
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

My disappointing evening with Davis Aurini who has now blocked me on Skype

 The last time we got together was at

Last night, we tried to get together, but it just didn't happen for either of us.

He was terrible there but is quite good at

I know he was not at his best, and that was what I found so disappointing, because I know he can do much better than that. In the second video he is plausible and practised about being a PUA.  

[18/08/2017 10:04:27] Claire Khaw: Shall we do it again, Mr Aurini?

[28/08/2017 02:44:30] Davis Aurini: We could. :) Needs to be more focussed next time.

[28/08/2017 07:58:15] Claire Khaw: Focus away! I agree that it should be presented in a form of debate and deal specifically with something we disagree on.

[28/08/2017 08:00:01] Davis Aurini: Nah, less debate, what do we even disagree upon?
[28/08/2017 08:00:13] Davis Aurini: Better to entertain listeners, while making a point.

[28/08/2017 08:01:19] Claire Khaw: As you wish. What would you like us to discuss?

[28/08/2017 08:01:34] Davis Aurini: No idea yet!   Give me one.

[28/08/2017 08:03:08] Claire Khaw: I think we both have the same pet subjects and hobby horses.  I was supposed to be giving a talk tomorrow, but the man picked a fight with me and chickened out.*

[28/08/2017 08:03:30] Davis Aurini: I don't have enough time for fights

[28/08/2017 08:03:55] Claire Khaw: Because of that I want it to be about How White Men have become as capricious as their Women ....

[28/08/2017 08:03:59] Davis Aurini: This woman wants a fight:
[28/08/2017 08:04:39] Davis Aurini: Serious question: how old are you?

[28/08/2017 08:04:56] Claire Khaw: I am middle aged.

[28/08/2017 08:05:04] Davis Aurini: number

[28/08/2017 08:05:07] Claire Khaw: I am older than you, I think!

[28/08/2017 08:05:29] Davis Aurini: are you going to have children?

[28/08/2017 08:05:29] Claire Khaw: Why do you need to know my age? How old do you think I am?
[28/08/2017 08:05:55] Claire Khaw: I have not quite reached menopause ...  Why do you want to know?

[28/08/2017 08:06:10] Davis Aurini: Do you WANT to have children?

[28/08/2017 08:06:20] Claire Khaw: I already have offspring.
[28/08/2017 08:06:30] Claire Khaw: I am in fact widowed.

[28/08/2017 08:06:51] Davis Aurini: :( Sorry to hear that.  How so? How did he die?

[28/08/2017 08:08:46] Claire Khaw: I am glad I am a parent. I lost my dear husband to cancer. When I married and became a parent, I regarded it as a rite of passage and had no particular urge to do these things, but did it because I couldn't think of a good reason not to, and anyway it was expected of me. Best thing that ever happened to me though I didn't realise it at the time.
[28/08/2017 08:09:11] Claire Khaw: It would be awful if I said I regretted marrying and becoming a parent!

[28/08/2017 08:09:34] Davis Aurini: Husband's ethnicity?  Sorry, being brutal.

[28/08/2017 08:09:59] Claire Khaw: I love that song. Husband was a local, ie English.

[28/08/2017 08:09:59] Davis Aurini: I'm trying to suss you out; but not from an unsympathetic point.

[28/08/2017 08:10:22] Claire Khaw: I realise I have to be open about certain things.

[28/08/2017 08:10:25] Davis Aurini: What race are your children?\

[28/08/2017 08:11:11] Claire Khaw: What you would call Eurasian. Passes for white and thinks white.

[28/08/2017 08:11:40] Davis Aurini: I'd call them white

[28/08/2017 08:11:44] Claire Khaw: By white I mean libtard.  |-)

[28/08/2017 08:12:02] Davis Aurini: I am not a supremacist.

[28/08/2017 08:12:46] Claire Khaw: White Supremacist = white person who doesn't want to become a minority in his own land.

[28/08/2017 08:13:07] Davis Aurini: white supremacist = a man with no real world accomplishments
[28/08/2017 08:13:39] Davis Aurini: How will you integrate your own children into Britain?  How will you balance their heritages?
[28/08/2017 08:14:10] Davis Aurini: ]As things stand, my own children will be biracial.

[28/08/2017 08:14:12] Claire Khaw: You must acknowledge the validity of the grievance felt by such people even if they are KKK, Neo-Nazi, even if you disagree with their appearance or methods.  Or else you will be running away from things.
[28/08/2017 08:14:50] Claire Khaw: People should be able to understand that no race wants to become a minority in its own land.

[28/08/2017 08:15:11] Davis Aurini: And yet, you live in Britain.

