
Wednesday, 21 June 2017

UK in crisis?

Busy week for CrossTalk: later today we recording a program on the topic “UK in crisis?” Airs Wednesday. Thursday evening we return to the Syrian saga – airs Friday.
Rodrigo Ortiz Salema
Rodrigo Ortiz Salema Thank you very much! I will watch!
Gerald Robinson
Gerald Robinson UkColumn give good reports on Britain in crises Peter.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw UK Column doesn't get it about the matriarchy, do they?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Is Brian Gerrish still going on about Common Purpose?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Government throwing money at potential rioters. Theresa May probably wishes she had approved of Boris Johnson's water cannons now, which she spitefully spiked. Sick and tired of the feminine incompetence of the matriarchy but resigned to the fact that things must get worse before they get better so future historians will know who and what to blame.
Danny Lee Halfhide
Danny Lee Halfhide The resentment/animosity is growing tenfold against missus mayhem with each passing day
Tony Foley
Tony Foley 100 years ago in a far off land - the poor were treated like dogs while the rich lived the life of opulent greed - starvation and death were rampant - money spent on a war that should have been spent on the poorest in society - incompetent leadership - boy! this sounds familiar!
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Britain is a degenerate matriarchy.

What is a matriarchy?

It is government by those who believe in being sexually liberated from the constraints of marriage and parenting.

Being governed by immoral women and their running dogs will result in the end of the rule of law, producing the chaos, corruption and civilisational ruin that we all fear.

The Bhagavad Gita: "Out of the corruption of women proceeds the corruption of races; out of the corruption of races, the loss of memory; out of the loss of memory, the loss of understanding, and out of this all evil."

As long as we know what to expect next.
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood Corbyn or May, it makes no difference - Both are Globalists.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw We actually need to change our political system. Perhaps Putin can be persuaded to return Russia to a one party state and adopt the Chinese system.

Paul Craig Roberts puts it very well.

"The fact that Russia’s national sovereignty depends so much on Putin’s leadership makes Russia the most vulnerable to Washington’s intrigue. Putin can be removed by assassination. But China’s leadership cannot, because it is collective. There is democracy within the ruling Chinese political party. "
THE COLLAPSE OF FRANCE Paul Craig Roberts The brainwashed and insouciant French electorate has voted to abolish the French nation. In five years France wil
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood Claire Khaw Returning to the days of the USSR and furthermore subscribing to a one party state sets a very dangerous precedent.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The Chinese seem OK with it.
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood I'll leave you with a fairly unknown but to the point quote from mr Putin Himself "Anyone who does not miss the USSR has no heart ,but whoever wants it back has no brains"
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Remember, Ancient Athens was a no-party state and so was Ancient Rome.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Ryan Lockwood China is not the USSR, is it?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw A one party state is also Koranically approved. This is what the Iranians have too.
, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy…
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood China is still Communist. As for Rome and Ancient Athens, look what happened to their respective civilizations - Destroyed under the weight of their Systems of governance's which were ultimately flawed to begin with.
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood In any case if thats what you believe then fine I respect your opinion, but remember that quote by Mr Putin and think about it very carefully .
Ryan Lockwood
Ryan Lockwood "Anyone who does not miss the USSR has no heart ,but whoever wants it back has no brains"
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Ryan Lockwood What makes you say China is still Communist? Are you really saying China has not changed since Deng Xiaoping?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Athens and Rome fell because they broke their own own rules. Have you noticed those who claim to represent Western liberalism ignoring the principles of liberalism?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw Why do you keep insisting I want the old USSR back? You seem incapable of grasping the points I am trying to make. There is no reason to assume that a one party state would be a totalitarian state if the constitution guarantees the rights of its citizens and people are eternally vigilant.
The Quran translated into many languages in a simple and easy interface.
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The Romans were a people who hated kings but started worshiping their emperors, remember?
Claire Khaw
Claire Khaw The Athenians were supposed to worship Athena the Goddess of Wisdom and War. They must have been worshiping her incorrectly, or they would not have ruined themselves fighting unwise wars with Sparta.

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question betw
een equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

Perhaps the Athenians were unwise to have thought and said that to the Delians.
to the year 411 BC. Thucydides has been dubbed the father of "scientific history" by those who…
Claire Khaw

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