
Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Davis Aurini in conversation with Claire Khaw: Feminism and Western Decline

  • Google, corporate America
  • maternity and paternity pay  It shouldn't be paid to unmarried mothers.
  • Classical liberalism, free trade,
  • sexual liberation and political control, E Michael Jones
  • feminism, feminazis
  • why men were paid more than women in pre-feminist days
  • shared housework between couples
  • materialism
  • indebtedness, usury, slavery
  • spiritual hunger and materialism
  • our politicians have even less free speech than we do
  • The Wire, jobs for the boys
  • no fault divorce, MGTOW
  • why MGTOW YouTubers won't support no fault divorce
  • Mutually Assured Destruction, being prepared to go to prison for your principles, balls for steel
  • official marriage strike by men until no fault divorce is abolished
  • legalising brothels
  • virtuous behaviour - no agreed common standard of behaviour
  • Catholic Church
  • Spinster women national leaders in the Far East
  • Wives threatening to divorce men who vote Trump
  • Roger Scruton and Christina Hoff Sommers
  • rigged debates
  • Trump 
  • Kid Rock
  • At the 56th minute I say cut the crap of democracy. 
  • Aurini says he has a lot of respect for Bill Gates. 
  • Extended family
  • Religion, Catholicism
  • nudist camps
  • natural law
  • theocracy
  • morality
  • virtue, moderation
  • Judaism, Christianity, Islam - comparative religion
  • Christians cannot agree on Christian morality
  • Orthodox Judaism
  • God's punishment
  • Why we should hold on to our principles principles, especially liberal principles which liberals keep breaking  1:32
  • Truth, Reason, Rhetoric, Grammar
  • patriarchy, hierarchy, alpha male
  • military efficiency, the command structure of the military and its chain of command
  • equality is a cause of conflict
  • wars, the cancelled UK election of 1915, British empire, Belgian neutrality, the Second Thirty Years War  
  • Woodrow Wilson, the principle of self-determination, nationalism
  • PoWs, slavery, Bridge over River Kwai, 
  • why officers let their soldiers rape and pillage
  • 1:52  Aurini asks me how it was being a member of the BNP
  • anti-Semitism
  • Muslim immigration
  • 2017 European elections, demographics, anti-immigration parties
  • baby boomers
  • racism, J R Tolkein, racial stereotypes, lazy thinking, stranger danger
  • alt-right snowflakes on YouTube (Yes, I do mean Millennial Woes.)


AB said...

He put you on the spot a couple of times with silence. You reacted very well. Trained and polite.

Claire Khaw said...

Which bits were they? Memory all gone!

AB said...

When the topic was changed or he made a statement that wasn't particularly pertinent or lucid then shut up. He then went quiet and it was up to you to take over the discussion.... He effectively gave you nothing to hook upon.

You hear it a lot. The guest has to improvise rather than say can you repeat or WTF are you talking about.

Claire Khaw said...

I noticed he gave me the whole show. His other podcasts have multiple guests.

I wouldn't mind discussing something else with him.

Even as I know no one else will listen to it!

AB said...

I thought it quite ironic that he felt that politics needed more mature thought.... Yet some of his thoughts were so unbelievably immature themselves.

I wasn't particularly impressed by him. What is he, a kind of shock jock or something. Saying stuff for reaction or is he serious.

Claire Khaw said...

What he said about Kid Rock was completely asinine.

AB said...

Both of you need to take your straightjackets and blinkers off before discussing MGTOW. His comments on " if a wife tells me yo vote democrat then I'd tell her to pack her bags" or " if a wife used NFD then every guy should use nuclear option and go to jail/ refuse to pay alimony" etc were so crass and stupid they were embarrassing and cringeworthy.
Yes. I agree. That was when he said he was demanding maturity in politics then wanted the Kid Rocks into the senate. Reminds me of when I really did want Alice Cooper to become president when he brought out his "Elected' single and video back in the 70s.... Childish.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #13 Messiah Substitute

Dr Nick 7:00  Probability of the rest of the world adopting Secular Koranism if the US did. 8:00