[28/08/2017 08:15:33] Claire Khaw: They may disagree with their methods, but the idea of preventing one's group from becoming a minority or losing status remains a valid motive.
[28/08/2017 08:16:08] Claire Khaw: Too many English novels read during childhood. Malaya was a British colony.

[28/08/2017 08:16:13] Davis Aurini: What do you hope to achieve by your political activism?
[28/08/2017 08:16:59] Davis Aurini: I have become very cynical about political movements; lately, I merely hope to explain to people how they can live a good life.

[28/08/2017 08:17:13] Claire Khaw: No need for integration, it is my culture and heritage that is distant.
[28/08/2017 08:17:34] Claire Khaw: My political activism is a compulsion.

[28/08/2017 08:17:41] Davis Aurini: I apologize for interrogating.
[28/08/2017 08:17:53] Davis Aurini: Politics is pointless.
[28/08/2017 08:18:02] Davis Aurini: Doesn't benefit you, or me, or your sons.

[28/08/2017 08:18:19] Claire Khaw: I cannot help myself, and if I did not express my views I think the toxins would enter my bloodstream and poison me physically and spiritually.

[28/08/2017 08:18:41] Davis Aurini: Do you have a spirituality?

[28/08/2017 08:18:55] Claire Khaw: Politics is a vocation. It is a calling. You will find that those who enter and stay in it do it because they cannot help themselves.
[28/08/2017 08:19:33] Claire Khaw: Spirituality is the reward you enjoy if you have principles and stick to them. I like to think I do.

[28/08/2017 08:20:46] Davis Aurini: You know, if you were here I might just try and seduce you.

[28/08/2017 08:20:50] Claire Khaw: There is usually no benefit or reward, but if you feel compelled to do it, then you do it and hope nothing too bad happens to you. I think it is the one of the few things that makes us different to non-human animals: having principles and sticking to them.
[28/08/2017 08:21:12] Claire Khaw: Haha!  Those photos didn't put you off then!

[28/08/2017 08:21:35] Davis Aurini: Those photos, where you're obviously in good shape?

[28/08/2017 08:21:58] Claire Khaw: They were taken in 2012.

[28/08/2017 08:22:01] Davis Aurini: Where you obviously have high androgens, and need to be treated properly by a man?
[28/08/2017 08:23:15] Davis Aurini: I'm being terrible; I shouldn't be suggesting that I hold you down, and fuck you until your cervix dialates.  That would be un-gentlemanly.

[28/08/2017 08:23:26] Claire Khaw: I prefer masculine men, of the old school, but they all seem to have died out now.  The morals of young Western men are execrable, and this includes those who are my contemporaries, and that was why I never found them attractive.
[28/08/2017 08:23:52] Claire Khaw: I am going to take it as a compliment, but I doubt that I would ever be a good mother to your children!

[28/08/2017 08:24:19] Davis Aurini: Nonetheless, I would love to correct for their errors.

[28/08/2017 08:24:40] Davis Aurini: That is; treat you like a woman, and fuck you until you lose control and squirt all over my bed.

[28/08/2017 08:25:27] Claire Khaw: Your energies would be better directed at finding a woman in her early child-bearing years!

[28/08/2017 08:25:58] Davis Aurini: I can't help detecting sexual energy where I find it.

[28/08/2017 08:26:23] Claire Khaw: In any case, it is not really safe for men to marry even if you could find a nubile 20 year old prepared to marry you, because if you did, you would be wealthy and sooner or later she will take you to the cleaners.

[28/08/2017 08:26:54] Davis Aurini: Which is why you should teach me the arts of love making. ;)
[28/08/2017 08:27:06] Davis Aurini: Yes?
[28/08/2017 08:27:07] Davis Aurini: No?

[28/08/2017 08:27:11] Claire Khaw: That is the reality of marriage and no fault divorce in the West, I am afraid. It is not safe to marry, not even if you are gay, especially if you are the wealthier partner.
[28/08/2017 08:27:40] Claire Khaw: Practice makes perfect. With the same partner - the partner that you love ....

[28/08/2017 08:28:08] Davis Aurini: I do think you're being more moral than me.

[28/08/2017 08:28:55] Claire Khaw: In a patriarchy, there are men and the weaker sex.

In a matriarchy, there is the weaker sex, and the even weaker sex.

[28/08/2017 08:29:07] Davis Aurini: Would you be down for playing the funtime/female sidekick on the podcasts?

[28/08/2017 08:29:20] Claire Khaw: I am a political and moral philosopher, don't forget!

[28/08/2017 08:29:40] Davis Aurini: Well; what do you want to accomplish?

[28/08/2017 08:29:49] Claire Khaw: That sounds fun. You mean like Max Keiser and Wotsername?

[28/08/2017 08:30:02] Davis Aurini: Don't know them, but probably.
[28/08/2017 08:30:24] Davis Aurini: It also helps that I'm having no luck seducing you.

