
Friday, 17 August 2018

The Virtue of Nationalism by Yoram Hazony

Hazony's book is discussed from the 25th minute.

I will confess to not having read Hazony's book. This is because it is not out till September 2018.

To the alt-right I say the following:

1. If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

2. The fact that no alt-right leader is a respectable married man in control of his family shows how far off the mark "White Nationalism" is from Nationalism.

3. It was E Michael Jones who said "No religion, no white identity".

4. No patriarchy, no nationalism of any kind.

5. The perfect patriarchy is 100% married parents.

6. The perfect matriarchy is 100% unmarried parents.

7. The West is a matriarchy suffering from degeneracy and the malaise caused by a burgeoning parasitic class which our leaders refuse to discuss, let alone address.

8. The sacred cows of the West are democracy, feminism and the welfare state - all unsustainable.

9. All societies need a moral system whose laws support the enterprise of rearing the next generation through privileging married couples engaged in this undertaking.

10. "White Nationalists" are no longer even capable of discussing the possibility of restoring the patriarchy - probably because most of them know themselves to be unmarriageable - so this means they are no longer capable of curing the disease, only of complaining about the symptoms.

11. The Culture War in the West is really between

(a) marriageable men of all races and religions who want to restore the patriarchy and their supporters (who do not have to be themselves marriageable or even heterosexual)

(b) unmarriageable men of all races and religions with no intention or prospect of becoming married fathers who absolutely reject the idea of criminalising extramarital sex in order to restore the patriarchy ie those who reject the idea of living in a patriarchy and their supporters

12. The success of the West can be attributed to the patriarchy that Christianity used to support but which it now no longer does because a corruptible priesthood has now become thoroughly corrupted after half a century of feminism.

13. The evidence that the Church has been thoroughly corrupted: Christianity is now indistinguishable from Liberalism.

14. Liberalism in the 21st century only means sexual liberation whose purpose is to keep us quiescent under our matriarchy.

15. Conservatism is indistinguishable from Liberalism.

16. Liberalism is an inadequate moral system because it is now indistinguishable from Feminism.

17. Feminism is a disease of the mind.

18. The opium of the people is fornication.

19. The belief that fornication is a human right now pervades our Global Village, but fornication is a mortal sin.

20. Sin is nothing more than the behaviour that we should not and must not indulge in, if we are not to destroy ourselves and our societies, nations and civilisation.

21. Lust is a Deadly Sin because its widespread indulgence leads to degeneracy and the decline and fall of your civilisation.

22. Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption to intellectual corruption leading to the fatal inability to use truth, reason and morality to solve and avoid problems.

23. Our laws should be in harmony with our moral system and our moral system should be in harmony with our religion. Judaism is for Jews only, and idolatrous Christianity is now finally kaput.

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1:23:00  The fight is not between people of different races and religions but between men who want to restore the patriarchy and men who don't
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1:26:00  E Michael Jones - no religion, no white identity
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1:52:00  Tinder - Fornication is the Opium of the Men of the Matriarchy
1:53:00  MGTOW  and marriage
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2:46:00  E Michael Jones, Catholicism and giving up fornication
2:48:00  Patriarchy and Nationalism  - Patriarchy is the horse pulling the cart of Nationalism.  Do not put the cart before the horse. Another analogy is that Patriarchy is the ladder that is required to scale of the wall of Nationalism.
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2:54:00  Tinder  Tinder
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3:09:00  The criminalisation of fornication is imperative for the restoration of the patriarchy
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