
Monday, 18 September 2017

A pagan Odinist questions the effectiveness of the Catholic Church, Davis Aurini dismisses him without addressing his arguments

My disappointing evening with Davis Aurini who has now blocked me on Skype

38th minute

After having the similarities of Judaism and Islam pointed out to him, Aurini rants:

Islam is an obvious Satanic twisting of Christ's word. It is an obvious Christian heresy. [Well, obviously, since if you were Christian, you wouldn't be a Muslim, and if you were Muslim, you wouldn't be Christian and having your religion called heretical by Christians is not going to make you stop believing in Islam, if you had already considered Christianity and rejected it.] Islam outright contradicts itself in many many places. Talmudic Judaism is also a Christian heresy. There are some sincere Jews that are unfortunately on the Talmudic path and that is holding the Jews together. Meanwhile 90% of them are just as degenerate as Christians. There are a few Muslims out there that genuinely worship and honour God even if they follow the words of a demon-possessed psychopath.

John Steele:

Then according to your argument, what difference does it make? If that's really true, then it doesn't matter whether you're a Christian, a Jew or an Islamist as long as you are sincere and your heart is good, then none of this shit really matters.
No, Steele, I'm not going to get into this theological conversation. The answer to that is blindingly obvious and we're trying to have a live stream here, not a debate on whether 2 +2 = 4.
Steele at 1:08:

I look at Christianity as one of the biggest proponents of the disease of modernity. These Christians are all about accepting everything. The Baptists are accepting homosexuals. Are you saying this is OK?
It's not the church promoting this, it's weak men going along with it.

What good is the church if it is led astray? What good is it then? It's not a force standing up against it.

Does politics lead culture, or culture lead politics? Is the church promoting modernity or is the church succumbing to modernity?
I think it is a feedback loop.I don't think it is as simple as one leads the other, I think it is an interconnected thing.
The debate then becomes incoherent and Aurini dismisses Steele who asked a number of good questions that Aurini was clearly incapable of answering because he cannot defend the Catholic Church he keeps telling people to go to.

To change the culture, you change the law.

Andrew Breitbart: "Politics is downstream from culture."

Culture is downstream from law.
Law should be downstream from morality.
Morality should be downstream from religion.
Our religion should be chosen wisely and with care, for the advancement of our civilisation.
When the old religion breaks down irreparably, do not be too proud to replace it with something better that is the latest model which comes with an instructional manual and a guarantee.
If Monotheism were a car, Islam would be Monotheism Mark III.

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