
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Kevin Michael Grace On Red Hen & The Coming Civil War

I come in from the 14th minute.

56th minute  Why the Mexicans wouldn't put up with an immigrant invasion the Americans have

On the average age of a country affecting the National Character from 1:01

The feminine stratagem from 1:24 and Trump as alpha male of America and whether he is really in charge.

Trump backs down on migrant family separations policy

From 1:52 Kevin Grace quotes: "Privatise profits and socialise risks."

We discuss Corporate America and the oligarchy. I was going to say the second American Revolution should abolish the oligarchy and have a one party state like China, but they started talking about Kevin's avatar instead.

The US could become a one-party state without even having to change its constitution

Western democracy falters and looks to China

It was me who complained about Kevin's avatar in a previous podcast, so I can't complain now. I have previously suggested that his avatar should be a marijuana leaf.

After Analytical Chick and I are removed, Luke invites the men to discuss women. Kevin complains about my Twitter behaviour and Secular Koranism then starts having a lovely time talking about his time as a thespian, bad British teeth and his current life goal of getting teeth implants.

Martin Amis novels discussed.

Muriel Spark and ageing is mentioned. Apparently, being old is better than growing old.

At 2:29 Kevin is asked if he is gay. There is a shocked silence and then ....

at 2:31 Kevin complains about being stalked by me and my tweets to him at  which he says are like Another Tequila Sunrise.

Is Kevin the hired hand? Am I the woman runnin' round because Kevin who presumably neglects me is enjoying his tequila nights and sunrises? With whom am I runnin' round? Dennis Dale?

2:33 Luke Ford considers breaking his vow not to masturbate made on 13 June 2012 because he has seen some arousing photographs of me.

Kevin confesses to having a Chinese girlfriend once. Luke admits to succumbing to the Yellow Fever. Kevin says - rather hysterically in my view - that Oriental women who marry white men are "horrifying" and "disgusting". However, I would be the first to admit that we are not all angels.

The conversation then turns to the camp tones of Kevin.

Whether Muslims have the right to pray in Hyde Park to provoke the Islamophobes is also discussed.

2:39  Kevin thinks I am nuts and a Muslim and doesn't even want me to tweet in support of him because he hates me so much.

2:40  Luke Ford says he likes my comments on his videos.

They call me MATA HARAM.

2:41  Kevin Grace [dramatically and portentously]: "I have realised the full import of Claire Khaw!"

Dennis Dale: "She is so right. You just reject her message because she is a woman, and an Asian woman."

2:43  Q:  Do we want more Claire Khaw or the Yentl with the Beautiful Voice? A: We want more Dennis Dale!

Kevin says "Claire is fake!" and accuses me of being off topic when talking about a second American Civil War. Was I? I thought I completely addressed the question as quickly and as succinctly as I could, even down to the one of who would win if it happened. Oh dear, Kevin hates me so much he cannot bring himself to be fair to me. He should take cognisance of this verse in the Koran:  Do not let your hatred of your enemy prevent you from being just, Kevin!

2:48  Kevin tells us of his thespian past.

2:52  Kevin very sweetly white knights for me.

David Icke

Tom Selleck

Tom Cruise


3:06  Kevin caterwauls.

Their favourite movies

From 3:34  They talk about being being bullied at school. Kevin calls motiveless malignity Original Sin.

3:38 Ecce is complimented on his voice. I think it is a bookish preppy New England aristocracy voice. I imagine the narrator of The Great Gatsby having a voice like Ecce's.

They are basically talking about their Yetzer Hara without using the word.

Luke is pleased with the crazy stream. 

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