
Friday, 30 March 2018

Tahir Nasser - a clever young man to watch

I subsequently discovered the answer to my own question. A very talented young man.

I was therefore very disappointed to note that he wrote this dishonest piece about Trump, equating him with white supremacy, racism and Nazism.

If white people want to think themselves superior to other races, why not let them think so?
The people who really are obliged to think of themselves as superior to all other races are of course the Jews, but I am quite happy to let them think this of themselves because of all the stuff they have to do as Jews to keep themselves superior.

White people think of themselves as the superior race because of the success of Western imperialism, but nothing lasts forever.

Even the Romans knew you should not rest on your laurels whether they be racial or otherwise.
The Jews have never been allowed to rest on their laurels by God and understand that all the suffering that is inflicted on them is done to teach them and gentiles a lesson. Jews are after all a microcosm of humanity. To study Jews, their history and Judaism is to gain a greater understanding of morality and how its rules protect your identity as an individual and as a group.

If you are identifiably a race then you would be objectively identifiable as a member of that race with common racial characteristics.

What racial characteristics do IC1 peoples with blond hair and blue eyes share with Iranians and North Indians?

None that I can see. So the idea that Germans being Aryans and racially distinctive to Slaves is a complete nonsense.

I don't think even Hitler thought Germans were really a superior race. The evidence is that they had to make up some rot about Germans and Nordic people (but not Slavs) being really Aryan which is both incoherent and confusing. However, the idea was to tell the Germans to believe in themselves as being special and better than all the rest, fight Hitler's imperialistic wars and thereby become great. (While Hitler's plan was indeed to Make Germany Great Again by waging imperialistic wars, Trump's plan to Make America Great Again was to avoid imperialistic wars. The whole point of Britain fighting two World Wars was to Keep Britain Great and Prevent Germany from Becoming Greater Than Britain.) Slavs ie Russians, who are racially indistinguishable from Scandinavians, could not be Aryan because Germany was planning to invade Russia.

We already know Jews come in four colours: black, brown, yellow and white

This means that after all the stringent rules of Judaism, Jews have ended up with the same racial varieties as the gentile.

This means Judaism is not really about racial characteristics but parentage, upbringing and tradition - an idea as old as the hills.

Racial superiority rests on following your religious principles after choosing the right religion
If Americans want to control immigration and voted Trump in order to express that aspiration, then it is their prerogative. It was not just whites who voted Trump but non-whites too made uneasy about uncontrolled immigration. This fact Nasser signally omitted to mention in his hurry to link Trump to slavery. It was actually a disgraceful article and one presented to the leftist Huffington Post. Perhaps that alone should be enough to put us on our guard.

Perhaps one of the reasons why the Ahmadiyyas are distrusted and despised by other Muslims and the only Muslim group permitted a Caliph by the British Empire was because they are co-opted Muslims with the stamp of approval from the British government. 

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Failing to explain the harm of idolatry to someone who clearly doesn't care

A failed attempt to explain why it is necessary to conceive of God correctly to derive the full benefits of a self-correcting moral system. ...