional killing of someone.

Do you know anyone at Grenfell Tower?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw You are not exactly helping race relations by carrying on like this.

You seem to be suggesting what happened at Grenfell Tower could never have happened in another mono-racial country, which is laughable.

What happened there is very much "There but for the grace of God, go I."
Jonathan France
Jonathan France I am very comfortable with the language.

Again... it is a long standing KKK tactic to and portray blacks as angry.

It's a very old tactic KKKlaire.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw But you are angry. That was why you said

"The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun."
Jonathan France
Jonathan France They should swing.

That's just my opinion.

I'm very calm dear.
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell Who are they? Everyone who works there?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France By the way KKKlaire, the video I sent you was of two women, one on camera, the other never on camera.

The woman on camera was mixed race.

The woman off camera, I couldn't tell.

But it is a KKK tactic to say someone is black even when they are not.

Also, neither of the women were trying to start a riot.
They were loudly expressing their opinions on what caused the fire at Grenfell Tower, how well the community has responded, how the community must move forward and such.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Another KKK tactic is that KKK minded people deliberately lie about what was said, deliberately lie about what they heard, refuse to listen to anything they don't want to hear.

Again. These are all very old worn out tactics.

We know exactly what you do.
We see it, read it and hear it regularly.
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall "Didn't some white man get attacked"

Jonathan 'likes' this comment because - although he wants to pretend for the purposes of his argument that the protest was peaceful - he loves the idea of a white man being attacked. If a white person really did ce
lebrate the deaths of black people, he would be justifiably outraged. But he loves it when his permanent hatred - and not anger - towards white people results in the death or injury of white people. Calling him angry is a way of trying to diminish what a loathsome hateful racist he is.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France There have been PLENTY of peaceful protests since the Grenfell Tower fire.

It's a KKK tactic to ignore the peaceful protests and only mention the rowdy protests.

Do you truly think that people don't know about the peaceful protests because you pretend not to know about them?

These are very poor efforts from you KKKlan folk.
Jeffrey Marshall
Jeffrey Marshall What is the point of calling people KKK? Do you think anyone in this group is a member of the KKK? If not, why say it?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Also, when a peaceful protest does take place, you still criticise that anyway because you dislike any form of protest if the cause is one you don't agree with.

Understand something.

You people are very very predictable and easy to read.

We actually mock you and the old tricks you still try to use.
Kevin Connell
Kevin Connell Not as easy as you are to read. lol
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis Foreigners should not be allowed to queue-jump British people in wait for social housing.
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· Reply ·
· Yesterday at 11:16
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Are you at work today?
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· Reply · Yesterday at 12:18
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I think what Charlotte says is fair enough, even if she has never done a day's work in her entire life.
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· Reply ·
· 20 hrs
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The former residents of Grenfell tower got £5K paid into their bank accounts, rehoused in luxury flats, but they still want more, more, more.

Perhaps they want to move into Kensington Palace.

Maybe it is time for whites to move out of there now.

It has gone Labour after all. The former Tory MP for Kensington was female. She sounds like a right useless cunt out of a bunch of fucking useless cunts in government.
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· Reply ·
· Yesterday at 11:17
Jonathan France
Jonathan France The former resindents of Grenfell Tower have asked for what exactly?

Be specific and accurate.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I get the impression they are still complaining about something or other, wanting more assistance, wanting heads to roll etc.

I am sure more news reports will reflect this impression in the days and months to come.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Specifically what is it that they have complained about and exactly what have they asked for.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw It is hard to tell, since they are blaming everyone from the Prime Minister to the media.

I think they want someone to die.

You, for example, want to kill a few people.

"The swines from K & C council should have their necks in nooses today, left to rot in the sun."
Jonathan France
Jonathan France You stayed that the residents from Grenfell Tower want more, more, more.

Exactly what have they asked for?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw More compo, of course.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Anyway, they have been accommodated in luxury apartments nearby and been given £5k each by Kensington Council.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Can you provide me some evidence of that?

And it had better be accurate and in context.

Because I know exactly what they have been asking for.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I do hope doing this won't send out the wrong message to others in other tower blocks.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Jonathan France We shall just have to wait and see what they say next in the news.

People can't help themselves ratting their begging bowl in times like this. You get rich people to feel guilty, and rattle your begging bowl at them all you can to see what you can get out of them.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw So, let us assume they are all white. They would still be doing the "Is it cos we are poor and white?" thing. Poor people always suffer, rich people don't care about poor people, blah blah blah.

You know this would happen in any country even if everyone was the same race.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Ah... so you have no evidence that the residents asked for more money.

You just made it up and now start waffling again.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France I'll ask you again.

Exactly what have the Grenfell Tower victims asked for?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Heads to roll. Someone's head has rolled. Probably the wrong person too.
Resignation of chief executive Nicholas Holgate…
Jonathan France
Jonathan France KKKlaire, you disappoint me.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw How so?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Because you and your KKKind, didn't actually follow what has happened.

