
Thursday, 28 June 2018

Trump Gets Another Supreme Court Vacancy

Kevin complains about me from 2:41:

"I have been feeling this stalking going on in my own case in the last few weeks. I'll just say an internet user who I'll call the Crow ... "

Luke: What's she been doing to you, Kevin?

Kevin [with a long-suffering sigh]: 15 to 20 or 25 every day and this latest bit of 'Oh yeah, you're not gay but we're going to call you Vicky after Victoria' ... you look at the screen and it's there and before you decide to look away you've taken in a certain amount and it's become obsessive. It could be a troll or a prank, but I kind of doubt it.

My tweets to Kevin can be found at

Luke: Do you think she is dangerous?

Kevin: No, obviously she's of no danger to me because she's like 5000 miles away, and there's an ocean there, but I was talking about New York City and that low level of hostility, the idea that there's a person out there who's obsessed with you and has the means to contact you, it's a little worrying, but I had an actual stalker once, so this is nowhere near as bad as that. I had a man who heard me on CBC radio ....


CHAT COMMENTS in which Pepe asks a very interesting philosophical question.

Pepe Sells but Who's Buying?​ If Kevin never checked his Twitter, would the stalking still exist?


For what it's worth, Luke, let these people say what they want if it is not really too awful. If they cannot say what they want to you, they are more likely to want to do you violence. The other day you were saying that women worry more about being a victim of violence than me, but statistically, it is men who are more likely to suffer violence.  
It is a shame none of the reports on the murdered Japanese blogger said what the quarrel was all about.  
All I can say is that we political bloggers must have Emunah and Bitachon while trying as much as we can to avoid the sin of Lashon Hara to minimise risk. All political principles that you hold dearly are worth dying for. If political bloggers cannot at least pay lip service to this, then it means there is nothing really that we really believe in, and if so, then we are really no better than cattle reared for meat.  
My other suggestion is to not get personal even if the other person is. There is also a noticeable difference in emotional levels when you use the vocative and  when you are  referring to someone in the third person. Debating societies have a convention of making participants address each other in the third person and Parliamentarians are obliged to call each other "the Honourable Member for Brentwood & Ongar", for example, rather than "that drunken liar I see before me". 

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