
Thursday, 3 May 2018

Discussion on feminism and liberty hosted by the Oxford Hayek Society on Wednesday 9 May 2018

Join us for our first discussion of term on the topic of feminism and its relationship to freedom. We will also be discussing whether issues of liberty remain more problematic for women than men in the 21st century west.
All our events are open to everyone and free of charge!
We would love to see you there.
9 May at 19:00–20:00
Magdalen College
High St, OX1 4AU Oxford

For all those attending tonight, we will be in the Daubeny Laboratory, which is the big building across the road from Magdalen. The entrance to the building is the glass door in the centre of the building. If you struggle to find it, either ask the Porters to point you there or send a message to us. Looking forward to seeing you there!

I fear this "discussion" will be predictably rigged. The best that could happen is that you dare ask the questions below, but it will be accompanied by a horrified silence and the feminists there look daggers at you while they think about what historic sexual offence they might accuse you of and the verisimilitude they might use to make their malicious and false accusations ring true to a jury. 

If there is a response, you will be told that it is a "complex question", beyond the intended parameters of the evening's discussion. 

But perhaps the clever young men who are perhaps also idealistic young men will meet each other, and discuss my ideas with each other, and something come out of this, before they too become young professionals with a career they do not want destroyed when some immoral woman accuses them of a historic sexual offence, before they have a wife who will divorce them using the rules of no fault divorce the moment she becomes bored and irritated, take half their stuff and deprive them of their children whom they will badly parent in the former matrimonial homes of their former husbands with a series of live-in lovers who might sexually abuse the children.   

On the real differences between the minds of men and women by J McGrigor Allan


What is male solidarity? You won't be able to find anything decent online because all the good articles have been hidden by the algorithms of our matriarchal search engines, so let me give you my definition:

Male solidarity is the ability of men to trust and co-operate with each other, which no immoral woman can tear asunder.

Male solidarity is crucial to any society's ability to deal with its eternal enemies, and sluts and socialists are the eternal enemies of society.

You have male solidarity if you can think of a trusted man in your life with whom you feel able to discuss the contents of this post.

Imagine how things would be if every man who reads it can immediately think of another man with whom he can discuss the contents of this post without fearing ridicule or betrayal. Do most young men now even have fathers they can discuss this with?

And if all men reading this can discuss it with their fathers and brothers and best friends, they would not be putting up with degeneracy of the matriarchy for a moment longer, and wouldn't have to.

We are living in a very complex world and in a complex world, God doesn't only deal with individuals, he also deals with nations. 
When God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorra, Abraham complained. He asked God, "If I can find 50 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorra, will you spare the cities?" God said, "No problem, I won't destroy it." Abraham bargained with God until he got down to 10 righteous people and God said, "Okay, if you can find 10 righteous people I won't destroy it." 
Why did Abraham stop at 10? Why didn't he go down to one? 
Because Abraham knew if there's a group of people who are righteous, then society might turn around – you can't destroy them. Ten is still a group, under 10 is just individuals. A few righteous individuals is not enough to save Sodom and Gomorra.

Clearly, men who are content to endure a social status that is in effect lower than sluts in their degenerate matriarchy without seeing it worthwhile to attempt to challenge the system obviously deserve extinction. They certainly don't deserve to marry marriageable women who will properly parent their legitimate children. Such marriageable women that they do have will be impregnated and married by foreign men. You don't even have to be God to agree with this. 


Does feminism undermine our traditional liberties?

How many thoughtcrimes does the Equality Act 2010 contain?

Does everything about feminism undermine marriage and therefore patriarchy and civilisation itself?

But for the welfare state, could feminism have survived?

Why does no lawyer in our overcrowded legal profession ever thinks to invoke when acting for his client accused of a historic sexual offence when to be accused is to be convicted in the kangaroo courts of public opinion. No mention of the burden of proof being on the Prosecution or the criminal standard of proof ie beyond reasonable doubt being required to prove the guilt of an accused.

The DPP, Alison Saunders, was of course a campaigning feminist.

Did the Crown Prosecution Service exceed its powers as John Humphrys was suggesting to Alison Saunders?

Keir Starmer's "victim's law" has undermined the requirement for a criminal standard of proof to convict

Chantal Aimee Doerries QC, chairman of the Bar, proposes free child witness coaching against men they accuse of sexual offences

Why is Alison Saunders of the *gender imbalanced* London CPS "disappointed" that John Terry was acquitted of a racially aggravated offence?

How to dramatically lower the number of rape complaints without changing the law

Simon Sheppard on the evil of feminism

How do you prove that you didn't have sex with a lying schoolgirl who said you did?

Why the alpha male no longer exists in Western society

Has feminism blocked social mobility for men?

David Willetts blames feminism over lack of jobs for working men

How chasing the female vote increased our taxes and the size of the state while reducing our liberties

Claire Khaw's Class and Gender Theory of Western Decline

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