
Monday, 30 July 2018

Alt Right Torah: Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25)

6:15  Immigration analogous to a henpecked husband not knowing how to say no

14:00  While diversity can cause conflict, fair enough rules and a social order should be able to resolve conflicts. Egalitarianism in itself creates conflict because everyone thinks they are as good as each other. In the animal kingdom in a fight for resources, the smaller weaker animal easily gives way to the stronger bigger animal. It is only when both parties are equal in size that conflict is certain. The polite fiction that egalitarianism - a kind of moral communism - is the fairest and best social system must be exposed for what it is: a lie.

14:45  Dennis's response was difficult to read. Was he referring to when he was talking about "the fundamental differences" of black and white people? Their alleged criminality? Their aggressive manner? The kind of music - non-white - that they like? I remember Greg Johnson talking about his horrible bus journey in DC when he sat next to a black woman with a baby who changed its nappy in front of him.  The other thing he said about black people was the way they just said anything that popped into their head, without filters. This actually made me think of low class poorly educated white people accused of being white nationalists. These so-called fundamental differences are therefore just class differences and would exist even within an all-white society. Oh, and the other thing Johnson complained about was the way white people no longer enforced whatever rules of behaviour they once had.  I hope Dennis will address these points that I omitted to raise in my hurry to talk about being conflicted with regard to lowering the speed limit and putting speed bumps in the road at  15:44

19:00 " ... a genetically homogeneous society, people who vibrate on the deep unconscious frequencies of racial kinship that binds us all together. It's basically a longing for brotherhood and belonging. Diversity takes that stuff away - that is the problem with diversity."  "It robs you of your God-given natural birthright to be part of an ethnic community." 

When white people were ensconced in their Christian homelands, they had the European Wars of Religion, the American War of Independence, the American Civil War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, and then the First and Second World Wars.

When the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World for the New World after enduring Christian on Christian religious persecution, they found that this practice of Christian on Christian persecution continuing between the Quakers and Puritans.

Even now, they still haven't gotten over it and are now talking about having a civil war to resolve the differences between Feminists and Nationalists. This Culture War is really a culture war to restore the patriarchy, which is as old as the hills if you think of it in terms of the eternal battle of the sexes.  The weapon men have against immoral women is the rules of marriage that forbid and punish extramarital sex. The weapon immoral women have against men and the civilisation their ancestors built is to seduce them into sexual immorality. This story is as old as the hills and is even mentioned in the Torah. The Chinese call the eternal battle of the sexes Yin and Yang.

"And by the way, of all the sins listed, what’s interesting is you’ll find that sex before marriage is not on the list."

But fear not, for it is certainly mentioned at

21:00 I talk about gang culture. My apologies for omitting to mention "postcode gangs" where different gangs of mixed race gangs kill each other when they stray onto the territory of another gang in another postcode.

How would we treat our identical twin who expects us to share exactly half our goodies with him or her, including our sex partners and any love and respect we may get? I think most of us would murder that identical twin if we knew we would get away with it.

24:00  How I propose to help Orthodox Jews so concerned about immigration they join the alt-right but suffer socially and professionally

26:30  The alt-right is like the hippy movement if it does not have an official leader. Am I alt-right? I don't even know!

33:00 Immigration, Jews do have an agenda to diversify their host countries so they don't stand out too much as a minority.

I think the man to watch is Israeli political philosopher Yoram Hazony whose book THE VIRTUE OF NATIONALISM will be out in September. 

The Dark Side of the Enlightenment
Today’s advocates oversell the benefits of unfettered reason. They dismiss the contributions of tradition, religion and nationalism to human progress.

Why Does Facebook Think I’m ‘Political’?
The robots won’t let me advertise my book on nationalism.

38:00  Have the white working classes priced themselves out of the labour market?

The immaturity and cowardice of anti-immigration political parties who refuse to address underlying and longstanding social problems for fear of upsetting their underclass supporters who have no interest in matters such as state education and marriage and only want the welfare state for whites only.

The marriage licence had the purpose of licensing only married people to have sex and children with each other and to privilege the married over the unmarried. Marriage is eugenic.

47:00  Ukip to team up in 'unholy alliance' with Steve Bannon's new far right European movement

50:00 Bodies in suitcases

55:00  Internet censorship

1:17:00  On there not being a lot of love and inclusion in Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25, I point out at 1:21:00  that even after you have exterminated the other, you could still backslide and disobey God's laws and still be cursed by Him.

1:34:001:34:00  Immigration, discrimination and the internal passport

On December 27, 1932 the USSR Central Executive Committee and Sovnarkom issued a decree About establishment of the Unified Passport System within the USSR and the Obligatory Propiska of Passports. The declared purposes were the improvement of population bookkeeping in various urban settlements and "the removal of persons not engaged in industrial or other socially-useful work from towns and cleansing of towns from hiding kulaks, criminals and other antisocial elements. "Hiding kulaks" was an indication at fugitive peasants who tried to run away from the collectivization. "Removal" usually resulted in some form of forced labour.
Passports were introduced for urban residents, sovkhozniks and workers of novostroykas (новостройка, a major construction site of a new town, plant, railway station, etc.). According to the 1926 Soviet Census 82% of population in the Soviet Union was rural. Kolkhozniks and individual peasants did not have passports and could not move into towns without permission. Permissions were given by chairpersons of collective farms or rural councils. Repeated violation of the passport regime was a criminal offence. Passports were issued by the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (Soviet law enforcement) and until the 1970s had a green cover.

The racial tensions in Russia sound pretty horrific at

According to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, all citizens are equal and enjoy the same rights, regardless of gender, beliefs, or ethnic background. However, this legal equality does not always extend to the workplace or everyday life, and discrimination and racism in China do exist.

In China, on top of everything else, they also have astrology-based discrimination!

1:39:00  My White Pill
Things must get worse before they get better, so we should look upon deterioration as improvement!

I should have said all empires are by definition multiracial and multiracial and America is indeed a global empire. Their survival depends on good rational government and fair enough rules ie patriarchy and civic nationalism capable of keeping the lid on all the inevitable social tensions that exist in any society.

1:49:00 "Fundamental British values"  Jews, traditional Christians and Muslims are having trouble accepting the gay marriage and transgenderism of "fundamental British values" which becomes a discussion on submission and domination. Appearing to be submit could mean that one is asserting control over our emotions by not losing one's temper and having a tantrum only to feel bad later for having behaved badly.

2:14:00  Religion and white solidarity
2:17:00  The principles of liberalism currently ignored by illiberals
2:17:15  The pub is the community centre for atheist white men, but they just get drunk and steal each other's women and then fight each other
2:17:30  No safe spaces for white men, anywhere at all in the UK, unless it is the Masonic Lodge ....
2:19:00  The dysfunctional political system of the West
2:20:00  The solution in theory should be considered even if you think it is unlikely to be implemented in the current political order.
2:21:00  Trump, populism, civic nationalism, protectionism
2:22:00  China

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