
Sunday, 23 September 2018

The true religion of the Islamophobe

Now that UKIP under Gerrard Batten has decided to go for internment camps for Muslims under the guise of Muslim-only prisons, it will only be a matter of time before I am regarded as a true Voice of Reason for the policies I propose!

What is to be done about Muslims?

Obviously, Islamophobes cannot stand the sight of them and apparently the sight of Muslim garb is enough to make the more rabid kind of Islamophobe charge at them with their car with mass murdering intentions outside mosques up and down the country.

What could Muslims do to make Islamophobes hate them less?

The answer is NOTHING.

Islamophobes tend to be atheists whose religion is Islamphobia. A white skin and a visceral hatred, fear and rage against Muslims is what now binds the Islamophobic white gentile in the West.

It cannot be anything nicer or more constructive than Islamophobia because the average Islamophobe also hates Christianity and Judaism.

Before he hated Muslims, the Islamophobic Anglo Saxon gentile would hate Catholics and Jews. Now that he no longer believes in Anglicanism, he is only left with hating Muslims.

Therefore, to tell the Western gentile to give up his Islamophobia is the equivalent of telling him to give up his religion, which he will never willingly do.

Hate is a useful thing. Just as we instantly know and feel that we exist when we ask ourselves if we exist, we instantly feel certainty when we feel hatred and anger. Muslims provoke a visceral hatred and anger, and this hatred and anger is what the Islamophobic gentile focuses on generating to remind himself of who he is. There is nothing else because he no longer believes in God and certainly cannot be persuaded that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God whose existence he has always denied.

Hatred of Muslims now represents the ideological identity of the white Western non-Muslim atheist gentile as well as the hearty loathing of his own government and its corrupt, cowardly and incompetent leaders.

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