Monday, 20 August 2018

The 12 Steps to Secular Koranism for the restoration of the patriarchy and the regeneration of the degenerate West

1. We men admitted we are powerless over seductive and immoral women who offer us no-strings sex ie sluts —that our lives have become unmanageable.

  • Addresses denial.
  • Promotes honesty and self-examination, resistance can be great.
  • Accepts identity as an addict
  • Principle - HONESTY

2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

  • The person recognises that they need help. "I alone can do it, but I can't do it alone."
  • Sanity is the recognition that continued use of alcohol, drugs or behaviour one is addicted to will have continued negative effects. 
  • Helps open the person to new internal experience.
  • Principle - HOPE

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

  • Can be difficult for atheists and/or agnostics; re-frame by thinking of an accepting and loving life-force within.
  • Practising "letting go" weakens the grip of obsessions, craving, worries, resentments. 
  • Principle - FAITH

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

  • Done by many healthy individuals as a fundamental part of psychotherapy. 
  • Arouses guilt, shame, grief and other powerful negative emotions. 
  • Prepares person for honest sharing in human relationships.
  • Principle - COURAGE

5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being eg Claire Khaw the exact nature of our wrongs.

  • Arouses shame, anxiety, reactions of anger, disgust and rejection.
  • Helps develop honesty with oneself and others.
  • Principle - INTEGRITY

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

  • Characterlogical and personality problems continue.
  • Simply getting ready to have a Higher Power, something other than self, remove selfishness, dishonest, impulsiveness, blaming, and other dysfunctional behaviours. 
  • Principle - WILLINGNESS

7. Humbly asked God and Secular Koranism to remove our societal shortcomings.

  • Recognises the fact that we are fallible human beings who need help.
  • Vices slowly subside with the necessary prohibitions in place.
  • Principle - HUMILITY

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

  • Painful, but a valuable preparation for repairing damaged relationships.
  • Essential part of our capacity for empathy.
  • Helps develop skill in maintaining relationships.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

  • Arouses anxiety which may be extreme.
  • Helps repair damaged relationships.
  • Restores the Balance of Justice

10. Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

  • Self-observation, associational problem solving and honesty with oneself and others.
  • Self-observation and admission of problems.
  • Setting the stage for re-developing both intimacy and generativity
  • Principle - PERSERVERANCE

11. Sought through prayer 5 times a day and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

  • Knowledge and power are for taking responsibility for our nation and solving our own national problems ourselves. 
  • Deciding how to treat women, foreigners and minorities in a rational, humane and moral way. 
  • Continuing surrender of the will to go on a frolic of our own and following Koranic principles instead.

12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts of fornication and fearers of sluts and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

  • Freedom from the bondage of matriarchy, vice and subjectivity
  • Spirituality is the reward we get when we know we are following the rules to the best of our reason and ability.
  • Action is carrying the message to others, sharing strength and hope.
  • Principle - SERVICE