[28/08/2017 08:30:43] Claire Khaw: Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert on RT

[28/08/2017 08:30:51] Davis Aurini: But to be quite frank, you've never been with an Italian.

[28/08/2017 08:31:23] Claire Khaw: I am determined to be mysterious about my sexual experiences.
[28/08/2017 08:32:03] Claire Khaw: You would hardly respect me if I told you had been through a dozen of them and know exactly how Italian men behave in the bedroom ...

[28/08/2017 08:32:17] Davis Aurini: The mystery with Italian men - is "How did you know about that part inside of me???"
[28/08/2017 08:33:28] Davis Aurini: Seriously though; I'm still trying to suss you out.

[28/08/2017 08:33:29] Claire Khaw: Mediterranean men are supposed to be better with women because gender roles are more defined in southern Europe than the north, perhaps.

[28/08/2017 08:33:40] Claire Khaw: I have told you no lies, Mr Aurini!

[28/08/2017 08:34:24] Davis Aurini: Still trying to figure out what you want.

[28/08/2017 08:34:56] Claire Khaw: The reason why Muslims are so keen on gender segregation is that it allows both sexes to preserve their mystery.

[28/08/2017 08:35:08] Claire Khaw: I really just want to propagate my message, Davis.
[28/08/2017 08:35:55] Claire Khaw: I feel I have something important to say and urgent questions I want answered, and I am sick and tired of the entire Western political establishment ignoring me and pretending not to hear.

[28/08/2017 08:36:34] Davis Aurini: Well; get used to it. :/

[28/08/2017 08:36:42] Claire Khaw: I know MSM are determined to ignore me, so I am left with seeking a platform with the more well-known alt-right YouTubers.

[28/08/2017 08:37:42] Claire Khaw: I like your idea of us doing a show together. There needs to be greater co-operation amongst the alt-right instead of this constant back-stabbing.
[28/08/2017 08:37:56] Claire Khaw: We are a very unlikely couple, are we not?
[28/08/2017 08:38:10] Claire Khaw: People will be scratching their heads and wondering if I have really seduced you ....

[28/08/2017 08:38:18] Davis Aurini: But it is very unlikely that we will have an influece

[28/08/2017 08:38:30] Claire Khaw: Oh, but we can try and have fun trying.

[28/08/2017 08:38:45] Davis Aurini: Exactly :)

[28/08/2017 08:39:15] Claire Khaw: You do enjoy doing your podcasts, don't you? You never really knows what or who is around the corner.

[28/08/2017 08:39:37] Davis Aurini: Yes :)
[28/08/2017 08:40:49] Davis Aurini: oy
[28/08/2017 08:40:57] Davis Aurini: mind if we chat tomorrow?

[28/08/2017 08:41:14] Claire Khaw: OK. What time?

[28/08/2017 08:41:25] Davis Aurini: after 7 my time

[28/08/2017 08:42:29] Claire Khaw: OK
[28/08/2017 08:47:10] Claire Khaw: Huh. 1 am BST.
[28/08/2017 08:54:06] Claire Khaw: It is really Wednesday 1 am my time we are speaking. In my diary.
[29/08/2017 15:22:14] Claire Khaw: Talk later today, Davis.

My modest proposal for the alt-right and a suggestion for Steve Bannon

[00:48:19] Claire Khaw: Good evening, Davis.
[01:13:02] Davis Aurini: evening. :)

[01:13:16] Claire Khaw: Hello. BRB.

[01:15:02] Claire Khaw: What shall we discuss this time?
[01:31:55] Davis Aurini: I have a bunch of topics already; did you want to call in later on in the program?

[01:32:32] Claire Khaw: It is already 1:30 am for me.

[01:32:48] Davis Aurini: I'm not getting started for another half hour

[01:32:55] Claire Khaw: OK.
[01:33:25] Claire Khaw: What are the topics?  So I can have a think about them while I am waiting?

[01:33:55] Davis Aurini: probably start with Rebel Media's blow up, was going to talk about Far Cry 3 and Ubisoft too

[01:34:56] Claire Khaw: Definitely not heard of Far Cry 3 or Ubisoft.

[01:52:59] Davis Aurini: video game/game developer

[01:53:29] Claire Khaw: I am probably not the best person to comment on that!

[02:19:07] Claire Khaw: Just watched

I will say a few words on it because I have just thought of something to say.
[02:27:33] Claire Khaw: Shall I call you or will you call me?

[03:01:40] Davis Aurini:

[12:29:03] Claire Khaw: Davis, may I put it to you that it is not a good idea to make someone who is already up at 1 am to be on your show to wait until 3 am?

I was also conscious of the number of sips you were having of your scotch and could hear the thump of your glass after you had taken a sip and put the glass down.

