
Thursday, 5 July 2018

The Sin of Lashon Hara (evil speech) and my permanent solution to the problem of rising antisemitism: a Registrar and Register of Jews

What in Judaism says Jews must encourage immigration in the countries they have settled in?

Do Jews feel a bit stupid for encouraging Muslim immigration in the countries they have settled in and discovering that these Muslim immigrants are antisemitic for reasons of thinking Jews control the dumb Western governments that bomb Muslim countries and then take them as immigrants despite the objections of their own formerly working classes?

Are liberal assimilated Jews basically Chillul Hashem ie turbo-charged liberals with Jewish privileges they do not deserve?

Liberal assimilated Jews tar observant Jews. The gentile already hates his own liberals. All the more will he hate Jewish liberals. If I were an observant Jew I would be wanting  a Chief Registrar of Jews to properly register all members of the tribe and dissociate observant Jews from Jews who break the Sabbath. It is clear that Jews who break the Sabbath are not even supposed to exist, because they are supposed to be stoned to death. What a shame Jews no longer even follow their own religious principles!

Haven't Jews invited hatred on themselves by being liberal and promoting immigration?

Should Jews be made to appoint themselves a Pope and have a register of observant Jews so that liberal assimilated Jews do not disgrace observant Jews who are shomer shabbat with their obscene boasts of having invented gay marriage?

Should the Registrar of the  Register of Jews declare non-Jews Jews who break the Sabbath for a bit of quality control? (There is no need to stone them to death or make them stone each other to death. It is enough to have them declare non-Jews and dead to Judaism. A mock funeral could be held for them by their community in the manner described at )

Should every synagogue have a Register and Local Register of Jews who are in good standing with their community and Hashem?

Should Jews be divided in the way suggested below?

Jews should be divided between (1) the secular and (2) the observant . Amongst the observant, these should be further divided between (a) those who are merely ritually observant and (b) those who take the trouble to defend their religious principles through politics.

While these measures may be considered somewhat severe by liberal assimilated Jews, they are necessary to protect observant Jews.  If I were an Orthodox Jewess, this is precisely what I would be campaigning for.  The purpose of these measures would to be to deal with the problem of rising antisemitism.  It is clear that the gentile already hates gentile liberals. All the more would he hate Jews who are turbo-charged liberals with undeserved Jewish privileges capable of shutting you up by accusing you of antisemitism whenever they lose an argument with you.

These days you are an antisemite if a liberal Jew hates you.

I also wish to make the point that all the solutions to all our problems are in fact at hand, if only our religious leaders would follow their religious principles.

Jews believe that suffering has a purpose.

They suffer for not following their religious principles, obviously.

Jews should be considered a blessing and the light of nations of the world. This being so, the international community would fall over themselves to attract Jews to come and live in their country, the way some bird-loving householders of Britain would provide bird baths and nut bags to attract birds to their garden.

But not one of them will discuss their religious duty to promote the Noahide laws and denounce gay marriage.

Not one of them will say Islam must be the religion that more than satisfies the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws, except the ones at

Not one of them will say that Christianity is the religion of idolatrous hypocrites who no longer believe in the utility of their idolatrous hypocrisy.

If they believe that Christ is the co-equal of God then they are stupid. If they only pretend to believe in it, they are corrupt. Clearly, Christianity has now imploded under the sheer weight of its accumulated idolatry and internal inconsistencies.

The Neturei Karta obviously get it that for the observant Jew, living under sharia is a walk in the park because Islam is really Judaism Lite - the second and final attempt to adapt Judaism for gentiles, now that Christianity is finally kaput. Secular Koranism is of course Islam Lite, and this is the moral system that more than satisfies the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws and what politically-attuned Jews should be promoting if they want what's good for them and the gentile.

Because the Ultra Orthodox know that sharia is really a walk in the park for them, the Ultra Orthodox Neturei Karta Jews say to me that they would be happy to live under sharia. Apparently, the Jews of Iran are perfectly happy there and are not gagging to escape to the West to enjoy the benefits of unaffordable property prices, no fault divorce, gay marriage and the anxiety of worrying what sex their children will be when they grow up.

Observant Jews seem insanely suicidal, suffering themselves to be represented by turbo-charged liberals and not even attempting to dissociate themselves from such people who openly promote sexual immorality, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah, which will only cause Hashem to want to zap us.

I happen to know that it is always open for the London Beth Din to reintroduce the practice of herem to denounce the unobservant Jews, especially if they are also bad apples.

Let us hope that Jews, being God's Chosen People, will lead by example and discuss my ideas amongst themselves before promoting Secular Koranism under a one party theocracy in the media that everyone thinks they control. 

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