
Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Yoram Hazony interviewed on The Virtue of Nationalism

National independence should be the fundamental principle for ordering our world.

Different nations who answer to God should be free to pursue their own national, constitutional and religious traditions.

The European Union is really Germany as an executive class, and Europe itself is just a large American protectorate.

The liberal international order is basically another name for the United States maintaining a security regime.

American taxpayers and American soldiers do the work of protecting Europe and this has infantilised the Europeans.

"What used to be nations that were responsible for themselves for good or evil are now really protectorates of the United States. I don't think that's good for anybody."

"These European countries seem to think that they can open the floodgates to absorb milllions from the Middle East without any kind of negative consequences. Beyond that, there's a feedback loop. It's really bad for America because the Europeans have basically turned into a Utopian Kumbaya kind of lefty view of what politics is like and that gets pumped directly back into the American political system. The Atlantic is not a good barrier. What happens is that American universities end up teaching an awful lot of this New European Thinking and then we end up raising generations of Americans who become increasingly of this worldview as well. I don't see how anyone comes off better off."

He discusses the family unit parents staying in difficult marriages for the sake of their children.

Also discussed:

- Darkest Hour

- tribes, nations, empires

- Jews are the Chosen People, not the Americans. Jews in Israel do not desire empire and diaspora assimilated liberal neocon Jews who don't support marriage and family values should not be confused with observant Jews in Israel who don't want to live under the Western imperium any more or deal with the intellectual sewage that matriarchal America and Europe are pumping out.

- People want the freedom to do things their own way.

- British India

- Italy's anti-EU stance

- Thirty Years War

- Imperial wars are much worse than wars between nations. The Napoleonic wars, WW1 and WW2 were imperial wars.

- Henry Kissinger

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