
Sunday, 9 September 2018

Diversity, identity and the importance of having fixed principles

"Diversity" these days is not just about race and religion, it includes varieties of what the Abrahamic faiths would consider sex offender eg those guilty of fornication, adultery and sodomy. If Westerners feel that their government is incompetent and their childless clueless leaders corrupt, they should understand that they are in fact living in a matriarchy.

If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy.

If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.

A theocracy is a society governed by the laws of God to ensure that His laws - particular the ones on on marriage - are obeyed from generation to generation, otherwise degeneracy will be the consequence, and the decline and fall of your civilisation will be the inevitable result.

Sadly for humanity, our global village is now a matriarchy with only a few pockets of resistance here and there.

Pakistan launched its gender neutral passport in 2017.

Matriarchal dementia will engulf our global village unless something is said and done.

On the question of identity, it is not something we worry about until and unless there are other people we perceive to be acting against our interests to worry about.

As for our own individual identity, this needs to be fixed to a degree, or we will go mad. Can you imagine looking in the mirror and every time seeing a different face or a person of a different sex looking back at you?

Our political parties do not have principles, so principles of Liberalism or Conservatism are only what those who are said to represent these ideologies say they are. Recently, the British have been informed that British Conservatism means gay marriage after it was introduced by an unprincipled Conservative Prime Minister.

As we can see, political systems that are undeniably man-made eg Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Communism. Fascism and Nazism do not last very long before, particularly if they do not support marriage. Moral systems that are said to be divine ie the five world religions which do support marriage have a rather longer shelf-life.

In the West, there are only two possibilities for the gentile: Christianity or Islam, because Judaism is for Jews only.

Christianity has failed because it has been idolatrous for nearly 1800 years. We know it has obviously failed because Christianity and Liberalism are now indistinguishable from each other.

Since you have to believe that Christ is the co-equal of the eternal and supreme Abrahamic God to be Christian, the only people now who say they do would be priests, bishops, archbishops and Popes. If you say you believe this, you are perhaps too credulous. If you only claim to believe it to keep your job, you are undeniably corrupt.

It is not too much of a surprise that the world's most powerful church - the Catholic Church - is now mired in sex scandals of sex offenders in its senior ranks. One lie leads to another and lying corrupts our morals and intellect, leading to a kind of paralysis that stops one from using truth, logic and morality to solve and avoid problems.

Matriarchy is established on a foundation of widespread illegitimacy caused by tolerance of the widespread practice of fornication. Catholic priests who have lost their moral authority in a tsunami of sex scandals will not be in a position to condemn fornication with any moral authority at all.

It has been said the West is a civilisation of Islamophobes. I do not think the Western Man is so much afraid of Islam as of the prospect of having to marry a woman of his own race and fathering and paying for her children. It is this prospect that dismays him more than anything else. He feels no woman can be trusted but, if he insists on chastity and virgin brides, he too must observe those rules against extramarital sex. Clearly, the sacrifices the grandparents and ancestors of the degenerate Westerner made to bring him into being are too great now for him to contemplate making himself. Instead, he looks forward to a future utopia where the working classes are eliminated and when people amuse themselves by having recreational sex with each other and their sexbots.

Yuval Harari is a civilly partnered Israeli whose ideas have been given credence by the former Chief Rabbi Sacks:

If you have at home a teenage son who likes computer games, you can conduct your own experiment. Provide him with a minimum subsidy of Coke and pizza, and then remove all demands for work and all parental supervision. The likely outcome is that he will remain in his room for days, glued to the screen. He won’t do any homework or housework, will skip school, skip meals and even skip showers and sleep. Yet he is unlikely to suffer from boredom or a sense of purposelessness. At least not in the short term.

Hence virtual realities are likely to be key to providing meaning to the useless class of the post-work world. Maybe these virtual realities will be generated inside computers. Maybe they will be generated outside computers, in the shape of new religions and ideologies. Maybe it will be a combination of the two. The possibilities are endless, and nobody knows for sure what kind of deep plays will engage us in 2050.

In any case, the end of work will not necessarily mean the end of meaning, because meaning is generated by imagining rather than by working. Work is essential for meaning only according to some ideologies and lifestyles. Eighteenth-century English country squires, present-day ultra-orthodox Jews, and children in all cultures and eras have found a lot of interest and meaning in life even without working. People in 2050 will probably be able to play deeper games and to construct more complex virtual worlds than in any previous time in history.

The environmentalists are for this on the grounds that the fewer humans there are in the world, the less they will pollute and damage the environment. It is not entirely a coincidence that environmentalism is synonymous with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and parenting.

We can no longer bear our vices nor their cure.

Why we must never lose sight of our principles

My review of Morality in the 21st century presented by Rabbi Sackstury.html

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