3:30  Bill Wilson
3:45  The Oxford Group
4:00  The Six Steps
5:30  The First Step
6:00  Feminism
6:15  Fornication
6:30  Mortal Sin
7:00  Sexual morality
8:30  Sex addiction
10:00  Sex and drugs education
11:00  Drugs in prison
12:00  Feminism: Miss, Mrs and Ms
13:00  Marriage
13:30  The fairy tale husband for little girls
14:00  Brexit
15:00  Feminist tropes - gay marriage, transgenderism
18:00  The price of sex
19:00  A man could only expect to have sex with his wife or prostitutes in a patriarchy
19:45  Feminism causes immigration
20:00  Education and parenting
21:00  Howard Flight echoes Keith Joseph's 1974 warning that 'our human stock is threatened'
21:30  Mary Whitehouse
22:00  We must make do with remorse if we cannot be perfect.
23:00  Marriage
25:00  Jay's "trough of minge"
26:00  A power greater than ourselves
27:00  Sanity, logic
29:00  Marriage prospects
31:00  Choosing a sex partner for a one-night stand is different to choosing a spouse who will be the other parent of what we hope will be our properly parented offspring
36:00  The British drowned their sorrows in wine, women and song
38:00  The purpose of pornography
39:00  Is it wrong to watch pornography in a public place?
41:00  Fornication is a mortal sin
44:00  Teshuvah
46:00  The failure of Christianity was caused by its Achilles heel the Doctrine of Trinity which rational people like Newton disdained to believe in
The morality of the New Testament was thrown out with the bathwater of the Trinity once it became legal to deny the Trinity
51:00  Which MP has denounced the state sponsoring of transgenderism?
52:00  Tim Farron
55:00  Stage 8
55:30  Accountability and Herbert Asquith
58:00  Immigration
59:00  Children manipulating parents like voters trying to mainipulate politicians
1:00:00  Viktor Orban
1:02:00  A Trump MAGA baseball cap exists. Can we imagine anyone wearing a Theresa May hat?
1:03:00  Alain de Botton, philosopher, questioning the operation of democracy in the context of Socrates
1:04:00  The rotten fruit of feminism and sexual liberation. Gender equality leads to gender confusion, gender confusion leads to gender dysphoria. The normalisation of gender dysphoria leads to transgender children in primary schools who will be put on the path of mutilating their sex organs and sterilising themselves in order to pretend to be a member of the opposite sex. They will not become parents of the future, let alone good parents.
1:06:00  If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be [fill in the blank].  If the destination is [fill in the blank] then the vehicle must be [fill in the blank].
1:08:00  Step 8
1:11:00  Secular Koranism
1:12:00  - extramarital sex must be punished in order to support the practice of marriage. Married couples married each other in order to have sex and children with each other.
 I talk about sex for a few minutes.
1:26:00  Salmon die after they have spawned.
I talk about sex some more.
Sex and status is linked to control of the resources
1:31:00  Young and sexy people are very stupid, old and ugly people are wise. Matriarchy is a shallow superficial materialistic society that worships the cult of youth. Patriarchy acknowledges the supremacy of wisdom, experience, prudence, principles and other abstract ideas shallow superficial materialistc people don't understand or value.
1:32:00  Islam
1:33:00  The dangers of expressing political views
1:34:00  Muslims and Jews are fighting each other for control of the West
1:35:00  The role of religion in keeping your group identity
1:37:00  Unmarried alt-right leaders
1:39:00  There was a time when a bachelor would not be given any position of authority. That went out with Ted Heath, a bachelor Prime Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974.
1:41:00  Josh Smith and SMACKA
1:42:00 Are Jay and I alt-right?
1:43:00 The class problem of nationalism
1:45:00  Boris Johnson
1:46:00  Hungary and Poland have been protected by their Catholicism, but for how much longer?
1:46:30  Gender studies to be kicked out of Hungarian universities
1:47:00  Proposed impeachment of Trump
1:48:00  Alan Dershowitz
1:49:00  Slavery
1:50:00  Nigel Farage
1:52:00  What is a fascist?
1:54:00  Liberal Democracy has obviously failed.
1:56:00  So easy to blame the Muslims and complain about the symptoms
1:56:30  The Fall of Western Man by Mark Collett
1:57:00  How long did democracy last in Athens and Rome?
Before the earlier date there was democracy to be found here and there in the government of Athens, and democratic institutions survived long after the latter date, but for those 186 years the city of Athens was self-consciously and decidedly democratic, autonomous, aggressive, and prosperous.
1:59:00  Doooovid's opinion of opinions
2:02:00  The shortest route to success is to follow the instructions
2:07:00  We must not tolerate evil!
2:10:00  Patriarchy is hierarchical.
2:10:30  The Equality Act 2010 creates inequality
2:11:00  Double-bind of white heterosexual men
2:12:00  Sarah Jeong
2:13:00  Non-white pets of the Western liberal establishment
2:16:00  Jacob Rees Mogg cannot ever be seen as a man of the people
2:20:00  Racism


  1. A fantastic piece of work Claire. I don’t agree with your solution as you know but I totally respect and admire your intelligence and pursuing your cause over the years. The conversations are fun and diverse as well as serious
