
Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The group most treacherous to white men appear to be the white women they are married to

Antisemitic, Islamophobic and racist Western men however prefer to blame Jews and Muslims even though it is their scripture that actually warms men to keep their women under control.

The women cannot really be blamed in the same way that children cannot be blamed if you give them charge of your household after abdicating responsibility. You cannot blame your children if you leave home for months and return to find it not in the state you would wish. Men have basically allowed feminists to run riot because they were so eager to accept the bribe of feminism: extramarital sex and fornication in particular. The chickens have come home to roost, but the men seem reluctant to acknowledge the mistake they made.

It is probably a problem of upbringing. How many of these anti-feminist anti-Semitic and Islamophobic nationalists or libtards were even parented properly, let alone told to admit their mistakes?

Remember, most nationalists have marinated in the filth of feminism all their lives. These people think extramarital sex is their human right and are simply not prepared to make the sacrifice of marriage for the next generation of white people. That is why alt-right YouTubers have been calling Nick Griffin a "dinosaur" for pointing out that they are mostly sexual deviants and he would rather his grandchildren live in a country ruled by the Koran than one ruled by openly gay alt-right YouTubers whom he described as "deviants.

Nick Griffin says he would rather have his grandchildren grow up "in a land ruled by the Koran" than by gay alt-right "deviants"

Teshuvah - Fixing Mistakes


O you who have believed, indeed, among your wives and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 

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