
Sunday, 6 May 2018

Why atheists are invariably narcissists

Basically, atheists are narcissists because they have no religious principles. They may say they have non-religious moral principles, but they follow them only imperfectly. Some will even insist that they have moral principles, but be quite unable to articulate them. Because they made their own rules, they can break their own rules when the mood takes them without any sense of guilt or shame.

He might tell you one day quite earnestly that he believes in God and then deny God's existence a few weeks later. When you point this out to him, he will shrug indifferently and say that he no longer feels this way now. The statement was true at the time of the declaration, but is now no longer true, because his emotions are not the emotions they were when he declared his belief in God.

This behaviour is very much analogous to the concept of parliamentary sovereignty. (This is the rule that every law that Parliament passes it can always repeal at a later date when circumstances and political expediency requires.)

If the narcissist breaks his own rules, he will think no one else has noticed because he does not believe in an all-knowing God.

If you notice this and point this out, you will be met by a bare-faced denial.

If you persist, you will be abused, insulted or possibly worse, because the more violent type will not hesitate to use violence and is even more the slave of his emotions which he is unable to control.

For the narcissist, the only thing that is real is his emotions. This means his emotions trumps truth, reason and morality because he only acknowledges the primacy of his emotions because they are his emotions while the unwelcome conclusions he is faced with are someone else's truth, reason and morality.

This means the only thing that would motivate the emotional narcissist is bribes and threats. There is no better side to appeal to in a person whose primary motivation is to please himself and who cannot see why he should care for anyone else, not even his parents and not his usually illegitimate children.

The interesting paradox is that he is often not very good at looking after his own interests either.

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