
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

My comments and questions on the J F Gariepy interview of E Michael Jones

When will E Michael Jones admit that Christianity is a stupid religion compared to Judaism and Islam?

22:00 Islam would ban usury, the source of Jewish power. Surely it is the liberal gentile who is responsible for the liberal Jew?

Does JFG ever ask E Michael Jones what he means by logos? Since when did "logos" mean "Catholicism"?!

31:00  Feminism is a Jewish creation, E Michael Jones says. That is like blaming Jews for fornication.

Notorious Pepe
Claire Khaw Wow, so you are very ignorant on the feminist movement? Guess you didn’t know that feminism was led and pushed disproportionately by Jewish academics.

Claire Khaw
@Notorious Pepe It was Liberal Gentiles who created Liberal Jews. It was Gentiles who corrupted Jewish morals! Oy vey!

Claire Khaw
@Notorious Pepe Are the Mafia gangsters because they are Catholic?

@Notorious Pepe Are the IRA terrorists because they are Catholic?

G. S.
@Claire Khaw = Jew

You are so low iq I can hardly hold back my laughter. The reason I am able to is that I pity you.

Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan....yep, Jews created it.

J Pal
@G. S. she's an asian troll, don't give her attention

Claire Khaw
@Sixte Patriarchy is coastal defences, Matriarchy is the eternal sea. Feminism is satanic. You might as well blame Jews for the Yetzer Hara or Alzheimer's disease on Dr Alzheimer.

Claire Khaw
@G. S. I find it enormously flattering when antisemites accuse me of being Jewish. They know I am too clever for them! MWAHAHA!

35:00  The West is more likely to convert to Islam than ever return to Catholicism again.

Have you considered inviting me on your show to discuss Secular Koranism?  I have already discussed this with E Michael Jones, who said he would convert to Islam at if he thought Islam provided the solution.

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