
Thursday, 1 June 2017

Why women should not have been given the vote

The pair will serve a combined 37 years behind bars.
Claire Khaw I wonder what sort of background these young men came from and what sort of a relationship they have with their father.
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15 hrs
Sandra Allen Never mind the relationship these thugs have with their fathers, instead, I wonder what kind of role models their fathers presented to them.
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Irina Zvenigovo Absent ones?
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Sandra Allen Do you know their fathers are absent?
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Claire Khaw If these bastards ever knew their fathers.
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9 hrs
Sandra Allen That shouldn't matter. Boys have other role models, children spend more time in schools, watching tv and with each other, what are they learning?
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Irina Zvenigovo Yeah, great role models for children - the internet and television. Perhaps we could make you Minister for Education or Culture or something. Sounds as if the future would be safe in your hands.
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4 hrs
Sandra Allen Use your brain, they have those role models whether you approve or not, good or bad, it's unavoidable. I think you'd make an excellent prime minister! You're sarcasm beats your intelligence.
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Irina Zvenigovo I guess an intelligent person would know that television and the internet are two forms of media, rather than 'role models'. Of course, children might be influenced by what they see - TV has sex and violence and the internet has hard-core porn and viol...See more
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Claire Khaw It shouldn't matter matter that Slut Single Mothers are regularly excreting murderous criminal bastards? You are obviously not a victim of crime and fancy that you never will be. If you ever were to become a victim of crime as this woman was, you should reflect on the probability of the perpetrator being a bastard, and how you refused to stop these sluts excreting their murderous criminal bastards out blind of loyalty to your own sex. Your attitude perfectly demonstrates why female suffrage was a terrible mistake and should be corrected as soon as possible. The franchise should be narrowed to taxpayers only so most irresponsible promiscuous immoral parasitic women with criminal bastards and the women who refuse to condemn them are disenfranchised.
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Sandra Allen Do you even know who gave birth to these boys? You have a vivid imagination and choose to believe it over facts and reality. You haven't a clue what people are victims of crime or not. Sorry, but your propaganda doesn't work on realists.
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Claire Khaw You don't think Slut Single Mothers should be punished, do you?
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Sandra Allen You're taking that too far! These boys committed a heinous crime, and these sad women want to blame "alledged" absent fathers, "probable" single mothers, feminism, suffragettes, promiscurity,...... sheesh!
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Claire Khaw How much are you prepared to bet that these criminal bastards had a relationship with their father who was married to their mother?
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Sandra Allen Who cares? Not all boys with absent fathers are thugs or criminals. You are stereotyping anyone who commit crimes.
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Irina Zvenigovo Stereotyping! God forbid! Do you think that because not all children with absent fathers turn into criminals, having an absent father is desirable?
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Sandra Allen ....and similarly, people from supposedly good families, which include both parents, commit crime.
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Claire Khaw So you refuse to condemn Slut Single Mothers unless it can be proven that 100% of these bastards are criminals?
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Claire Khaw What about 90%? Would that be enough?
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Claire Khaw How about 80%?
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Claire Khaw Or 70%?
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Claire Khaw Or 60%?
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Claire Khaw Or 50%?
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Sandra Allen I condemn who committed the crime. Would you blame the mother of a suicide bomber? no, if she was married or yes, if she was unmarried and the father had deserted her?
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Claire Khaw Muslim mothers are the group most unlikely to be stinking Slut Single Mothers. The reason why they want to bomb us to kingdom come is because they know we are mostly degenerate bastards and sluts.
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1 hr
Sandra Allen Try lateral thinking sometime. You are blinkered.
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Claire Khaw Not going to answer the question, Sandra?
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Claire Khaw Will you be voting on 8 June?
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Claire Khaw The reason why the West is a stinking matriarchy Muslims want to bomb to kingdom come is because most voters "think" like you, Sandra. Proud of yourself?
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Sandra Allen Get a grip Claire, terrorists don't have a religion.
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Irina Zvenigovo Get a grip. Most international terrorism is now Islamist terrorism. Do you think such people are not sincere in their beliefs?
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Sandra Allen Interesting, I never mentioned Muslims or Islam, I notice how readily you two are ready to associate terrorists with Muslims and Islam. Stereotyping much!
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Sandra Allen And if you don't see the UK as a patriarchal country, you have your head in the sand.
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Sandra Allen None of this is relevant.
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Claire Khaw You haven't heard of Muslim terrorists then?
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Claire Khaw You are not only uninformed, you are wilfully blind. 

Will you be voting on 8 June?
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Claire Khaw I seem to remember saying you have no children. Is this right, Sandra? This would explain your infantile attitude.
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1 hr
Claire Khaw THE PREROGATIVE OF THE WHORE: power without responsibility.

THE TRINITARIAN DOCTRINE OF FEMINISM: women are simultaneously equal to and superior men while requiring the protection of men because they are the weaker sex.

If they are treated as the equal of men in law, they will soon become their superiors, take over the ship of state and crash it on the rocks.


Sandra Allen is a typical female voter who won't put two and two together and doesn't care about the next generation because she has no offspring. 

All she cares about is going to her grave with her libtard beliefs intact.
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Sandra Allen Keep on ranting, I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine.
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Claire Khaw Denial is a feminine vice.
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1 hr
Claire Khaw Enjoy destroying Western civilisation, Sandra.
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Claire Khaw White men give white women their civilisation, and they proceed to destroy it.

That is why Western civilisation is a turd in the toilet about to be flushed away.
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Claire Khaw Is it your husband you are going to enjoy the sunshine with? 

Send him my regards.
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Jonathan France Repeatedly, studies have proved that the vast majority of men in prison were abused by their mother and/or raised by a single mother.
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1 hr
Claire Khaw Sandra will be unmoved by any of this out of blind amoral tribal loyalty to those of her sex and who want to perpetuate a society in which the preferences of feckless, immoral and promiscuous women are prioritised by the government.

Men don't want foreign men coming into their country to compete with them for resources and women. Women love the idea of foreign men com...
Alice Keaveney The voice of reason, yet appears to be stuck in a time when man hasn't discovered fire. 

Women do not vote the same way, and they do not choose their votes based on sexual attraction. This sexist piece of shit, which also paints men as oafish brutes, needs to be shoved up the arse of the writer.
Reply · Storify3 minutes ago

As you can see, women can have violent fantasies and make violent threats.  

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