
Tuesday, 29 May 2018

The dysgenic feminist state that oppresses men and destroys the civilisation their male ancestors built

Women who want to become mothers should understand that they owe it to themselves to choose the father of their offspring carefully. This means that women should not be having babies until they are married because it is always easier to get a man to have sex with you than to get him to marry you.

What governments should be doing is to make marriage a good bargain for men again. would be the most effective way of making women choose their sex partners who must also be their husbands in a more careful and eugenic way.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers.

Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers with illegitimate offspring.

Male solidarity, co-operation and leadership accountability is facilitated by a chain of command in a hierarchical patriarchal society while co-operation amongst men is next to impossible in a matriarchy because there is no clear leader and even the appointed leader is obviously not in control. This is certainly the case in liberal democracies.

In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the fornicating immoral woman because in a matriarchy even the women get to choose their alpha male leader.

Once women get to choose their leader, they will inevitably choose the male leader they find most physically attractive without much listening to rational arguments or caring much about the long term national interest because it is not in the nature of females to trouble their pretty little heads about such things.

You will find that the national interest just does not compute with the average feminist and if you try to explain it to her she will accuse you of being racist, sexist, antisemitic and Islamophobic just to shame you, threaten you and shut you up.

Once males with leadership ambitions realise the importance of female support, they will pander to the female preference in order to become leader and marginalise and even ignore the male preference.

Men who pander to the female preference must logically and necessarily think, speak and behave like a woman.

When men begin to behave like women, they become incapable of defending any moral principle at all and this encourages their enemies who rightly suppose that a nation of men who submit to the female preference without the desire or ability to fight back are ripe for invasion.

This has clearly happened to the West.

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