I really could not understand why you subjected your listeners to an hour long  monologue when you knew I was waiting to come on your show.  You could have just had me on at the beginning and then told me to go after you thought I had said enough.  It would have given your listeners something to talk about after I had gone.

As it was, you were in a bad mood and seemed to drink yourself into a worse mood. I knew no one would Skype you after being subjected to that hour-long monologue.

I am sorry you are not in a happy place at the moment with your life, and I hope you sort yourself out.

[12:32:00] Davis Aurini: 1 I didn't make you do anyhting
[12:32:06] Davis Aurini: 2 I was drinking coffee
[12:32:41] Davis Aurini: Listen Claire, last time we did a livestream it didn't seem to have any sort of focus; I wanted to make sure that this one did.

[12:33:04] Claire Khaw: You didn't even tell me what the topics were until the last minute.

[12:33:13] Davis Aurini: I didn't know you were planning to be on
[12:33:21] Davis Aurini: I do regular livestreams

[12:33:25] Claire Khaw: OMG! You asked me to be on. Scroll up!

[12:33:30] Davis Aurini: I said you were welcome to call in on one
[12:33:49] Claire Khaw:

[28/08/2017 08:40:49] Davis Aurini: oy
[28/08/2017 08:40:57] Davis Aurini: mind if we chat tomorrow?
[28/08/2017 08:41:14] Claire Khaw: OK. What time?
[28/08/2017 08:41:25] Davis Aurini: after 7 my time

[12:34:24] Davis Aurini: Listen - I don't have time to scroll back through the chat log for context
[12:34:54] Davis Aurini: If you so dearly want to be on my livestream, bring something to the table; I literally have no idea what we chatted about for an hour last time.
[12:35:05] Davis Aurini: Most of my audience didn't either.
[12:35:18] Davis Aurini: So I set the tone last night, and then I sent you a link at 2000 my time

[12:35:19] Claire Khaw: Feminism. The subject was feminism.

[12:35:22] Davis Aurini: but you were already offline
[12:35:27] Davis Aurini: Who gives a shit about feminism?

[12:35:30] Claire Khaw: It was 3 am.

[12:35:36] Davis Aurini: That's like talking about the winter being cold

[12:35:37] Claire Khaw: That was how you titled it.

[12:35:50] Davis Aurini:  Yeah - because I had no idea what you wanted to chat about

[12:36:08] Claire Khaw: We did talk about feminism.
[12:37:51] Claire Khaw: I remember asking you what you wanted to talk about and said we had the same areas of interest ie alt-right.
[12:38:25] Claire Khaw: You want to talk about Catholicism?  Philosophy? Politics? Just pick a subject, give me advance notice and I will do it.

[12:39:30] Davis Aurini: What the hell do YOU want to talk about?  Jesus.  You're the one who wants to talk to me.
[12:39:39] Davis Aurini: Me?  I don't want to talk about anything.  I want to enjoy my coffee.
[12:39:59] Davis Aurini: I've worked 26 hours in the past two days, and I don't have time to play argumentative grab ass with you.

[12:40:31] Claire Khaw: OK, so you are too tired to do it properly. I understand.

[12:40:41] Davis Aurini: Sure.  Whatever.

[12:41:16] Claire Khaw: A few days ago you wanted me to be your sidekick and make babies with you, now you just want to drink your coffee in peace.


It seems obvious to me that if Aurini couldn't suss me out, as he said , he could just have asked me pertinent questions on his show, but it seems that did not occur to him at all.

My theory that Western men have caught in spades the feminist neurosis afflicting Western women remains the most plausible. They are literally transfixed in their neurosis. It is actually impossible to pin them down on anything. The consistent ones are merely mindlessly mulish and the ones partially capable of using the rules of logic are incapable of using them consistently. It really is like talking to someone addicted or intoxicated, who may even appear to understand or agree with you, but only for that moment. When you see them again, they will have no memory of that moment of apparent understanding. Reason is but a dream to them, and irrationality and changeability their daily living talking walking nightmare.

The conquered take on the mindset of those who have conquered them, and Western Man has been utterly conquered by the worst of his women.

*  Claire Khaw
Am I still speaking tomorrow?
There is no publicity about tomorrow at all that I can find.

X and Y send out publicity via emails. I will jog their memories.
!?Also, may I femubd you all this is done for no fee?

Claire Khaw
I wasn't paid last time either.


In face, neo-Fascism is something I reject completely
I am not doing this to raise awareness of issues I oppose
If your hectoring continues, I suggest you meditate upon your resence tomorrow

Claire Khaw
Have I hectored you?


It is starting to feel like it
I have other things to do as well
[Having to arrange these meetings] is starting to irritate me

Claire Khaw
How have I "hectored" you??


Tomorrow is cancelled

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