
Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Feminists fucked with Judaism, then they fucked with Christianity, and now they are fucking with Islam From 30th minute

The engineer says that truth about male/female differences can no longer be uttered, because of “our shaming culture” that feminists and Identity Politics have created. We are obliged to ignore all factual evidence, because the evidence does not support the ideology.
The engineer, so far undiscovered and not yet fired, was denounced by Google’s new vice president for Diversity, Integrity and Governance, Danielle Brown—a woman of course—for advancing “incorect assumptions about gender.” There is no known scientific evidence attesting to the incorrectness of the engineer’s exposition, and even if there were there is nothing unusual about Americans having incorrect opinions. What Danielle Brown means is that what we all know to be true is inconsistent with the feminist ideology and therefore impermissible.
The unasked and unanswered question remains. How does a culture, or merely ordinary competence, survive when propaganda is elevated over fact? 

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