You've all made up a very cliched fantasy of what has happened and convinced yourself of it being true.

You don't know what the victims and residents want.

Everything you people write is the same old usual rubbish.
You all repeat the same lines everytime.

Every time.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw What do ex-residents of Grenfell Tower want then?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France I thought you knew.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw

Here is the former MP of Kensington Victoria Borwick. Interesting, her husband is another Jamie. Men who call themselves Nicky, Chrissy and Jamey are clearly emasculated.

But does this rule apply to men called Tony and Jeffrey and men with names ending in the E sound? I must have a think about this.

As long as it is the full version of the name, it is OK eg Hillary, Leslie.

I guess Charlie is OK because women are not supposed to be called Charlie.

But not if there existed no E sound at the end in the full version and was obviously only put there by their mums eg Billy.

Richmal Crompton's William Brown had to fight hard not to be called Bill or Billy.

But what about Edward? Because it is a traditional name and I am now used to it, I don't regard men called Eddy as emasculated, and they probably are not noticeably more effeminate. Of course, as I never tired of pointing out, *all* men in a matriarchy are emasculated and are lower in status than the promiscuous female.

Sadly, this means Trump is also emasculated.

In this environment there will NEVER be enough masculine men to defend the national interest.
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· Reply · Remove Preview · Yesterday at 12:06 · Edited
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw When are men going to get it about these incompetent and over-promoted women who are trashing their society and civilisation?
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· Reply · Yesterday at 11:33 · Edited
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis If the GT residents had been white then the best they could have hoped for would be a room with shared facilities in a damp place 50 or so miles away & cockroaches for company.
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· Reply ·
· Yesterday at 11:23
Jonathan France
Jonathan France When is the last time you did a day of work, you benefits sponge?
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· Reply · 21 hrs · Edited
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Irrespective of whether Charlotte has ever done a day's work in her life, there is a sense of grievance in the white community that the browns and blacks are being treated better than they would have been treated if they had been the victims.

This is impossible to prove, of course.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Is anyone going to squawk at me for calling white people the white community?
Jonathan France
Jonathan France You KKK minded swines think the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire have been treated well?

And you think that white Brits would have been treated worse?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw I have just said it is impossible to prove!
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Yet you KKK types will state it as fact.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The financial reserves of Kensington Council are being used to throw money at the mutinous browns and blacks in case they riot, obviously.

Is it time to move the Prince and Princess of Wales out of Kensington Palace?
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· Reply · Yesterday at 11:25
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis The princess moved out 20 years ago after riding in a car whilst not wearing a seatbelt.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Ooops. I meant the Duke and Duchess of Oxford.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Or do I mean Cambridge?
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis Cambridge. I do think they should move out, but not to be replaced by anyone foreign.
Colisha T. Harris
Colisha T. Harris They're foreign themselves! The entire royal family are a bunch of fucking Germans and Danes. So why don't they get the fuck out and give the place to the Celts?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Possession is nine points of the law and European countries have long had to endure the rule of foreign monarchs.
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis Kate Middleton is not foreign - I'd still kick her out of there though - she can go back to mummy & daddy's nice house & take William with her.
Colisha T. Harris
Colisha T. Harris If possession is 9/10ths of the law then stop whinging about "foreigners" possessing council estates.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Why do you put foreigners in quotes?
Colisha T. Harris
Colisha T. Harris Because a good majority of these people were born and raised in the UK. If they're foreigners who need to get out then so is the German/Danish royal family.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw No they were not mostly born in the UK. You can tell from their accents they were not.
Charlotte Lewis
Charlotte Lewis All of the ones I've heard speak spoke with a foreign accent - hence they could not possibly have been born & brought up in the UK.
Jonathan France
Jonathan France When the KKK sympathisers poses something, it's acceptable to them.

But when people they don't like, possess something, then it's a problem.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw These mutinous browns and blacks should have a care. Every time they are seen shouting at the government and mocking their white female Prime Ministrix, white people will feel they are being shouted at and personally insulted.

Even if white people a
lso hate their own incompetent and inadequate Prime Ministrix, they will feel they are being insulted and abused vicariously.

Now that they have all had £5K paid into their bank accounts and housed in luxury accommodation, they should know to shut the fuck up, but my guess is that they will carry on asking for more money and more rights, increasing the hatred and fear of white people against immigrants and non-whites.

Labour is being completely irresponsible in encouraging this.
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· Reply ·
· Yesterday at 11:30
Jonathan France
Jonathan France Exactly what did the residents and Grenfell Tower victims ask for?

Do you know, without making things up?
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· Reply · 20 hrs
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw They have been asking that they are well supplied with punching bags because they are angry at their homes being burned down.
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· Reply · 19 hrs

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