
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

An analysis of Western Man's fears and neuroses after half a century of feminism Theme to Mission Impossible: Fallout
Mission: Impossible Fallout - Finale and shocking twists explained
5:30  Notting Hill Carnival - white people in grass skirts

7:00  Far-right vigilantes 'hunting down' migrants in Germany after man's death
Further demonstrations are planned in Chemnitz following the death of a man in a fight between people of "various nationalities".

9:15  Weimar Republic

11:00  Democracy and accountability

11:45  Ms May said she wants investment levels from UK firms into projects on the continent to outstrip those from the US and France by 2022.
14:00  Chem sex
22:00  Anti-migrant violence in Lesbos
16:00  Hyper-inflation in the Weimar Republic
22:15  Why low status alt-right men are leaderless
25:00  White Van Man
26:00  Steve Bannon's message to Trump voters: It doesn't matter if your congressman is a 'RINO' — vote for them, or else Trump gets impeached
28:00  Pat Buchanan: Do Democrats Want an Impeachment Fight?
34:00  White nationalists unlikely to adopt Secular Koranism as the solution to Western malaise
37:00  Enoch Powell


Tikkun is often translated as repair. But in the Hebrew Bible and in the early code of Jewish law called the Mishnah, it has a range of meanings: improve, fix, prepare, set up, or just “do something with…”1 Tikkun could be used to describe straightening a crooked rod, maintaining a roadway, cutting fingernails, setting a table, or devising a parable to explain a difficult idea.2

Olam in Biblical Hebrew connotes all of time. In later Hebrew, it came to mean the world.

So tikkun olam means to do something with the world that will not only fix any damage, but also improve upon it. literally means to do something with the world that will not only fix any damage, but also improve upon it, preparing it to enter the ultimate state for which it was created.

In our times, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, described tikkun olam as the mission of every human being. He spoke with a voice of urgency, with the conviction that in our times, one small deed could bring the world to the resolution for which it has yearned since its creation.

The Four Steps of Atonement
In Jewish tradition, the process of atonement has four clearly defined stages:

Step 1, Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and inwardly adopt of feeling sincere regret.
Step 2, Ceasing.  Immediately stop the harmful action.
Step 3, Confession and restitution. Verbalize the mistake and ask for forgiveness, either from God or from the wronged party. If possible, the wrong must be righted through compensation. If the sin is against God, acts of charity may be considered as restitution.
Step 4, Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat the sin in the future.

42:00  The eternal problem of degeneracy and its prevention through marriage and good parenting
44:00  Slut-shaming
45:00  You can't have nationalism without restoring the patriarchy
46:00  Angela Merkel
47:00  The majority of women in the West now are sluts, says Ragnar Odinson in chat.
49:00  After the revolution, the rules will be different.
49:30  If you want to go to the moon, you need to get into a spaceworthy vessel. The fact that you have no access to one or have no prospect of becoming a qualified astronaut does not change the solution.
58:00  Why Jay should become a Secular Koranist
1:01:00  Theresa May filmed dancing with South African schoolchildren
1:03:00  The Richard and Judy of the alt-right
1:03:30  How men can peacefully protest against the matriarchy
An OFFICIAL Marriage Strike by Men and an OFFICIAL Sex Strike by Women - a peaceful non-violent way of overthrowing the matriarchy
1:04:00  MGTOW are part of the problem of the matriarchy
1:05:00  Who and what is alt-right?  The alt-right is like the hippy movement
1:06:00  The more you vote, the worse the government gets.  When the government asks your view, it just wants to share the blame.
1:10:00  Star Trek values
1:11:00  The lack of accountability in a democracy that Hitler was complaining about in Mein Kampf
1:13:00  Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal
1:16:00  E Michael Jones: "No religion, no white identity."
1:18:00  Sarah Jeong
1:22:00  No freedom of association for white heterosexual men
1:24:00 Jay commands me to become a "bog standard nationalist" and to join in the whingeing without proposing a solution
Freemasons accept transgender women who joined as men
1:26:00  Belinda Brown won't even say she wants to change the law. 

1:27:00  I don't need to talk about Secular Koranism. Mark Collett forbade me from talking about it at and I didn't.

1:28:00  Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…
1:29:00  Secular Koranism does not require people to be Muslims to interpret and apply the principles of Secular Koranism. They just have to believe that the patriarchy needs to be restored and Secular Koranism is the way to do it.

1:31:00  Coverture -
Secular Koranism will be less restrictive on women than Secular Koranism.

1:33:00  David Myatt

1:34:00  Why I haven't converted to Islam - because Secular Koranism does not require lawyers who interpret and apply the law to be Muslim!

1:35:00  Frequency of sex in an Islamic marriage contract

1:36:00  Battle of Lepanto

1:41:00  Muslim couple denied Swiss citizenship over handshake refusal

1:42:00  I explain my qualifications as a political and moral philosopher.

1:46:00  Afua HIrsch, Dawn Butler, Sarah Jeong and their ilk

1:47:00  CIA control Western media

1:49:00  Toyota to invest $500m in Uber in driverless car deal

1:51:00  Eugenics: Thomas Galton, Herbert Spencer, marriage

1:54:00  The EU is ’unprecedented filth that doesn’t deserve our money’ Italian minister FUMES
THE ITALIAN interior minister has labelled the EU as “unprecedented filth that doesn’t deserve our money” as Emmanuel Macron has warned against the EU going too soft on the UK in Brexit negotiations.

1:55:00  Sex segregation

1:56:00  The point of having children and good parenting

1:59:00  Men can't say no to no-strings sex

2:04:00  The abolition of the welfare state

2:04:30  What's good about feminism? The normalisation of extramarital sex and the lower of the price of sex

2:06:00  Is there a difference in approach between gay men and lesbians towards sex?

2:09:00  Why we should only have sex with people we love and trust and who love and trust us return

2:10:00  Married women and unmarried women vote differently

2:12:00  Platonic friendships between men and women

2:13:00  Why Muslim are so into sex segregation


2:17:00  Interview: Muslim Saudi Arabian Executioner Part 1

2:20:00  Russell Crowe in Master & Commander

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Eugenic religion of “Beyondism” - — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  March 13, 2025 Secular Koranism with Christian Scientist Characteristics adopt...