
Monday, 8 October 2018

Greg Johnson and I talk about sex and his latest book

2:28  When we spoke on 8 October 2018 Greg said Francis Fukuyama's Identity was Number 1 in Political Philosophy, and his was 13

4:00  Z-Man's review of The White Naitonalist Manifesto is at

5:00  Greg Johnson has read Mein Kampf but not as a prelude to writing The White Nationalist Manifesto

6:00  The operation of multi-party political system and a democracy ends up in the preferences of the dominant group not being prioritised

8:30  Ann Coulter

9:00  Narrowing the franchise to taxpayers only

10:00  The impact of female suffrage

11:00  Women, Feminism and War

12:00  Direct Democracy and plebiscites

14:00  The EU referendum 

17:00  The elites favour globalism and deny racial differences

18:00  Snobbery and populism

21:00  The common good and the national interest

22:00  Strengthening the family, discouraging illegitimacy, discouraging single motherhood

24:00  The Sex Revolution and its propagation by Hollywood

25:00  Married people have  more sex, fewer people are married, more people are lonely, there are now fewer children and there are  more children who are badly reared by their single mothers.

27:00  The Sex Revolution has not increased human happiness

28:00  Religious boundaries can beget ethnic boundaries.

29:00  The different ethnicities of the Catholic Irish, the Protestant Irish and the Balkans

30:00  Greg says he is not interested in imposing religious boundaries.

33:00  Self-determination for white people

35:00  Partition in India, breakdown of Yugoslav Federation

36:00  Foreign intervention in the breakup of Yugoslavia

40:00  The dominant group and dominant culture for some reason are not enforcing their own rules

42:00  "White people have been psychologically imposed"

43:00  Jews promoting multiculturalism

43:30  David Goodhart

44:00  Oleanna by David Mamet, first staged in 1992

46:00  SJWs are nothing more than thirsty young men seeking sexual access to entitled leftist middle class female undergraduates and agreeing with anything they say in order to do so.

47:00  Women choose different partners when on the Pill
Women who took the contraceptive pill when starting a relationship may no longer be attracted to their partner when they stop taking it, scientists have said.

50:00  The Seven Year Itch

34 years on, Japan finally prepares to swallow Pill
Despite Japan's best efforts, births hit new low

52:00  Labour shortages in the West makes immigrant labour irresistibly attractive

53:00  Public education

55:00  Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari's ideas are mentioned.

The meaning of life in a world without work

AI will create 'useless class' of human, predicts bestselling historian

57:00  The Theory of Social Credit

1:00:00  A nation of lotus eaters would be degenerate and invaded, as the West is now.

1:02:00  Religion would be needed to form our characters.

1:04:00  Having philosophical discussions with strangers on the net would be a rather good and Greek way of spending our time

1:05:00  Giving the pill to non-whites females living in the West and withholding it from white females would instantly address the White Man's fear of being outbred by non-whites in his own land.

1:09:00  Criminalise fornicaton to concentrate the mind of the female so she chooses the father of her legitimate children with more care.  Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic.

1:12:00  The narrative of sexual liberation

1:15:00  Incels and the losers in the global sexual market.  Asian men and black women do worst in the global sexual market.  Greg fears the resentment of Asian men.

1:18:00  Greg believes in monogamy.

1:19:00  Religion rears its ugly head again.

1:20:00  If British men were Christian fathers of legitimate children in control of their families, they wouldn't be putting up with the EU for a minute

1:22:00  Cat ladies whose thwarted maternal instincts turn refugees and animals into their babies.

1:23:00  The lionesses of a harem are in a win-win situation whichever lion wins the fight to gain exclusive access to the harem.

1:24:00  The Shit Test and hypergamy

1:25:00  Hypergamy means females will predictably and instinctively take up with the victor and conqueror of their nation.

1:27:00  Stormy Daniels, Judge Kavanaugh

1:28:00  Democracy about to be abandoned in America? The vengeful and hateful left have destroyed American democracy.

1:30:00  The US could become a one-party state without even having to change its constitution

1:35:00  Restoring the patriarchy

1:36:00  Having the political will to change the consciousness

1:36:00  Immigration Acts of 1924 and 1965

1:37:00 There were conflicts even with white Christian immigrants

1:41:00  America returning to the ethnic status of quo of 1965 by 2065

1:42:00  America was at its economic and cultural peak in 1965

1:44:00  Greg proposes that the Native American would no longer be a US citizen but citizens of their own tribes on their own autonomous reservations just as in 1868.  Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

1:47:00  Wakanda - why not?

1:47:30  Would Chinatowns exist in the American ethnostate?

1:49:00  The Rohingya whom nobody wants

1:49:30  Immigration to China, legal and illegal

1:55:00  The trouble with Jews, according to Greg Johnson

1:55:30  The Armenians seem the model minority

1:56:00  Jews fret about their identity and use antisemitism to increase group solidarity

1:59:00  "What is the nature of white identity?" That would be the subject of our next stream!

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